really? well i guess a nuke with O:WD going diagonally like this \ would be a cool icon. but remember, theres like a bunch of different kinds of icons, sizes, qualities, that a prog requiers to have in it. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
I would like a new avitar and signature, same sayings matching theme, but only if you people have time, I don't really care. _________________ evil is good QUICK_EDIT
Hey wondering if anyone might be able to make me a sig for my mod. Anything go's really just include my name and the mod name. Mod's forum found here: _________________
All hail me
It looks good, but wa hoping for something with some of my images in it. I have now released a textured image if that helps. _________________
All hail me
hey sk8 wanna do some load screen or somthin? im lookin for a new look, pm me with any themes you oculd think of, if ya wanna. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Can someone make me wallpaper/startup screen?
It's about my mod named "Noxoria's creation". Please use these two logos. Don't forget about the title. Thanks
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_________________ I said: "I'll be back". And here I am QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Nov 2002 Location: Algae Colony On Mars
Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:59 am Post subject:
It would probably be better coming from him but I know he used Terragen for the background, and he probably used Photoshop or something for the rest. Am I anywhere near being right Sk8er? _________________
This is sexier than what this forum was supposed to tolerate. - Banshee
One more thing... can some1 make me a banner with those things or somethin else? not just any banner I would like a 750*125 one... Thanks _________________ I said: "I'll be back". And here I am QUICK_EDIT
Can anyone make me a loading screen...umm put all the "symbols" of all the factions and put the text in the middle "GENESIS" thanks _________________ **PERFECT** QUICK_EDIT
as u can see below i hav made myself a sig, but u may also have noticed its not the best in the world so would someone mind making me a sig.
i would like these pics in it
oh yeh and it needs to say c&c antagony
note:if u can be bothered could u use the tratos icon from my sig
could u make me one using the first style in the top post? _________________ Yuris Revenge: The Second War is now up and running once again!
Check out the site, for updates and news.
well i made a halo sig if anyone wants to have one
PICS DELETED cuz apperently there was a halo font so ignore this message _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. Last edited by Denmon on Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: In battle against the heartless
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:38 am Post subject:
Hey tratos is there you can do me a new sig please? preferably with some wolves on it please? _________________
'Ive been having these wierd dreams lately'
'I cant decide whats real and whats not' QUICK_EDIT
There's a png with my name
I can do some for u
The problem that this program cant add BG's
Ask something!!
This is a freeware program which supports every(almost) file extension!!!
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Err...the image above means no offence to the american people...It's a bit of what I feel about it's gov't >_> QUICK_EDIT
I am an accomplished graphic artist, and if I wanted a sig that displayed my name in big letters I would make one myself. As it is, I would rather have a sig that cycles through a bunch of images I have made. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Location: North America Posts: You cannot comprehend...
Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 2:48 pm Post subject:
Yo, can someone make me a sig? I don't think any one cares about the Pancake Disscusion anymore... _________________ Destroy to create. All for the hunt to dominate!
Its been....a while...and nobodys made me a Signature for this site with those images above? Shesh...Come on, stop being lazy. =p _________________ ... QUICK_EDIT
Requesting a new sig, for CnC 3. I want an orca possibly flying over head, while the left side of it has a good view of a mammoth. Somewhere on it, add Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. And don't forget to put "TruYuri" some where. That is all. Ty. Hope someone will do it. QUICK_EDIT
Uh, If anyones interested...I need the Generals buildings in RA2 shp format.
And If anyone knows how to convert or something, can you tell me? QUICK_EDIT
I use OS SHP Builder for YR Cameos. And for 3D textures u need the dimensions of your model. And what is it for? _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
im talking about the image that u paint (skin) on the model??
the image that is skinned on the model?? how do u make those??
i mean which program do u use?? QUICK_EDIT
Use a paint program, I use MS Paint 'cause I'm stupid, but you just need to draw the skin in the dimensions of your 3D, you could use OS Voxel Editor, but only if you feel like making it a voxel otherwise, it would be nice if other people read here. Then they could tell you. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
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