Thanks, everybody. Tech C wasn't my favorite too. Weird and simple design making it look like if it was added in rush right before shipping. Glad you liked my improvements on it.
An Upgrade Center.(WIP)
205.66 KB
34042 Time(s)
_________________ Gangster is a Project Perfect Wuj (c)Aro QUICK_EDIT
That too looks good, though I always preferred having the Comm. Center with upgrades instead of an additional building a as superweapon hub. Plus the giant radar dish on top the Comm. Center should explain how they keep in contact with the Ion Cannon. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Either way it does look great IMO, especially for a WIP.
I did think the plugs on the Radar was a cool idea, it was interesting to reuse an existing building for highier tier stuff however it was also cool to force a choice like with the Upgrade Center. In 'lore' the Radar could relay the information to the satelites I suppose (and in theory be an AuxBuilding for the superweapons, if that was balanced). QUICK_EDIT
There will be version of Communication tower with hubs (Dropship bay as well) for custom game modes. _________________ Gangster is a Project Perfect Wuj (c)Aro QUICK_EDIT
There are copy/paste buildings people have made and posted here at PPM, which are more impressive than WW's upgrade centre.
Much prefer upgradable radar.
Considering, I am alredy have Landing and Repair pads (tho they have to be retextured)...
And creating Strategic communication tower and Dropship bay wont take much time to create...
And considering that upgrages are not real structures...
And storage silos have no use for now...
And GDI versions of Refinary and EMP Cannon are using Nod designs for now...
...RW's GDI building tech tree now feels completed with this. Somehow.
FS Generator (WIP)
219.52 KB
33829 Time(s)
_________________ Gangster is a Project Perfect Wuj (c)Aro QUICK_EDIT
Ok, so i made some of the buildups.
Can't do the Firestorm generator and Hand of Nod tho, both need to set up bones to be able to remake WW's anim, after i made a few changes the radar crashes max, the conyard is crappy and unfinished
Oh and sorry for hijacking the thread
Yeh,i noticed that right after i posted the gif's sorry, i made some screw ups in the timeline and i guess i accidentally deleted the objects themselfs
Just found the merge option so its a quick fix.
Fixed, attachment updated. _________________ Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Tiberian Sun ,Red Alert 2,Renegade, Command & Conquer 3,Tiberium and Tiberium Wars and Westwood related image & video archive
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Don't forget to state who are you otherwise i'll ignore the invite QUICK_EDIT
really like that you keep the upgrade center instead of merging it with the radar. _________________ Free Tibed!
EA for worst company of the decade! QUICK_EDIT
really like that you keep the upgrade center instead of merging it with the radar.
I'd tend to agree here. While the upgrade center is kind of redundant in purpose, the Radar always seemed a little too low in the tech tree to tack on the superweapons, not to mention it seems to me more odd to have two radars then to have two upgrade centers. Although if I were up to deciding things, I'd probably just tack on the upgrades to the tech center where they aren't too low in the tech tree but aren't on some stupid redundant structure.
Gangster, your work here is beyond words; awesome will have to do but that's just an oversimplification. QUICK_EDIT
I agree too. The goals is to recreate TS on YR engine so I'd say stick with the Upgrade Center.
You can always use the Radar 'Upgrade' Tower as a campaign only asset. Campaign only assets are always awesome IMO.
As far as campaign assets and additional assets go, I have a few to suggest:
Forgotten structures
Forgotten vehicles
CABAL structures (Replacement for Temple of Nod and Hand of Nod perhaps? Perhaps more structures. Could be a third faction.)
Humvee replacement for GDI (seen in some cinematics)
Some drones to replace Nod units for CABAL (Buggy, bike, etc.)
And Nod and GDI should respectively have different ConYards, Silos and Refineries. GDI's Refinery could resemble TO's, while Nod's Conyard would resemble C&C3's Nod Conyard. GDI's Conyard could use less team color and more of that gold texture.
Limpet Mines, the cyborgs, juggernauts, mobile war factories and what not still don't have complete graphics. QUICK_EDIT
i agree with Conyard bun instant of made completely new design of choosen faction i suggest just give it different color of texture is enough since the mod support to be enhance of old TS not free form mod like Reign of Steel... QUICK_EDIT
Btw, if you are going to imitate WW's build-ups, all but the last frames should have gray instead of remap.
Actually, Nod buildings have full-colored and remaped buildups, unlike GDI ones. And I have chosen to keep everything colored.
Radar always seemed a little too low in the tech tree to tack on the superweapons
Right. Also, once destructed you losse SW, Radar, Tech tree. IMO this is too much.
And Nod and GDI should respectively have different ConYards, Silos and Refineries. GDI's Refinery could resemble TO's, while Nod's Conyard would resemble C&C3's Nod Conyard. GDI's Conyard could use less team color and more of that gold texture.
I won't promisse any new non canon stuff just yet. I might just retexture same structures for both sides, add few minor difference to details, and that's it. However, we do have some difference, already, large GDI landing pad and Nod repair pad.
As for Firestorm stuff.. I hope Ares team would do something with it, eventualy, but to day there is no point in all this grafics. I better concentrate on enviroment and terrain.
Thank you every one!
however this is topic about WIPs, so... a WIP
179.41 KB
32684 Time(s)
_________________ Gangster is a Project Perfect Wuj (c)Aro QUICK_EDIT
Nice work on the Nod radar, it is the first time that I can recall seeing a version that I have liked (obviously including the Westwood versions).
However I must say that I have still never seen a version of the Nod tech centre that is not completely underwhelming, but since yours is a work in progress I will wait to see what you will come up with (you did it for GDI tech centre, so I know it's possible!). _________________ QUICK_EDIT
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