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Singleplayer Map Making Competition: Rules
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:59 am    Post subject:  Singleplayer Map Making Competition: Rules Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Submission Rules:

Submission: maps can be submitted to TitanMarkII's email:

Deadline: 15th of December, see the rules. May be prolonged until 1st of January, but that is not certain, so don’t count on it.

Supported Game: Tiberian Sun (optional: Firestorm expansion pack)

Each mapper can only submit 1 entry (meaning 1 map only) per game. All entries must be received before December 15th, 2006 GMT (check Any maps received afterward will be disqualified from winning, but may receive honourable mention. If a submitted map is revealed or available to public before the results be revealed, it will also get disqualified. For further submission information, either post in the SMMC topic or contact TitanMarkII via PM, MSN or email. Seeing he doesn’t give his real email to everybody for obvious reasons, he will only give it to respectable people/friends.

If we receive multiple entries of the same user we will use the latest one (I will look up the date of arrival), there is no need to inform me of that, I will only check all maps after the deadline has been reached.

The map must be a Single player map (*sigh*, it has to be listed #Tongue)

Maps must be made from scratch and must not be available or have early versions available in public places, neither have screenshots revealed in public forums and sites.

Map file must not require any other files (i.e. ini's, vxl's, shp's, etc.). Exception on the rule: The map may contain these campaign ini files: Tutorial(01).ini and/or Mission(01).ini .

You may do whatever you want when it comes to map coding. It will not be judged on complexity at all, only the gameplay effect it provides.

Advanced scripting/triggering systems are highly encouraged, because that is what makes a map come to life in a SP map. Again, they will not be judged on complexity. Note: obvious complexity with good results will be judged with fewer points than a less complex system with the same functionality. This does not apply to the usage of a lot of Local variables or separate triggers for tidiness reasons.

By submitting a map to the Singleplayer Map Making Competition, you automatically agree that both TibWeb and PPM (known abbreviations of (respectively) and and their respective forums may mirror your map wherever they want, as often as they want, whenever they want and in whatever package suits the situation. This usually includes judging comments and ratings or different kinds of compilations.

Trying to influence the judges will not be tolerated. You may be given a lower score. Note that this is a friendly contest. We are not a bunch of sadistic hypocrites bent on the annoyance of those participating.

The main prize for winning is the honour of being called an excellent Singleplayer mapper. Seeing I do not have a credit card or donations I cannot buy prizes. There are, however, several other prizes.


- (25%) Original Concept: The layout is rated by originality. Missions with realistic environments will get a lot more points than blocky ones. This part also defines the story behind your map and the way it is used in the map.

- (10%) Balance: The judge rates if there are any imbalances. Clear differences between Easy, Medium and Hard, are there too many/too few starting units etc. This heavily depends on the judge’s taste.

- (20%) Eye candy: The judge rates the details of the mission, lighting, cell details, map errors, cliff errors and also some other cute things. Note that in the case of a lot of obvious problems a judge may even decide to give negative points (subtract them from the other categories). Eye candy and detailing are taken very seriously.

- (15%) Fun Factor: The judge rates the fun factor, replayability, game speed, and AI behaviour. Randomizing things (things change every time you play the map) without affecting balance will get you a lot of extra points.

- (25%) Triggers: The judge rates the available triggers on three things: if the triggers really work, how the triggers affect gameplay on the map and how much the map depends on them.

- (5%) Extra: This is the bonus section. Whatever the judges think of a map, whatever special feeling it gives them but cannot be put in any other categories belongs here. A maximum of 5%!

Read more information SMMC in the sections below:

-> About
-> Prizes
-> Judges

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