Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 1:36 pm Post subject:
Leave your suggestions for the mod here!
PPM's reason to exist is simple: a mod with everyone's skills for everyone. I know that it's not everyone in the world that is doing that, even if we received a lot of external help, but... it's made for people have fun... so following our ideology, feel free to leave suggestions here. If they are good enough, we can put them in the mod . QUICK_EDIT
and what ever happened to the kamikaze plane idea i really liked that idea lol would be funny not to mention damaging with enough of them...
Also how about making a special soldiers that look as tho they have a tiberium vest on and once you have a given amount of cash you hit the link to buy them and a swarm of the buggers bum rush a base and explode causeing a little damage and slowing your opponent but not killing them..also has to be steep so that peeps wont buy it like mad...
also would be V cool if you could make it where you could control the lil drone thing that moves and kills a building randomly, instead you could ahve it where you picked a building but it couldnt be like a mcv or anything and you had to obviously have uncovered some of the ground..or you could make it like the multi missell and send it where ever and it just explodes and anything in the vicinity gets damaged... QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 3:31 am Post subject:
Edited Eternal2u's post to be easier to read wrote:
Also how about making a special soldiers that look as tho they have a tiberium vest on... (pause)... and once you have a given amount of cash, you hit the link to buy them... (another pause)... and a swarm of the buggers bum rush a base... (another pause)... and explode causeing a little damage and slowing your opponent but not killing them... (more pauses)... also has to be steep so that peeps wont buy it like mad...
- We have a vehicle that has a weapon like that. Frost Tank from Nod...
also would be V cool if you could make it where you could control the lil drone thing that moves and kills a building randomly, instead you could ahve it where you picked a building but it couldnt be like a mcv or anything and you had to obviously have uncovered some of the ground..or you could make it like the multi missell and send it where ever and it just explodes and anything in the vicinity gets damaged...
- Like... ability to buy a sort of hunter-seeker or a unit that acts like one? I dont get it... QUICK_EDIT
erm the hunter seeker you would have it liek the normal hunter seeker where once you ge the right building it starts going except intead of just releaseing it and it hitting a random target you control it one you hit it you have a symbol to choose a building for it to attack and then any enemy building you want to kill you can by simply clicking on the location it is at or if you havent really exploered you could just send it somewhere randon by clicking on the fog of war...
and teh idea with the soldiers is kinda like on DAoC map on Wc3 where you get a certain amount of money then you choose "Org Invasion" and a SHITLOAD of orgs rusht eh castle and youc an capture it that way which makes it REALLY alot easier so with Ts i was thnking maybe make it where you could get that then once you click on it the guys just start halling ass out of your barracks and they just run straight for the base and anythign that gets in tehre way in the mean time that is an enemy unit gets blowed to smitherens also , of course if the defenses are up most wotn even get in so... QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 7:00 pm Post subject:
we cant create buttons for units... specially if the buttons are just for make it aim somewhere... there is a small chance of being able to do that in single player games with triggers, but not in multiplayer and skirmish... _________________
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what i currently have is a selectable hunterseeker.... it pops out of GAPLUG very slowly so you can select it.. then you can aim it a target... QUICK_EDIT
what abotu the building thing where when yoru over ground you can build on its green and ground youc ant its red couldnt you use the red as the button for it? QUICK_EDIT
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