Joined: 25 Sep 2006 Location: Teamblackistan Posts: Over 9000
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:35 pm Post subject:
actually, a long melee weapon would really be the best zombie weapon, like a spear or a halberd or something.
Maybe even a heavy mace, that'll sure destroy their brains
It would depend on how many zombies there were, and how fast they were coming. If they were too fast and too many, I'd switch back to the shotgun _________________ The Fall of Hammerfest - Epic Tiberian chain story
Tiberian Odyssey mapping department. Discord The Team Black Index QUICK_EDIT
So what if the infection travels by water supply? Then you;d be screwed no matter you are, unless you're immune, and even still you'd have to fight.
A braindead being can probably only find food for itself for so long. How long is it until the average person starves to death? A month. So I'd say if you could make it 2 months, you'd be safe. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 30 Dec 2006 Location: Hidden In Tiberium Field
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:50 pm Post subject:
DaFool wrote:
I'd go with the chainsaw or BFG.
So what if the infection travels by water supply? Then you;d be screwed no matter you are, unless you're immune, and even still you'd have to fight.
A braindead being can probably only find food for itself for so long. How long is it until the average person starves to death? A month. So I'd say if you could make it 2 months, you'd be safe.
lol Dafool was infected because he didn't know theres a thing called a fillter.
+ if you boil the water in extreme temps,
it should be safe to drink, maybe even make you immune. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 03 Nov 2007 Location: laptop? ... otherwise the Czech Republic -> south Moravia Posts: long int Posts;
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:00 pm Post subject:
Flamer tank running on nuclear energy anyone?
Big as a case, but running for 12000 kms without needing of any fuel...
it's known, USSR had only 2 tanks with this kind of fuel, they stopped the project because of danger of contamination from hit/damaged reactors...
But have you think some people should be immune (not me)? Especially those who lives surrounded by heavy dirt...
Or what about dialling the gate and run through before zombies get you... (imagination of col. Mitchel in SG-1 )
But what should be even worse than zombie people?
+ if you boil the water in extreme temps
Better to do this in Pappin's pot (some bacterias can resist even 150°C).
Also, how strong are the smallest viruses (just protein fibre) called Prions? _________________
Don't blame the others if you haven't checked your own (in)ability in the first case. QUICK_EDIT
if it takes a month for the infedtion to actually have an efefct, then you can be unknowingling infected. Do you boil all of the water you drink now? _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 30 Dec 2006 Location: Hidden In Tiberium Field
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:09 pm Post subject:
partyzanPaulZy wrote:
Flamer tank running on nuclear energy anyone?
Big as a case, but running for 12000 kms without needing of any fuel...
it's known, USSR had only 2 tanks with this kind of fuel, they stopped the project because of danger of contamination from hit/damaged reactors...
But have you think some people should be immune (not me)? Especially those who lives surrounded by heavy dirt...
Or what about dialling the gate and run through before zombies get you... (imagination of col. Mitchel in SG-1 )
But what should be even worse than zombie people?
+ if you boil the water in extreme temps
Better to do this in Pappin's pot (some bacterias can resist even 150°C).
Also, how strong are the smallest viruses (just protein fibre) called Prions?
You place them under extreme radation and pressure XD,
a broken virus will do , or you could have a mega Immune system, that works too.
Animals would ether be the first form of spreading the infection,
or they would be Immune to human virus, unless it is rabies driven.
In this case you would be wary about animals, as their bites/scratches/spit could drive the Infection into you. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 30 Dec 2006 Location: Hidden In Tiberium Field
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:16 pm Post subject:
DaFool wrote:
if it takes a month for the infedtion to actually have an efefct, then you can be unknowingling infected. Do you boil all of the water you drink now?
nope, because it really depends on the type of virus which causes the symptoms, Rabies is pretty much a End all virus, as the virus only shows effects once inside the brain. I seen articles to cure rabies but its limited to chance, placing yourself under a coma(slows brain function, gives time for Immune system to work before most the brain is damaged) would be considered far to dangerous in a time of zombie Apoc.
Seeing how infected areas would be prime targeting areas for nukes,
navy yards and air fields would be brought down to stop spread of the virus, and possibly even Main Land Bridges. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
XM26 LSS, 7 round semi-auto shotgun for attatching on te same mount as the M203, originally designed to let soldiers blow doors off.
Stuff I'd want:
Franchi SPAS 12 with 50/50 buck and slug shots
(Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun):
A shotty without annoying pump action.
FN FAL (Or preferrably L1A1 SLR) with hollow-points:
7.62x45mm NATO rounds, heavy enough to kill a person one shot, should take a head off easily, and semi auto, not full or single-action. If you miss you can fire again quicker.
Glock 17 (or SiG Saeur) hollow points again:
9mm semi-auto.
Some frags:
good for cutting through crowds, you could even put one under a lump of meat with the pin out, when undead try to eatit they knock the frag free and *BOOM* odds slightly evened.
Bayonet for FAL/SLR:
Not only a knife, but with a reaching pole/club attatched and a makeshift spear with handles. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 24 Oct 2008 Location: Wars World!!! Posts: -99999999
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:08 am Post subject:
Destiny wrote:
HUD: Javier has alerted the Horde!
Houston: T-10 seconds. T-9. T-8.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! _________________ Awesome banner made by m-.. I mean AltomareXD!
MY MOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!11!!1!!1111!!!11!!!1 QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 24 Oct 2008 Location: Wars World!!! Posts: -99999999
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:58 am Post subject:
This makes me wanna play EVA's Zombie Mod again. _________________ Awesome banner made by m-.. I mean AltomareXD!
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Well, I guess if I'm in Japan, having a katana/naginata/odachi would be ideal...if I can steal one before the ZA occurs. Maybe I'll become a Protoss Dragoon. Or get into a King Oni. Or go to Germany and hide behind those Prism Tanks. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
*bursts into compound in armoured vehicle runing over a dozen zombies*
*opens fire on a crowd anniahlating them, and javer's legs*
oops... sorry
*fires a burst at the slowly rising rocket, causing the boosters to cut out*
*retreats inside hatch and begins to drive FAST in the other direction, having stuck liten on the back with some form of sticky tape and given him a gun* _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
*looks at missile stuck in ground in distance*
I wonder why it didn't go off...
*fuse is stuck in one of javier's legs* _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
*hooray, I'm saved from the consequences of this "accident"! *
okay, javier, now listen and listen well. Move about as much as you can, attract as much zombies as possible.
Then, when they are all about finish you, move that switch near you. It is a safety shield.
Seriously though, I've got another help to survive zombies:
-if you have a pet, kill it or watch it very carefully.
Animals may not show the signs of the virus as clear, and it only takes a couple of minutes and they might slip outside one day and transfer it, giving you no clue whatsoever of the cause.
Most cases its useless so bring out the shotgu...-eeerr thats ammo waste. Use knife.
But if its useful, like some guard dog, then go ahead keep it, but never let it out of your sight.
Never, under any circumstances, let any creature that you don't know where it has been, near you in a zombie infestation time. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 24 Oct 2008 Location: Wars World!!! Posts: -99999999
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:34 am Post subject:
lol you people seriously want me to die don't you? Well I have my own Chronosphere. Going back into time and stop this madness. _________________ Awesome banner made by m-.. I mean AltomareXD!
MY MOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!11!!1!!1111!!!11!!!1 QUICK_EDIT
It will be the apocalypse when Chuck Norris gets infected. Round-housing the survivors then chopping of their heads. All with a dead-pan grunt. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 24 Oct 2008 Location: Wars World!!! Posts: -99999999
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:23 pm Post subject:
lol you can't do that. I can sabotage your time macheen with my Spy! I hope my Spy won't get infected by the zombies!!! _________________ Awesome banner made by m-.. I mean AltomareXD!
MY MOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!11!!1!!1111!!!11!!!1 QUICK_EDIT
I don't think this is that fan fiction forum... Anyway the worst case scenario is airborne infection. As in all a zombie has to do is cough and your screwed.If anything this would cause the biggest outbreak. Heres how it would go down in a worst case:
-Virus escapes, someone gets infected
-Infected gets flu-like symptoms and walks around coughing(and even just breathing), infecting everyone
-Symptoms get worse, people start acting like zombies
-Zombie apocalypse...
I might do something later around this because I'm bored. _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Sep 2006 Location: Teamblackistan Posts: Over 9000
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:53 pm Post subject:
The critical factor is how long would it take for the problem to be identified.
As soon as the problem is discovered, it would be possible to react and save much of the remaining population.
Big cities though, they'd pretty much be toast. _________________ The Fall of Hammerfest - Epic Tiberian chain story
Tiberian Odyssey mapping department. Discord The Team Black Index QUICK_EDIT
get yourself a handgun with a lot of ammo, maybe an UZI, or a TMP.... maybe an XM1014 assault shotgun (and a beanbag shotgun to shoot at that hobo that keeps screaming the end is near) get to a deserted building, barricade all doors, climb to the attic with lotso food and boiled water, and chill till the apocalypse is over. _________________
*pulls out his uzi and sets it to burst*
*it explodes*
*opens his refrigerator*
*presses a button behind the 8 year old meatloaf*
*the rerigerator takes off toward the ISS*
If you want to be truly efficient with ammo, you use a shotgun and a high caliber handgun with hollow tip rounds.
For a shotgun I would use a Benelli M4 Super 90. Its a semi-auto so its less exhausting to shoot. It fires 12 gauge rounds for excellent stopping power. And it has easy to replace parts. The only downside to it is it holds 8 rounds at a time(or less depending on how its made).
For a handgun I would go with a Jericho 941 because of its size and light weight. Also can hold .40 to .45 ammunition. _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
*nekros fridge reaches the ISS*
*realizes he forgot his laptop, which had AVP2 and TS on it*
*slowly pulls out his pistol and puts it to his head as a nuke explodes where his house used to be* QUICK_EDIT
Jeez, almost half of the people here think it will happen?
And even IF it would happen, it's not a game where you find guns in every house.
Although in the USA, there are a lot more people who have guns... QUICK_EDIT
*he wraps his finger around the trigger as the cloud disappears*
*realizes he has a macbook air with AVP2 on a flash drive and tiberian sun on a USB hard drive*
*sets down the gun*
*pulls out the laptop*
*shoots himself in the head* QUICK_EDIT
Just go down south in the USA. Find some rednecks. they have probably every weapon available. _________________
Retired YR Player
Steam Account : MAS93
Xfire: msbiohazard QUICK_EDIT
Well I DO have a Jericho 941 so thats one thing to cross off my list. _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
I'm ok, not too much population and I can leg it to AWE aldermaston where the guards have MP5s, sure they're the police version which doesn't do full auto (I think, they might get good ones because of the nuclear warhead maintenance-ness) but 30 9mm hollow-points? Who NEEDS full-auto? especially wth the longer barrel for better accuracy Then I can go to RAF Odiham and nick an assault rifle (L85A2 with 5.56mm Nato rounds and 450m range, semi-auto setting and 4x optical scope) and crash a chinook into something and die/get a jeep and hide in scotland where there were no people before the outbreak anyways _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 24 Oct 2008 Location: Wars World!!! Posts: -99999999
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:33 pm Post subject:
I'll arm myself with an AK-47. Whoever gets near me will get blasted! _________________ Awesome banner made by m-.. I mean AltomareXD!
MY MOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!11!!1!!1111!!!11!!!1 QUICK_EDIT
L85A2 with 5.56mm Nato rounds and 450m range, semi-auto setting and 4x optical scope
Wow thats specific. But I do not see a point why you would need a weapon with all this stuff. Pretty much every weapon will suffice. Of course unless you wanna look badass while killing some zombies. _________________
Retired YR Player
Steam Account : MAS93
Xfire: msbiohazard QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:29 am Post subject:
You guys do understand that in a zombie-apocalypse situation, that well over 75% of you would not even be in a position of readiness when it hits? There won't be some convenient countdown that will tell you it's here. You say you'll run down to X location and grab Y weapon with ammunition to spare, get on Z vehicle and get to the most uber hideout in the world, without a hitch.
You'll wake up, find your dad or somebody from next door moaning at your door. Or, even better, you'll wake up to the warm, stinking breath of some zombie who just stumbled into your room. GG no re.
Even if you survive-
Chances are that X location was looted by 200 other people before you, that there may be just ONE of Y weapon still there and likely no ammo left. Z vehicle would get stuck in traffic, and that uber hideout? Probably already has a bunch of crazed survivors already there.
Going to America, think the gun-nuts of the South will protect you? These "rednecks" will already have their houses, towns barricaded for the most part (if they are still alive), and will likely be shooting anybody that comes to close to said barricades. They are going to put the needs of their family and friends way over those of outsiders, especially foreigners.
And that is assuming the US Airforce does not shoot your plane down, as the borders would be closed, and that there are not infected people on the plane. (not everybody is going to be brainlessly selfless, they'll hide their bite marks)
Imaginably, nothing would be worse than being stuck on a plane with zombies. People won't have the wit to simply to push them off the plane. (that would also be extremely high risk)
And all of that is assuming you can get to an airfield to get on a bloody plane. Think of the 9001 factors you'd have to somehow bypass to get there. Traffic, firefights, rioters, zeds, fleeing survivors, fire, military, just a few examples.
So with that rant done, I'll outline my way to survive, should evac be impossible.
>Fortify my position. In that case, my dorm room. Placing the beds against the windows upon hearing word of the infection being in the immediate area. The doors to the bathroom and hall can be locked.
Rationing meals to 1 or 2 per day, I have enough ramen noodles, canned soup and assorted foods to last a month.
Provided the power, internet and water stays on, I would probably communicate with my family (if they were still alive) and hold out for the military to arrive.
(Selfridge Air National Guard base is not too far north)
Obviously being Jesus, I somehow manage to avoid the shitstorms engulfing the highways, cities, towns (just about everywhere), get to a gun shop, get an M4 with A LOT OF AMMO (because there will still be one JUST for me!). Then I would hook up with the military, pimpin around in an Abrams Tank with infinite fuel and blow zombies away with the machine gun (obviously they would let a civvy do that), and using my katana to kill 25 zombies in a single slice when the machine gun doesn't work.
Lastly, I would feel bad for Europe in the event of a zombie-apocalypse. You guys have to depend on the military and police to stop the zeds for the most part.
Tell me, in what zombie fiction does the military, let alone the police accomplish ANYTHING against the zeds in the initial outbreaks? The US Military is mostly overseas right now. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
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