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The Alien units from TFTD.
Moderators: Terror From The Deep Staff, DonutArnold
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:44 pm    Post subject:  The Alien units from TFTD. Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Alien units which you will fight or command underwater are as follows:

Sectoids by the way were the original 'greys' in X-Com 1. Anyway these guys are your bog standard scientist/engineer/sniper units, who are responsible for making the various creatures of the deep, but they do make nice screams when they die. Very powerful Sonic Blasta Rifle with better range to pretty much snipe any troops early on. X-Com has to rely on tactics and numbers here. Powerful Molecular abilities in Commanders and Leaders (sort of like Psychic abilities from the last war).

Gill Men are your bog standard grunt soldiers. Better than normal X-Com ones anyway, until Gauss weapons come in, in which they are just a match for each other. Eventually Sonic weapons will trump them.

My favourite unit. This guy is a super soldier, who can shrug off everything. He isn't fond of Vibro Blades, although he does excel in close combat, usually going up to soldiers, and crushing them/strangling them with his huge claws, as well as using the two bottom ones to fire Sonic weapons, Disruptor Pulse Launchers or Shok Stun Bomb Launchers. Possibility to be molecularly controlled though.

Roughly standard soldier after Gill Man, these are very strong indeed. Like their namesake, cloned in vats and released to do havoc. Their skin alone can stop a Sonic Cannon shot and they are armed with Sonic weapons themselves. What they make up for so that they aren't 'just a soldier' though, is their powerful Molecular abilities as seen in the leaders of this species. They can control the resisting with impunity.

One of my other favourites. This dude is the Calcinite (those who have seen Robo-man will laugh) but this guy is a force to actually be reckoned with. He may be inside a diving suit, but this is enough to be intimidating AND to creep you out as he comes out, punches you with enough force to rip your stomach open or slash you to death with his harder-than titanium claws, then run away. He can also take several, yes several, Sonic Cannon shots. His death scream is even scary. Likes to hangout with the Aquatoids on terror missions.

Half-Human/Alien hybrid, which uses a Sonic.. breath thingy wired into that cannon? Anyway it turns your men into mush if he gets within close range. So don't get close!
Hangs out with Gill Men on terror missions.

Floating brains bent to the aliens in a Heavy Weapons Platform like the namesake, these guys use built in Sonic beams which are very deadly. It can fly and hover, and kills your troops with frightning accuracy. When shot down however, it self destructs, making these even more deadly. Hangs out with Tasoths.

I love these dudes. I love them so much. Why? Because they are like Chrysillids in X-Com 1 buffed up on steroids and can fly. That's why. If you didn't understand that let me tell you.

This guy will fly, squeltch to your troopers (sucking Sonic shots as it goes along, practically invulnerable to normal weapons mind you). And when it gets close, it's tentacles will transmute the person next to it into a mindless drone zombie, who will be under your command. But that's not all. If the Zombie is killed, from inside grows another Tentaculat who is free to do havoc and make more. You will have fun with these.

For those who chant 'Dinosaur!' 'Dinosaur!' 'Dinosaur!! we'll kill Elerium and DonutArnold if he doesn't give us a Dinosaur!!!!!' here it is from the original game. His normal attack is two high powered Sonic cannons attached to the side of him, which can melt a lot of things, and a lot of tanks. His second attack is to get close and use his harder-than-titanium metal teeth to kill your men, if he gets close. Hangs out with Lobstermen.

The Xarquid. A nautillus of the ocean who hides a particle cannon (so the name says, it just seems like another Sonic to me) in it's shell. But it is creepy, and it is funky, despite being deadly. It should also use its ink spray, but I've never seen this in the original game. Xarquids also were rare however, but they do hang around with the Gill Men.

This used to scare me as a kid, and still does some now, but really, it just is useless late game in X-Com, so we'll bring it to the early game. It comes up to you as a giant jellyfish and then kills you using the icy strike (somehow this is more prefferred, although we may implement the freezing blast to give it more 'up') It also flies.


Last edited by Elerium-155 on Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

X-com:UFO alioens scared me when I was a kid...
Can calcinite work like cyborg? When he dies - he turns into green thing?


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

That's sick. DonutArnold will make all those infantry? Do they have any vehicles at all?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

bio Drone, Trisquin, Xarquid, Hallucinoid, and Tentaculat(I think he is too) are vehicles Smile

And now...

Aquatoid - usually the most frequient encounter you'll see - They do carry small array of weapons (but that does includes Molecular controler #Tongue)

Gill Man - Seen in yearly attack missions are very likely to hide behind and inside buildings (Make em able to Garrison?) Otherwise are footsoldiers of aliens

Lobster Man - sttay FAR AWAY! Don't move or breath... Those things are toughest(Next to Tanteculat) enemy's you encounter - easily reaping everething to shreds and easily surviving most of the weapons(Disruptor pulses for instance...)

Tasoth - There we're way too many weird situations with those guys - so no comments

Calcinite - and you thought that was civilian under water? Green goo inside late 19-th centrury diving suit... and they hurt... a lot...

Deep One - Works with gill Man - IS tougher than gillman(Can survive basic weapons from which Gill man would die)

Bio Drone - Xcom Ufo's cyberdisk - except - they leave a burned trail after them...

Tentaculat - remember advice about staying away - this iften doesn't help! Thoe things come out of nowhere turn soldier into zombie and get away before getting punished... Vibro Bldes are good VS them... Just do the math first, ok?

Triscene - a swiming dinosaur... Blast - end of story

Xarquid - shoots at you... hurts... tough... same as Triscene(I do like it's looks Smile)

Hallucinoid - Jelly Fish which is 2 by 2 squiares... easy to hit - easy to kill... from pretty much ANY distance...


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

gufu wrote:
Can calcinites work like cyborgs? When he dies - does he turn into that green thing as seen in the X-Com autopsy?

Not really. The green thing is just a humanoid blob of protoplasm kept sealed underneath the suit, programmed by some means to kill humans and obey the aliens. Because it's a blob of ultra tough protoplasm, it takes a while to kill it with the best weapons. Anyone who thinks that it is a civilian needs to have their brains examined.. even when (1) or (2) is flashing in the corner telling you it's an alien. Click on it and when it hovers over the Calcinite, the deduction is: It's an alien. Kill it now. #Tongue


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Oh well - who knows? Maybe there is an alien behind it(aliens keep trying to be behind civvvies... a lot #Tongue)
Bt if it is some green goo - which is alive(!) - why it can't live ouside of suit?


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ok lets go through the Calcinite:

Amorphous= Having no definite form or distinct shape, and also note 'liquid body'.

Therefore the Calcinite is kept sealed within the heavily armoured suit to give it excellent protection, and to keep it in this deadly humanoid shape. It can also use the claws in this shape too. So it needs the suit, or else guess what happens.

The resemblance to the old divers is possibly for intimidation to the aquanauts, and to unnerve them as they fight.

In normal circumstances it's just a protoplasmic machine programmed to kill and such thanks to that small metallic component, or who knows?


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Maybe it can try to strangle aquanauts - even as liquid traveling underwater(Possibly holden together by it's mind?)


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Nah, that idea sucks.

Also note *the armour* keeps the blobby thing sealed and gives protection, I doubt the tiny metallic thing does anything else other than send and recieve commands.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Possibly - but do remember - the liquid is being able to hold the suit up - qhy can't it swim without it? Maybe like technicians - but only grindable?


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

gufu wrote:
Possibly - but do remember - the liquid is being able to hold the suit up - qhy can't it swim without it? Maybe like technicians - but only grindable?

Well due to the fact that the water would completely rise the liquid body in all directions and force it to the surface without the suit it seems pretty stupid.

And about the technicians and the grinder reference you have lost me.


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Never mind the grinder part...
well I believe it's not a liquid based body - but rather substance allike(Rubber/Jello) with mind of it's own... Or it can be just like Jellyfish...


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