Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:32 pm Post subject:
Tiberian Odyssey News.
Subject description: Recent news and changes.
Hey, welcome to the news thread. This thread will contain specific announcements regarding TO, whether it be new media, information regarding the mod or miscellaneous details in general. This thread will make it easier for you to check development and find out what is going on in TO.
Firstly, I left leading Tiberian Odyssey in June 2006, this was because I had to move from my home country, England to start a new life in Australia, everything has gone very smoothly and very well and I would say the transitions both physically and mentally are now over. Now however, I have returned back to this mod as the Project Leader, July 2008, which is a great deal of time since I left, the management of Tiberian Odyssey has been fully handed over to myself and I will of course, be doing my best to make sure this mod is developed smoothly and properly and that you will actually have a product to finally play.
Hopefully you would have noticed there has been a large scale forum rearrangement and many new threads and sub forums have popped up and I hope the new layout will make accessing specific areas of Tiberian Odyssey easier. More importantly I have also been uploading a great deal of new media for you all to look at, I feel it has been more than too long for the community to not see threads which show ingame units as well as voxel viewer shots and I have been continuously updating these forums and I will continue to do so.
Lastly I would like to say I am very happy to be back working on Tiberian Odyssey again and I will be doing my very best on this project.
- Morpher out. _________________ Last edited by Morpher on Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
This is not exactly news, but more of a request and letting you know of our mods current situation. Whilst I'm working hard away on TO 4.0 the series I'm hoping to be a public demo version or potential release version, it can't escape anyone on the staff that the team is made up of basically mappers. Whilst a lot of people think TO has Gangster, Holy Master, Area52 and etc, the truth is we don't, TO has no voxelers, no shpers, no audio staff and no active 3d modelers and unfortunately that situation makes motivation very hard to find for the entire team, hence why I'm posting.
TO is in need of the following:
Voxel artists.
Shp artists (preferably infantry and explosions).
Audio artists.
3d modelers (building artists).
If you feel you would like to help TO and have any of the skills above you feel would be useful to TO, then please let us know and show us some examples of your work .
Joined: 16 Dec 2007 Location: Modding other games.
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:20 am Post subject:
You're kidding me are you? 0.o I thought this mod progress was up running in full speed I haven't mod TS in a long time however, I'll be able make a voxel or two as long as there are concept for me to work from.
My voxelling work goes quicker if the concept is in blueprint layout i.e: top, right, front, and perspective view.
also, I didn't know you were FlashGerbil I thought you were some random person..which is in my block list _________________
Everybody knows a mod that doesn't update every ten seconds is dead.
TheRatsInTheWalls - Audio input would be brilliant, sound effects such as explosions, aircraft taking off and landing and etc are whats needed, if you have any work you could pass on to me that would be great thanks .
Gamingroach - Unfortunately I'm not kidding, however I've seen a lot of your voxel work and it's really great quality, voxels we need doing would be simply finishing off the unit list, we can provide concepts and artwork for you courtesy of our awesome artist AudioPulse . _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:47 am Post subject:
I am awesome?
Ah, nonetheless - I think my work is solid but not awesome in comparison to people who actually had some practice. BUT I think I can supply you, Gamingroach.
Morpher showed me a Jet you made - actually - nice work! _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Whilst there is little activity in the forums there is a lot of activity on the mod and the latest build 4.0, which like I said, I am hoping will be a good base for a public demo (fingers crossed). Unfortunately staff input has not been brilliantly high recently, as we are all busy and occupied with life but rest assured the mod is actually getting done and is shaping up quite nicely.
Currently I am going through updating the forums with additional information from the Tiberian Odyssey Universe Document (yeah we actually have one), it's nothing much, just more explanation and insight into the TO universe for those who are interested. At the moment, the Argonaut, Ares, Hover MLRS and Disruptor thread have updated information, nothing special, just for those who like to read.
Some good news is however, I think I fixed my computer which I was having trouble with and posted regarding it in the Offtopic section, thanks to everyone who posted but I think it was Hyper who nailed the problem when he mentioned thermal gel. This now means I can play test TO much much faster and ultimately work on it without distractions like my machine turning off. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
For those who are interested I recently finished and staff released the latest version of Tiberian Odyssey, which is 4.0. As I mentioned I'm hoping the 4. series will be the public release. Once the staff have given me appropriate feedback I'll be able to continue the work, however I must say the change log between 3.9 to the new 4.0 is very large and exhaustive, I am trying my best to make sure this version will be fit for public to play.
Unfortunately whilst coding and progress in that aspect is positive we are still in a very low output and progression when it comes to Infantry, voxels and buildings. I can say that production in that area has basically ground to none at all, we either have WIP or unfinished work, or no work at all, and some of this media is critical to the success of a public release. However, I have posted many times, new staff and people willing to help TO are appreciated and welcomed. . _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Feb 2005 Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:08 pm Post subject:
Just an FYI, my US Military training has all but halted my productivity, however, when I return home on leave, and then report to my duty station, I can then return to work on Odyssey. I'll have plenty of time while on leave, and enough to cope with when i report to my duty station.
As always, I'm doing what I can to support my teammates. _________________ "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young QUICK_EDIT
To everybody's amazement I have done some serious forum updating, on existing topics and added a few new things for you to look at, mainly I have focused on infantry. If you want a read and to a see a few pics check out the Brotherhood infantry topic or if you fancy seeing what G.D.I. has on offer than scout over there (I have to admit the G.D.I. infantry pics weren't that good better than nothing). I also uploaded a few logos, and one, perhaps more mysterious logo for you all to look at .
In other news I am doing a lot of work on TO, as I have said multiple times I am wanting this to be the public version. 4.1 is the build I am working on now, and I have applied thousands of fixes and changes since the 4.0 series. Unfortunately graphics wise things are still lacking, TO is still in need of a voxeler and additional help would be appreciated.
I'm also very happy to say that now in the 4.1 build, TO is proud to have a total of 10 unique and built from scratch sound tracks, work on the OST is relatively slow, but none the less it's moving, so definitely expect updates soon! _________________ QUICK_EDIT
If you wonder over to the Nod Structures area you'll find some cool new renders of the Tiberium Silo and Power Plant, as well as few extra cameos displayed in the existing threads. Also the new and revamped TO menu has been uploaded. This has changed text from Tiberium Odyssey to Tiberian Odyssey, as well as a new loading screen and Skirmish / Ingame Menu background.
And of course very importantly, we have uploaded a collection of sound tracks for you to listen to. Some of these you may have heard before, however there are some brand new ones for you to listen to! .
Also, the work being done on TO 4.1 recently has been very good. Many big fixes and graphical updates have been implemented and a public release is well on the way. Expect updates very soon!
EDIT A large amount of topics in the G.D.I. and Nod section have had additional graphics (mainly cameos) added to them recently. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
We already have a lot of graphics done, but we still need quite a few buildings, especially the higher tech stuff such as the Nod radar, temple of Nod, tech center and missile silo... QUICK_EDIT
True but if you release a build with all of GDIs buildings and half of Nods done, when Nod is finished it wont be as amazing. Personally its better to wait and get a full package than get bits dribbled through... and hey its been going long enough, a while longer wont harm anyone. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:49 pm Post subject:
Id prefer it to release TO "bit-wise". So that the first public version contains only low-level-buildings and basic infantry and one or two maps to test the game itself. Just like the first TD-mission where you had nothing else than a pimple-powerplant and a shabby barracks next to your Conyard.
Following Public-releases could contain more Units, Buildings or other Tech as well as new maps.
That way you wouldnt have to wait another six months to get a look ingame and yet wouldnt suffer because of missing or unfinished new content _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Morpher and I went over the idea of a demo about 12/9 months ago, but we didn't think it was a good idea after all...
Right now things are (for a change ) going rather smooth, although we still need help of course. TO is coming along slowly, 3D models and voxels are the biggest problems right now... SP mapping is not a big problem, but I don't think we will be releasing the campaign in the first version.
We will be cutting up the release, yes, but the general idea is to release the sides, fully coded and with 95% of the graphics. QUICK_EDIT
Id prefer it to release TO "bit-wise". So that the first public version contains only low-level-buildings and basic infantry and one or two maps to test the game itself. Just like the first TD-mission where you had nothing else than a pimple-powerplant and a shabby barracks next to your Conyard.
Following Public-releases could contain more Units, Buildings or other Tech as well as new maps.
Id prefer it to release TO "bit-wise". So that the first public version contains only low-level-buildings and basic infantry and one or two maps to test the game itself. Just like the first TD-mission where you had nothing else than a pimple-powerplant and a shabby barracks next to your Conyard.
Following Public-releases could contain more Units, Buildings or other Tech as well as new maps.
Joined: 22 Dec 2004 Location: Tiberium Research Center N27
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:00 am Post subject:
Tartan Bunny wrote:
Iron Cathedral wrote:
Audiopulse wrote:
Id prefer it to release TO "bit-wise". So that the first public version contains only low-level-buildings and basic infantry and one or two maps to test the game itself. Just like the first TD-mission where you had nothing else than a pimple-powerplant and a shabby barracks next to your Conyard.
Following Public-releases could contain more Units, Buildings or other Tech as well as new maps.
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:24 pm Post subject:
gufu wrote:
Tartan Bunny wrote:
Iron Cathedral wrote:
Audiopulse wrote:
Id prefer it to release TO "bit-wise". So that the first public version contains only low-level-buildings and basic infantry and one or two maps to test the game itself. Just like the first TD-mission where you had nothing else than a pimple-powerplant and a shabby barracks next to your Conyard.
Following Public-releases could contain more Units, Buildings or other Tech as well as new maps.
Excelent idea IMO.
In other words a demo.
Nope. Episodic.
Well - episodic demos so-to-say. yes. Just that the Demo isnt there to lure customers, but represents the current public state of the game... :> _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:24 pm Post subject:
Well, maybe, but morpher and titan dont like that idea, so - obsolete thougts... _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Id prefer it to release TO "bit-wise". So that the first public version contains only low-level-buildings and basic infantry and one or two maps to test the game itself. Just like the first TD-mission where you had nothing else than a pimple-powerplant and a shabby barracks next to your Conyard.
And just like the first TD-mission you will play it only once or twice before it becomes boring since you only have the most basic units. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:15 pm Post subject:
Stygs wrote:
Audiopulse wrote:
Id prefer it to release TO "bit-wise". So that the first public version contains only low-level-buildings and basic infantry and one or two maps to test the game itself. Just like the first TD-mission where you had nothing else than a pimple-powerplant and a shabby barracks next to your Conyard.
And just like the first TD-mission you will play it only once or twice before it becomes boring since you only have the most basic units.
Ah, right - so - instead we`ll release ... nothing! Aaaah, much better, eh? _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Location: North America Posts: You cannot comprehend...
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:07 pm Post subject:
By golly, he's got it; hes captured it and strangled it and wrung it dry, then nailed it down on the floor. Props all 'round. _________________ Destroy to create. All for the hunt to dominate!
One big release would have everything this mod deserves:
Novelty - New and Improved TS, doesn't everyone want it?
Scale - Sitting back and playing a finished mod is always more rewarding than play four buildings and light infantry.
Happy PPM - You'd be finished, you would only have to sew up minor bugs and take the pat on the back for all your work.
More chance of finishing - Dusk is a good case to make for this, I wish that Judea would go back to work on it, but three beta releases seems to be all we get.
Please, I beg that you finish before releasing TO.
EDIT: Three releases, yeah - next time I'll check my facts. Last edited by Orac on Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:05 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:33 pm Post subject:
Orac wrote:
One big release would have everything this mod deserves:
Novelty - New and Improved TS, doesn't everyone want it?
Scale - Sitting back and playing a finished mod is always more rewarding than play four buildings and light infantry.
Happy PPM - You'd be finished, you would only have to sew up minor bugs and take the pat on the back for all your work.
More chance of finishing - Dusk is a good case to make for this, I wish that Judea would go back to work on it, but one beta release seems to be all we get.
Please, I beg that you finish before releasing TO.
Good arguing, im persuaded... _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Sep 2006 Location: Teamblackistan Posts: Over 9000
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:01 am Post subject:
we're seeing excellent models by Roboboppapop, and Orac and Sane are hammering away the voxels.
Morpher's poking Luke on the BuildConst tag, and I'm researching the "maybe" variable and its significance to air transports. _________________ The Fall of Hammerfest - Epic Tiberian chain story
Tiberian Odyssey mapping department. Discord The Team Black Index QUICK_EDIT
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