Latest updates:
I have almost finished the official font for this mod. Latest screenshot from that font can be found here.
Here's two torpeedos which are used by X-Com sub-marines, torpeedo launchers and Coelacanths: Ajax and Duphead

I think that everyone's been waiting for some infantry and here's the first one... and it still missing rest of it's head and hands: Aquatoid

I've also started to make terrain and terrain objects which will soon to be converted into the game:

And here's the last picture of the blog; sunken Ford Escort! It might be used as a junk ore or something like that...

Soon to be happen:
I had an inspiration and I'll use new kind of concept for X-Com buildings, so wait for new kind of buildings for X-Com (also old ones will be remade). I'll try to finish Aquatoid and start modeling X-Com infantry. Make more terrain. Re-detail sea animals and maybe I'll start modeling more sea animals. Also other stuff...
PS. I was about to upload sample of a music track, but uploading system gave upload errors... contact me if you want to listen to it...
PPS. Bump this topic and give ideas, please. I have lots of ideas, but sometimes I'm lacking them, so you can be really helpful if you do.