Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:00 pm Post subject:
Battlefield 2142 whit spyware.
Subject description: EA SUCKS..
When you open the box, a big slip of paper falls out first, preceeding any discs or manuals. The slip of paper says, essentially, that 2142 includes monitoring software which runs while your computer is online, and records "anonymous" information like your IP address, surfing habits (probably via cookie scans), and other "computing habits" in order to report this information back to ad companies and ad servers, which generates in-game ads.(Shacknews)
The information that is gathered is specifically related to the ingame ads themselves and not anything
personally related to you. There is no additional spy ware software installed secretly to your machine.((DICE)CKMC)
Data will only be gathered from in game. Web browsing and other profiling data is not being gathered.
Squib has essentially nailed it. The purpose of the gathering is to determine if an ad is viewed by players.((DICE)CKMC)
As I have mentioned before (in other threads/interviews) there will be no adverse affects on players from
the advertising aspect. It will not impact gameplay at all. You most definitely will not receive any emails
or other forms of solicitation due to this.
I will add that if any of you do receive negative solicitation related to anything Battlefield please let me know.((DICE)CKMC)
IS even advertisement ingame. ,
You will even get problem too play it online.
Norton Anti-Virus has detected a virus on your computer.
Do you wish to remove the infected file "bf2142.exe"?
This will happend too all virus control if not u lucky.
Heard about it on PCNC about 2 days ago so its still fresh.
All Id say is if that shit happens in CnC 3 (if it turns out to be worthy) then somebody please write THE most devastating virus in the world that can destroy EAs systems.
Yes it has ingame ads - that's been known for months? Not really a shock it checks to see if you ignore the ads in game or which ones keep your attention?
Link me to the OFFICIAL terms and conditions where it says it monitors your web browsing and I'll complain with you. But since I'm assuming it runs when the game does and only sees what you look at on the ingame ads - I couldn't really give a shit as long as it doesn't stop me playing. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 07 Mar 2006 Location: In ur BIOS, Steeln ur Megahurtz!
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:18 pm Post subject:
no it isnt. (to my knowledge)
EA just tends to leak a lot of info (C&C3...) _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:52 am Post subject:
God, more reasons that Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is going to be a better game.
No spyware, no in-game ads, a storyline.
Screw BF-2142. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
yeah is release. How can u not see on the ADs becouse them change it and like thats when u play :S.. _________________ Can you hide from me ? QUICK_EDIT
And how many of the people bitching have even played it or the demo? I've played the demo and it's the first EA game I've liked enough to BUY since they put out Generals (Just Generals, Not zero hour). I don't see what the problem really is, the ingame ads are going to be on the ingame billboards - which would have fake ads on them anyway - meaning the ads would be there anyway just now they're actually for real companies. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:09 am Post subject:
Fine, even better reason to buy Enemy Territory: Quake Wars- better draw distance.
However, I see the advent of new n00b tactics in 2142 that will be applied to max effectiveness.
I just dislike the concept of a company doing this, and it better be secure, I am thinking of people exploiting it.
Besides, BF2142 is ZOMG MECHZ111! I hate mechs. Only if they have an anti-mech soldier I will definitely get the game, and I will promise myself to only destroy mechs, never use them. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
I like the musics in BF. But I think EA is doing to Battlefield waht they are doing to C&C Somehow, the new games are not that original .I mean, llok at halg the vehicles? Don't they look like some stuff from C&C3?! Look at the buggy, the Titan concept et QUICK_EDIT
Fine, even better reason to buy Enemy Territory: Quake Wars- better draw distance.
However, I see the advent of new n00b tactics in 2142 that will be applied to max effectiveness.
I just dislike the concept of a company doing this, and it better be secure, I am thinking of people exploiting it.
Besides, BF2142 is ZOMG MECHZ111! I hate mechs. Only if they have an anti-mech soldier I will definitely get the game, and I will promise myself to only destroy mechs, never use them.
...Point out the tactics or you have no point? It seems to be a lot more team based than the previous BF games and you can't be a one man army, if that's what you want to be able to do - stick to quake wars and I'll enjoy my game while you bitch about insignificant shit.
And really if you'd bothered to play it it's really more along the lines of 'one mech' - you rarely if ever see more than one mech per side in the field. Even then a squad which is actually working together can take one out instantly - and that's without the upgrades such as C4 and stealth which will no doubt work even better against them. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 07 Mar 2006 Location: In ur BIOS, Steeln ur Megahurtz!
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:50 pm Post subject:
you might want to find out how the adds are added, and add your own, which can be purely fictional. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:01 pm Post subject:
LOL, that is a good idea, Chielscape. I just sense McAfee being a bitch about this game, more than I am whining already.
@Carnivean- I have heard that before. And, how much have you read about Quake Wars, you fool?! Quake Wars is based on structured mission objectives during online play! If people go lone-wolf, they will lose the game for their team! Everybody has to work together, with each class playing its own unique role in accomplishing their teams objectives. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:11 pm Post subject:
They said that about Renegade.
People WILL try to be the hero a lot with the snipers and stealth soldiers especially. Always got some fucktart running around with a Ramjet Rifle tryign to kill a Mammoth Tank. It just doesnt work. _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
LOL, that is a good idea, Chielscape. I just sense McAfee being a bitch about this game, more than I am whining already.
@Carnivean- I have heard that before. And, how much have you read about Quake Wars, you fool?! Quake Wars is based on structured mission objectives during online play! If people go lone-wolf, they will lose the game for their team! Everybody has to work together, with each class playing its own unique role in accomplishing their teams objectives.
You can't tell me what will happen in the game as it's... not out? And as far as I'm aware - there's hardly any preview materials out either. Also Quake wars is the UT assault mode made into a full game? Neat! QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:03 pm Post subject:
Lots of ingame footage of ET:QW, and I saw the training map and its briefing, for both sides. I don't want to waste time on this argument on this topic, as it about EA's spyware and advertising in games.
Start a new topic if you want to make up stuff about ET:QW, and I will do the same for BF-2142. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
God, more reasons that Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is going to be a better game.
No spyware, no in-game ads, a storyline.
And... it's Quake, made by id software which ownz EA.
Carnivean wrote:
Also Quake wars is the UT assault mode made into a full game? Neat!
And a bit of UT's Onslaught. But it's Quake damn it. Fun!
I'm still not sure wether to get (not buy) BF2142 or not. This spyware thing bothers me. Until it's clarified, I don't think I'll touch the game or maybe I will and self-destruct my current windows installation that I want to get rid of. QUICK_EDIT
..on this topic, as it about EA's spyware and advertising in games. .
I'm still not sure wether to get (not buy) BF2142 or not. This spyware thing bothers me. Until it's clarified, I don't think I'll touch the game or maybe I will and self-destruct my current windows installation that I want to get rid of.
Yea, there's no actual spyware the game downloads Ads for display in places ads where there'd be fake ads anyway so I don't see why people are bitching.
I'm fine if I see fake ads on the billlboards real ads. As long as it's not stopping the gameplay flow there's no need to be bothered. I mean it'll be unflagged as spyware or as a virus or whatever by tomorrow or whatever anyway.
In-game ads are going to get more popular as it lets a company get the initial sales revenue, sponsored server revenue and then a constant stream of ingame ad rotation revenue. It wouldn't suprise me if ID even opted to go with it as it seems pretty sound, past the initial bitch fests anyway. QUICK_EDIT
And... it's Quake, made by id software which ownz EA.
Quake 4 was developed by Raven and Splash Damage is developing Quake Wars. id just owns the name now. Like Wolfenstein.
I'm still waiting for a non arena/plastic filtered/black textured/cybrog genre sequel to Quake-- the original Quake. I want to blast some Shamblers with my Super Nailgun again.
Oh, yeah, the topic... uhh... I wonder if the game will be patched to include AdBlock... QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:29 pm Post subject:
Quake I was mindless, but a pioneering game. It took us into a field of shooters.
BTW- Splash Damage was actually a mod team at first
I dont care what you say, I think in-game ads is a sign of a developer's block. Honestly, they cannot think of futuristic advertisements? _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:57 pm Post subject:
I was just saying that Quake I is not worthy of a sequel, it really did not have anything resembling a storyline in the manual.
Doom(and its sequels), and Wolfenstein had storylines capable of building off of. Same with Quake 2. Quake 3 was multiplayer slaughterfest, and nothing more.
No, futuristic theme advertisements appropriate for the time, creativeness, not what they are doing now. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
Quake 1 and Doom 1 and 2 (haven't played final doom) were awesome. As was Wolfenstein 3D. Classic games. Everyone should play them. _________________ Organised Rules.ini by Judeau QUICK_EDIT
I was just saying that Quake I is not worthy of a sequel, it really did not have anything resembling a storyline in the manual.
Doom(and its sequels), and Wolfenstein had storylines capable of building off of. Same with Quake 2. Quake 3 was multiplayer slaughterfest, and nothing more.
No, futuristic theme advertisements appropriate for the time, creativeness, not what they are doing now.
Well then you can shove your Quake Wars up your arse it came from an unworthy game.
Real ads in game make EA money. Fake ads do not. Work it out, the game makers themselves had no choice in the matter I bet. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:43 pm Post subject:
And thus, from the heavens, descended the Battlefield series, outshining even the most well made RA2 voxels or thought-out games. NOT!
These new in-game advertisements are silly, as if EA does have not have enough money to establish their own nation.
@your Quake Wars comment- You make laugh on this. You do not know a thing about the game. XD _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
Why are you thinking about the ads from a design point of view?
What's the difference between having personalised ads and product placement in games?
"Games shouldn't have ads!" Games are becoming expensive to develop and for the publishers to sponser them. They need the extra cash. Like MMOs charging for online servers, you'll complain until you won't notice.
"But its EA! They have infinite moneys! 3\/1|_ |-|4x! Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Yes, because they are the only game company to do what is best in their interest.
Would anyone complain if it this wasn't in an EA game? QUICK_EDIT
"If gamers still want to have a high amount of good quality titles year in and year out, there needs to be alternate revenue streams"
i like this line
seriously,i think EA is coming up with some of the crapiest excuses eva since that whole duke nukem 3 issue lol.i mean,WHO CARES!!thats why we have those bloody game suscirptions on game spot!any one who wants to actauly see game adds can subscribe!dont bug any one with the gaming adds,its gonna leave some lag LOL!
@arikado:i dont think it matters if its from EA,i dont even think it would make any more difrence if it was from CNC,the point is,its in linking with some game linknig add thingy,which tracks down a IP adress from your connection..i think.
anyways,i think if you have a spam blocker,it would be just fine.....RIGHT?
like wise,i really dont think i would want a game if it has a gaming add program.un-less i can find away to enter the html game drive,and become a script kitty,then im fine with it.and the game is OKAY,its not like"ZOMG MECHS!!!!!!!!!FUTURE DUDES!!!!!!!WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"i mean come on people,why is battlefield suddenly linking the new released battlefield games with connection with ASIA and the UN?you can atleast throw some aliens in them,i mean,i dont think i really want a game with another earth civil war and keep killnig each other to the point where marsians come up and blow the human asses away.
well,im done with my fare share of typos well, at least i think i have typos....
must stop spamming!
point is,if you dont want a game with sane junk or some sort,dont buy it.there is no reason to go all bitchy about it,its just a game. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
@your Quake Wars comment- You make laugh on this. You do not know a thing about the game. XD
Quake Wars is just another Pseudo-sequel to Quake - The 'Enemy Territory' may stem from the wolfenstein game but it's hardly linked. If they hadn't made games such as Quake II and IV - and therefore Quake's sequels - there'd be no Quake Wars.
Perhaps you shouldn't make assumptions. I don't really give a crap about Quake Wars until there's a demo out to sample the gameplay but I do however know it's just 'Stroggs Vs. Earth' which is the direct spawn of Quake II (Prequel technically I believe?) and therefore it stems from a game 'unworthy' of sequels.
Also really it has about as much story as BF2142 does - "Evil aliens known as 'The Strogg' invade planet Earth!" vs. "Ice Age, collapse of humanity and lack of natural resources leading to war etc."
Your mindset about the ads is silly - it doesn't affect the game, hell you'd probably not even notice the ads if they hadn't pointed out they were doing it. Actually you won't notice them since I doubt you'll get this game or have even played the demo.
Quote: linking with some game linknig add thingy,which tracks down a IP adress from your connection..i think.
...Unlike connecting to the EA master server to be able to even play online right? They aren't gathering personal information- your browsing preferences and your favourite type of porn will remain unknown to EA. They're just going to show Ads depending on what your account has already had displayed on it. QUICK_EDIT
Like hell it doesn't.
PPM is a C&C fansite that was full of happy, happy Westwood supports. EA "kills" Westwood. PPM is now full of angsty, angsty EA haters.
It is now some cruel joke that EA is blamed for a new way of revenue, one I don't entirely support.
But what the hell. Damn EA for trying something new. Let's all hold a personal vendetta against EA. Everyone else is doing it, so it must be cool. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:00 am Post subject:
Quake 1 has no connections to any of the other Quake games, and Quake 3 is another game altogether.
The only 2 quake games that are truly linked are Quake II and Quake IV.
And I will be getting BF2142, for the satisfaction of killing mechs, and driving tanks. It is game that I am not happy with in terms of its originality, but what was the point of me registering my BF-2 name in the Veterans Service?
That is after I get ET:QW. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
The only 2 quake games that are truly linked are Quake II and Quake IV.
Nope. Quake Wars is as Carnivean states, a prequel to Quake II. "Quake Zero" as it says right in its site.
Quake 3 had the character "Ranger" who was the player from Quake 1, but I guess that's more of a reference or easter egg than a connection. Like Doomguy.
All these games bearing the name of "Quake" with cross-connections and whatnot makes it somewhat confusing.
Mr. Pokey wrote:
Quake 1 and Doom 1 and 2 (haven't played final doom) were awesome. As was Wolfenstein 3D. Classic games. Everyone should play them.
Screw these new fangled FPS clones and go straight to the originals. Play Final Doom (TNT and Plutonia) and Wolfenstein's sequel, Spear of Destiny, for more awesome. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:38 am Post subject:
I know that, but it is not released, so it has not officially established its connections.
But seriously, a mod split this and put up a new topic on this fun issue. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
Heard about it on PCNC about 2 days ago so its still fresh.
All Id say is if that shit happens in CnC 3 (if it turns out to be worthy) then somebody please write THE most devastating virus in the world that can destroy EAs systems.
Maybe a community-made one if it happened?
Just a thought....
Aaron Kaufman and Mike Verdu said there's no such advertising BS or any of those information collecting things. Verdu even said he'd rather get fired/win less money than to let EA put that in the game he's producing. And Aaron said there definately won't be such things in C&C3, since they really want the community to get the best of the game, they don't want to ruin the gameplay experience with that, besides, not much people bother to click those ads, they're just there to annoy them mostly, so none of that in C&C3. I promise! QUICK_EDIT
You work at EA now? Please tell them to stop looking at the success of TD and make a sequel to TS. They will lose profit but they can break even with a couple of ads.
Verdu even said he'd rather get fired/win less money than to let EA put that in the game he's producing
you tell em dude
and arikdao,i think your screwed in the head with your posts....
hope battlefield 3 wont be crapped....
and i find that cow beating happy face emote to be very abusive to cows and the religion with cows as their sacred some thing... _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Well, I just installed it, although I don't think I'll be able to play it for a while, maybe through hamachi, who knows. But anyway, I played it a bit in sp mode (5 minutes ) and it looks ok, but until entering the game and then the map, I got dozens of allow/deny's from my firewall.
friday-13th. That looks like a horse. Cows don't carry saddles normally. QUICK_EDIT
Quake I - standalone so far, no squels
Quake II - Humans vs Strogg, cyborg race attacking Earth
Quake III - random TDM game with absolutly no connection to any other Quake game
Quake IV - sequel to Quake II, mere hours after you destroy 'The Big Gun' and the Makron in Quake II.
EVA-251 wrote:
And thus, from the heavens, descended the Battlefield series, outshining even the most well made RA2 voxels or thought-out games. NOT!
Battlefield 1942 was.. decent. Battlefield Vietnam was.. decent, too, pretty good, not the best of games.. but good.
BF2 I hear is laggy as sh!t online & is XP only, so I said 'Screw BF2' & bought Quake IV. Q4 = good game, worth the money. ( Imo, anyways; I just like human vs alien race games tho ) War Rock is a good replacement; works on more comps, free. Still only a beta tho..
And, finally, onto BF2142.
When I saw the first trailer I so wanted it. Now I'm just 'meh..' to it. I'd buy it if I had the cash, a comp that could run it, and was at the store, but I'm not gonna specifically go out & buy it directly. _________________ "Banned" RP here QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Nov 2002 Location: Algae Colony On Mars
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:39 am Post subject:
Quake 4 wasn't really worth it, the game just didn't grab me like Quake 2 did. BF2 was good, but it was laggy. I believe they resolved most of the lag issues in later patches, but it's still not perfect. _________________
This is sexier than what this forum was supposed to tolerate. - Banshee
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:33 pm Post subject:
Westwood die-hards? They're like E-jihaddists at war with the capitalist EA for anything. The drop of a hat is enough reason for them to unload their bitching. EA's doing a better development then Westwood, imo. WW wouldnt do this much PR, release any concept art/very litttle of it,and would probably only release 10 screens(Screens that were 'Shoopd, by the way.). Yay EA! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 07 Mar 2006 Location: In ur BIOS, Steeln ur Megahurtz!
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:42 pm Post subject:
Clazzy wrote:
Quake 4 wasn't really worth it, the game just didn't grab me like Quake 2 did. BF2 was good, but it was laggy. I believe they resolved most of the lag issues in later patches, but it's still not perfect.
Q4 was a nice game. never played the other Q's, so i cant compare though.
dark matter gun rocks, but the railgun was waaaay too weak. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:01 pm Post subject:
Quake IV is a great title, not perfect, but is a fine display of what a very well polished product looks like.
BF-2 is laggy at times, even on a dualcore 3ghz and with Comcast Hi-Speed.
But the BF series has always had a trademark inferior draw distance, which compensates for the lagginess, and effectively limits firing range of weapons.
BF-2142 will have some new concepts to make it more team based, which is good though. I heard something about team-spawn beacons, so go and put one on top of that enemy building now, soldier, that is, after you rally 4 or 5 people to join you.
And I will remember to cover that Coca-Cola ad in bullet holes from my tank, writing "mechs suck" with the shots. Then I will get my account banned from many a server for flaming mech users. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:00 pm Post subject:
From the bf2142 forum(Gamefaqs, presumably)
"The ReadMe for the patch released yesterday contains this helpful tidbit:
"Players who have the Windows security update KB917422 installed may suffer from an application error when running Battlefield 2142. This error can be solved by uninstalling the KB917422 update."
So what does the Windows security update KB917422 do?
From Microsoft: "A security issue has been identified in the Windows Kernel that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it."
_________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
"The ReadMe for the patch released yesterday contains this helpful tidbit:
"Players who have the Windows security update KB917422 installed may suffer from an application error when running Battlefield 2142. This error can be solved by uninstalling the KB917422 update."
So what does the Windows security update KB917422 do?
From Microsoft: "A security issue has been identified in the Windows Kernel that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it."
Yes, yet another reason why an anti-virus suite and a firewall not made by MS are required by all users. Seriously I doubt most people who are going to be playing the game have a legitimate copy of windows - never mind one which is fully updated. It'll be fixed soon enough by a patch anyway and the fact is - numerous other applications were affected by this update - you just need to wait for a patch if you don't want a single security hole in windows but really, you're likely pretty much secure even without this (Or the plethora of other updates which read the same description wise) as long as you have AV and a Firewall. QUICK_EDIT
Great, I have a grandmother die, then a topic like this pops up here...
I'm going to be the lone gem in a pile of rocks
Reading about this tons of meaningless crap, I'll start by defending BF2142 with the following:
A) There is no virus (Gee, Ander, you do a shitty job at everything, sounds like you let viruses rape you're computer and spread so you can bitch and whine over things.)
B) There is no Spy ware (Same as above.)
C) Oh wow, Ads, So what? Theres something called ignore the ztyping bill boards.
D) What? Sucks? Ander, get a life, if you are going to sit and piss all over everything not Command and Conquer related, then I'm sorry, but honestly, you have no life.
Oh, you get problems online? Gee no shit seeing as how poor condition you're PC sounds like it is in.
To be honest, check you're computer next time Ander before you come ranting you're little smart ass mouth off upon any forums. You're level of stupidity has far surpassed even that of the limits of stupidity meter.
IF you need help doing something like, ask me, I'll help you with it, but doing this is a complete waste of you're time, and everybody else's time.
Now, moving on, BF2142 is a great game in my opinion, really cleaned up, newer features then BF2, the graphics just bloody own as you can get headshots.
Also, no, the Ads do not affect gameplay, as the billboard image is downloaded ONCE...once there, it stays till new ads are put up, when those come, they overwrite the originals, as I have been hearing.
Also, yes, we all know those that sit with their computer unupdated are more at risk for attacks and such, and here you all are complaining over a game that has YET to trip a anti virus alert for me...and I'm sitting behind Norton and Anti-Vir...Ander, talk to me sometime regard Norton, you might have incorrectly configured it. _________________ ... QUICK_EDIT
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