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Tiberian Spore Game.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:58 pm    Post subject:  Tiberian Spore Game. Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I remember playing some obscure TS game, composing of the playing as Hover MRLS killing mammoths I believe, which you can upgrade etc.Well I was recently looking at all the spore-inspired games and well the thought of creating a spore-like game for C&C had crossed my mind since I found about spore.

The initial concept I am pitching and hoping to develop. Since I am only familiar with flash so I will use that to build it but it could change entirely or not even come to fruition.

So far the game Pits the player as a lowly baby visceroid meandering around a "yellow zone" and attempting to survive and hopefully mutate it into a more formidable lifeforms, answering a greater call within to migrate into harsher "Red Zone" territory, to which the answer of your beckoning is revealed. The perspective is similar to that of 3/4 top down perspective view just like in C&C. but it could change.

-- I am not sure if I want it to be only one selectable object or a group. making it more RTS with a mixure of RPG elements. I want to have that feeling, of customization. where the player's action affect the development of the character.

The early stages start off by merging with other compatible baby visceriods, denoted by the same color remap.. As you get larger you become an adult, get upgrades, ie gas,stronger, which you can fight off threats and avoid predators. Another idea. is color code types. Serving as a type of upgrade delivery. Ie. Green visceriods give gas upgrades, while red ones give Health, or White ones are advancement/promotion type.?

The early stages are nearly devoid of tiberium, possibly ore/gems as a non-toxin way of regenerating health.their might be small patches give you health but certain tiberium types product heavier toxins that can cost you to split back into smaller types. losing your advantages of being one unit or completely killing you. This is the transmogrify effect. It is completely devastating to larger organisms who are not careful their own environment, but despite this threat, you are usually more resistant to transmogrifying or breaking down back to basic forms.When this happens you spit they still carry your traits. but you still can collect yourself but at a cost of a couple levels or degraded traits/alleles.

The environment is also just as harsh, different flora types, like thorny vines, toxic sludge that acts like "quicksand" or slows you down or even veins who attack heaver non-floating/hover units and slowly pull you into a vein-holes, who also would love to feast on careless baby visceroids. IE, upgrade losses. Also other threats, such as Meteor storms, Ion storms. exploding tiberium fields, forest fires, gas vents..can harm you.

Also there are Predators or moving threats such as Floaters, Fiends, Giant Ants, and Dinosaurs. even other visceroids at a higher stage will try to attack/absorb you. Mutants, or humans.Sometimes killing them might give off bonuses or temporary bonus. Dependant on the subtype. and yes trying to make this natural, so they will fight each other, or naturally eat their own prey type, and also are vulnerable to the same dangers, ie large ground units and veins.

Life-form stages and Sub-Types.

I want to avoid that linear "evolution" so I want making a system that allows for some customization leading the overall visceroid to mutate into a different form, dependent on the choices the player made throughout the game. I kinda imagine the game play to be like FlOw, C&C sole survivor, plus warcraft 3 heros? Neutral

C&C:Fona wrote:

[Viseroids] ; Free floating amoeboid like stage

[=Color Types=]

-Red. Resistant to Aboreus [red]. Health increase, size/weight increase.
-Blue.Resistant to Vinifera tib. Gives electro upgrades.
-Green. Resistant to Riparius Tiberium. Gives gas upgrades.
-Yellow. Gives speed
-White. Advance to next stage.
-Purple. ? Random Bonus?

[=Sub Types=]
-Spore? A just simple "collector" object. ie. 100 red spores equals +5 health?

-Baby-Player starts off as baby, reverts to spore if killed.
-Adult-Merging more than one white visceroids.
-Elder-TD generation. chemical spray
-Tripod-C&C3 generation.

[Wiggler]; think mosquito larva..

-Cocoon. -rolls, rather sensitive, web based weapon. killed explodes.
-Pupa. - slower, armored, sprays random gas.
Slow, yet floater, avoids ground based obstacles. IE veins and sludge.

[Jelly fish Types]

-Floatie-Weak jelly, faster and can shock.
-Floater-Not too different from FS.
-Hydra-Short Range bolt weapon.
-Medusa-Generates floatie, short range elite split bolt.?

more playable creatures later on maybe? Neutral

So what do you guys think?


Last edited by Ickus on Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 25 Jul 2005

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

personally, i like it, im into those kind of games every once in a while soo..... go for it! sure, im about a week late but, oh well

mmm......donut #Tongue

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Joined: 25 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thank you, any response is appreciated. Smile


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