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PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:49 pm    Post subject:  Story
Subject description: New version, duh!
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For those who didn't like previous story or who wants some more. Enjoy!

Sixty five million years ago a vast colony ship was sent to the Earth from a distant alien world. As the enormous craft approached the infant planet a massive and violent solar flare caused a navigation systems faliure. Crippled and failing the vast bulk plummeted through the stratosphere to emerge into Cretaceous skies. On the Earth innumerable species of life gazed skywards as their nemesis ploughed into the planet.

A vast cloud of dust clogged the atmosphere and as the land cooled, so the dominant life, the mighty dinosaurs, perished. But the 400 billion tons of T'leth* was not destroyed in the impact, sophisticated super computers initiated a cryogenic sleep cycle for the creatures deep within its holds. As the aeons passed the computers woke parties of aliens to attempt communication with their stellar cousins, all in vain for the core of the alien power slept on.


This is not the place to speak of the First Alien War in detail, but in 1999, Earth engages in a war with unknown aliens. X-Com, short for the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit is set up by the United Nations in order to solve the problem to the alien threat. After many countless battles and loss it appears that Earth is fighting a losing battle. Interrogations made by X-Com personnel and the bizarre alien ‘plasma’ technology as well as new construction and power sources are studied, forming hybrid spacecraft, new formidable weapons and the ability to unlock psychic potential in Humans. The intentions of the aliens are made clear as governments become infiltrated by Alien operatives, secretly allying with the Aliens through the promise of technology, peace and prosperity, pulling out of the X-Com project seeing it as a wasted operation. As the war drags on, interrogations of high commanding alien leaders pinpoint the location of the alien operations to a subterranean base located in Cydonia on Mars. By 2002, a ground assault on Cydonia using an ‘Avenger’ alien-human hybrid battlecruiser results in a human victory. The alien “brain”, ironically the controlling entity of the alien forces, is only just destroyed by X-Com forces after fighting fanatically through hordes of aliens protecting it. In the death throes of Cydonia a desperate dying signal was sent. Its location: Earth.

The last vestiges of the aliens are hunted down and destroyed without the guidance of the alien super leader. The initial signal beamed to Earth from Mars is now thought to have been a desperate plea for alien bases on Earth to send reinforcements.

By 2013-2038 the whole world is suffering from economic depression. Countries rise and collapse, 'Elerium', which was the 'super fuel' used by the aliens and also thought to solve the problems of the Earth is in very limited supply. X-Com is disbanded, and old bases become theme parks, historical monuments or museums. The last 'Avenger' spaceship which failed to scan for any more signs of Elerium-155 on Mars is sold to the Smithsonian Institute. Cults to the aliens rise such as the Cult of Sirius and counter religions such as the Inquisitors give way to mass battles under jihads. Large countries annex poorer ones, still having their own economic problems to deal with. By 2027, there are only sixteen widely-recognised world governments.

A wealthy software tycoon, F. Denman Williams, purchases one of X-COM's aquatic stations. Fearing that the alien crisis is not yet concluded, he also hires the base's full complement of staff, both military and scientific. Dubbed S.O.R.E.S.O (Sub-Oceanic Reconnaissance and Extraterrestrial Salvage Operation), the organisation resumes X-COM's old duties, cataloguing UFO crash sites beneath the seas - and hunting down Elerium-115 stockpiles.

During this time, horrific attacks on many kinds of boats, vessels and cruise liners at sea are happening. Some civilian aircraft are also attacked and downed in the ocean. Across the world, surface vessels, aircraft, and submersibles begin to vanish without trace. These events steadily increase in regularity, and in response to increased public hysteria scientists release theories based on natural-magnetic anomalies, freak storms and more being responsible for the disappearances, ignoring reports of unusual submersible vessels at the problem sites.

Tabloids once again take the lead in declaring that Aliens are responsible, and the resultant public outcry calls for X-Com to be reinstated. The governments of the world ignore these calls to arms. S.O.R.E.S.O., still active after many years, steps up it's readiness to an all-time high. Many underwater crash sites still remain to be searched, but occasional missions are dispatched to investigate disappearances. No signs of alien activity are discovered, although the response time of S.O.R.E.S.O.'s craft is over two hours.

The S.O.R.E.S.O. craft 'Khimtar' is lost whilst investigating UFO crash site 137 near the wreck of the Titanic in the North Atlantic. It implodes and sinks under mysterious circumstances. The last words of the vessel's skipper are discovered nearly two months later, in the form of a distress call to the Pentagon. The message concludes with the prophetic words "I think they're back."


Establishing relations with the British Hydrospace and Sub-Am corporations, S.O.R.E.S.O initiates testing of the newly developed 'Barracuda'- and 'Triton'-class submersibles.

Despite a high initial failure rate - some faults resulting in the death of personnel - the bugs are eventually ironed out. Several of the craft are leased out. At the same time, the governments finally action, recruiting soldiers and training them in aquatic combat. Several of the few surviving X-COM personnel are also recruited to train and organise the new soldiers. With startling ease, the government assumes command of S.O.R.E.S.O , utilising their main base as X-COM's new base of operations.

Within days, Ocean Base 1 receives a distress call from the British passenger liner 'Hyperion'. One of the new 'Barracuda' subs is sent to investigate. Upon arrival, only a broken wreck is discovered. The pilot, Jake Burton, steps from the sub to investigate, and within seconds contact is lost. A second team sent in later determines that the craft was sunk by an unknown weapon. No trace of Burton is ever found.


January 1st: The Second Alien War officially begins.

Sightings of the strange new submersibles continue, and it rapidly becomes apparent that alien forces are once again at work. Alien activity escalates as the aliens once again seek to terrorize major metropolitan areas, this time focusing on coastal regions. Some species, such as the ‘Aquatoids’, are reminiscent of the previous alien invaders, whilst others are entirely new and utterly strange.

The 'Barracuda' submersibles prove highly effective at intercepting the smallest alien craft. However, the ground (or sea-bed) X-COM forces are sorely lacking in equipment with which to combat the aliens. Due to the severe lack of Elerium-115 to power plasma technology, and with the discovery that the laser weapons cannot be adapted for undersea use, the first aquanauts are forced to rely on archaic and primitive weapons. Research into the weaponry used by the aliens is rapidly initiated, although more indicated research begins in improving the old Plasma technologies for underwater and land based use via alternative power sources and ammo. The result is Gauss weaponry, and proves effective against the aliens so far.

The war continues, furious and unabated. Still more alien classes are discovered, and one that sternly remains within every X-COM soldier's mind is the "Lobster Man", an almost indestructible alien super soldier. These super soldiers are practically immune to normal Terran weaponry including the newly introduced Gauss weapons.

An alien substance known as "Zrbite" is discovered to be virtually analogous to Elerium-115 in its uses. It powers most alien equipment and weapons. It is also discovered to be dangerously reactive and unstable, but deemed within acceptable safety margins considering its uses in replicating alien technology. It is part alien bio material and part gold in origin.

The result of the recovery of equipment and aliens (dead and alive) from downed alien craft brings the fruits of advancement, and not too shortly either. Sonic weaponry is finally refined for X-Com use and proves highly effective against the invaders. Rotating close combat titanium weapons known as ‘Vibro-Blades’ are found to be in the possession of some of the humanoid aliens, and are able to withstand the pressures of the deep while maiming enemy forces. These weapons are quickly researched and adapted for X-Com use.

Water tight armour is also researched, with more refined suits protecting X-Com aquanauts against the alien foe.

This is also the turning point of the second alien war. Heavy alien infested areas under the seas are contested by X-Com and alien troops, sometimes mounting to full scale war.

*T'leth is the name of the Alien's city/colony ship.

Also great thanks to Elerium!! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Like I said on FS - cool Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

this is a good read although I am wondering why atomic weaponry isn't being used as a 10 mega ton warhead is enough to turn 10 cubic miles of ocean into super heated plasma and steam. nothing survives through it


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Joined: 18 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yeh, that'll be a big good bye for a "clean" sea water...

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Tyler Adams
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

DonutArnold wrote:
Yeh, that'll be a big good bye for a "clean" sea water...

Well, think of it this way; the climate got a hell of a lot wetter.

Very Happy


"Banned" RP here

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Wouldn't that still achieve aliens goal then?


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

well...this is the best prolouge ive ever read...

R.I.P Xeno. (Listen to my music (Outdated)).

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Mr. Pokey
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It is indeed a very good read, excellent work on that.
The guys who went to Mars could be said to be the "Knights of Cydonia" #Tongue
Was the material "Elerium" named after Elerium, or was he named after it?

I look forward to playing this, certainly Smile
I know this is OT, but your buildings are excellent too!


Organised Rules.ini by Judeau

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Joined: 07 Mar 2005

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mr. Pokey wrote:
It is indeed a very good read, excellent work on that.
The guys who went to Mars could be said to be the "Knights of Cydonia" #Tongue
Was the material "Elerium" named after Elerium, or was he named after it?

I look forward to playing this, certainly Smile
I know this is OT, but your buildings are excellent too!

Ah I merely used the StrategyCore story outline and just added to it/tweaked it/shortened it (so credits to those guys too). Everything which I wanted to say was there anyway so there was no point in me re-writing it all out as this is basically covered in the X-Backstory in TFTD anyway. Details of Terran weapons and such as well as where we are on the galactic scale among other things just needed explaining more, so I used my creative side.

Those people who went to Cydonia by the way were the elite team of commandos you train and send off eventually to fight the controlling menace on Mars because basically you are essentially fighting a losing battle on Earth. If you played UFO, the greater precursor to TFTD, you play this exact battle. After the Alien Brain is dead the Avenger dusts off with only a handful of X-commandos surviving, the base destroying itself in the distance. Basically it was a 'do this or we die' scenario, and you fail this vital mission it incurs the loss of the game, where humanity gets turned into mutants and swept aside for a future of endless slavery. Video versions are also available in where 3 battleships are hovering over the U.N. forcing a global surrender.

Last mission from the old game, man I still love UFO.

I'll say though that my chosen name was named after the material from UFO #Tongue

Elerium-115 is a fictitious element featured in the X-Com series. It contains high amounts of energy. Elerium is first only acquirable through the destruction of alien spacecraft and the capture of its power source, but it is later being extracted in mines from other places. Elerium is used to power plasma weaponry and alien propulsion systems, among other things.

One also notes the '155' so the game substance is separate from my nick.


Last edited by Elerium-155 on Sun May 17, 2009 8:17 pm; edited 7 times in total

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I remember at they had a weird "game"
One person played X-com - naming his men after forums members... and creating short stories out of it... That was nice #Tongue till his computer unallowed to play it...
Also:No atomic bombs... did you know what happend after tleith destruction? Wink


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

We have PWT Bombs instead of Nukes. They both annihilate everything anyway.


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Tiberian Beast

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I remember playing that game once, ages and ages ago Laughing, damn was it fun Very Happy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Just read through this and I have to agree with the others: Sounds very nice Smile

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