Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:14 pm Post subject:
Voxel Of The Year 2006: Cast your vote!
Subject description: 6 candidates, but only one winner! You choose!
This year, we've received a lot of voxels and several of them were spotlighted. Most of them, tanks submited by RLY_BiG_Tank (13 spotlights). Today I've reviewed all spotlighted voxels to hunt the top 6 for voting. There were far too many awesome voxels there, but after some hard decisions and analysis, I'd like to present the top 6 (in a random order):
Tony's Prism Tank is also brillant, very similar to the original concept of the unit. Tony has prooven to be a great voxeller with his 3 submissions and he was second in the Freedom Studios Voxel Competition, only behind the eternal Voxel God MadHQ.
Stegodon is a brillant voxel featured in the second delivery from IVI AFV-Factory. I'm sure a group of Stegodons invading your base would scare you, wouldn't it? Anyway, that package also had some other brillant voxels such as the Quan Tou, but Stegodon was really the best, in my opinion.
I've seen a lot of mammoth tanks rather inspired in the Mammoth 27 from Tiberian Wars or on other games being posted in this year, but none of them beats this one, from Muldrake, made from the leaked C&C3 concept art in 2004. An interesting curiosity is that the mammoth tank was nearly invisible in that concept art, but Muldrake still managed to reproduce it in a genious way!
So, that's it! Cast your votes and let's see who is the Best Voxel of 2006! QUICK_EDIT
Well, Banshee, I'm rather dissapointed. You left a lot of vxls out, such as all of Rly_BiG_Tanks work. And Stingerr's work. I think you should add them to the list too, but that's just me. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject:
I cannot post 100 voxels here, Gosho. These ones are the ones who looked most awesome for me. Stingerr's and RLY_Big_Tank's work was also awesome, but these voxels were looking better. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 02 Mar 2005 Location: In my ship with someone from planet earth
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:50 pm Post subject:
I like the Stegodon a lot, I love it's design and very awesome detail on the turret and the base of the vehicle, Stegodon FTW!! _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:27 pm Post subject:
2 Entrys for IVI and Muldrake? I think thats a little unfair, take one of IVIs and one of Muldrake's off, and put on Stingerr's Apoc and one of Rly Bigs..and ingame shots should be used for these pictures. Voxel Veiwer shots are unfair. _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:28 pm Post subject:
My purpose here is not to find the best voxeller. I'm looking for the best voxel. So, if a person submit two top notch voxels like IVI, I cannot ignore his work. Both Sting and Stegodon are pure awesome stuff. Muldrake's entries are awesome as well.
These voxels are great in terms of design, colouring and normals... QUICK_EDIT
but maybe i woulda been persuaded otherwise if i woulda seen ingame pics of IVIs stuff.
BTW if theres a best mod of the year and a best voxel of the year will there be a best shp of the year and a best map of the year? _________________ Kalistia Crestland (2)
In Soviet Russia, grass grows on tiberium! QUICK_EDIT
Well I do quite like IVI's Stegodon but Muldrakes Concpet Mammy has one it for me! _________________ My name is Shadow... I am Lord of the Shadows! NOD rules!!!!
Muldrake for the victor! I like his voxel most, it's not the biggest, nor does it have the most detail, but I just like it _________________ QUICK_EDIT
sorry...but last year there were shown far superior voxels to atleast 3 of the ones above _________________ just a simple logo by bricks @ raminator, on Flickr QUICK_EDIT
2 Entrys for IVI and Muldrake? I think thats a little unfair, take one of IVIs and one of Muldrake's off, and put on Stingerr's Apoc and one of Rly Bigs..and ingame shots should be used for these pictures. Voxel Veiwer shots are unfair.
LoL.. but my Apoc is from 2005 _________________ Criticizing n00bs is like booing at the special olympics. QUICK_EDIT
Tony ftw! I always love what he has to show, the texture and everything, so I voted for him. AND... he also got me to start making voxels. _________________
I Voted for the Chrono-hole tank.
Simply because It looks good and has a good concept.
If it was not there, i would definatly of gone for Muldrakes mammoth tank.
But they are all very good voxels, nice work guys. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:17 am Post subject:
Muldrake's Concept Tank has already won. This poll was suposed to expire in the end of january and Muldrake was already winning, but I'll still consider votes until the end of february. QUICK_EDIT
ah...I was already wondering if the competition is still running, but people were still replying to this thread, so I guessed it was still running... _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I'm sorry, but I am kind of dissapointed. Nothing really outstanding to me. But hey, what do I know. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
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