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Command & Conquer 3: GDI Buildings.
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:54 pm    Post subject:  Command & Conquer 3: GDI Buildings.
Subject description: Content by Alex06, aditional credits to C&C Infiltration (
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Construction Yard

The Construction Yard allows the construction other buildings. Upgrades can be purchased to allow the construction of multiple buildings at the same time. There are no dozers such as in Generals.

Power Plant

The Power Plant provides power for your base's structures. Like in Tiberian Sun the Power Plant can be upgraded with additional turbines to increase power production.


The Barracks allows for the production of infantry. Unlike past games set in the Tiberian universe certain types of units, such as Light Infantry, will be produced in squads.

Tiberium Refinery

The Tiberium Refinery allows for the harvesting of Tiberium. One Harvester is deployed when a Tiberium Refinery is constructed and it allows the production of additional Harvesters from the War Factory.

Tiberium Silo

The Tiberium Silo stores unrefined Tiberium for processing. It is unknown if they will spill the contained Tiberium when destroyed as in Tiberian Sun.

Watch Tower

The Watch Tower is GDI's basic defensive structure. It can detect cloaked units such as the Stealth Tank and is upgradeable with rockets, a mini-gun or another unspecified weapon.

Component Tower

The Component Tower appears to be the same as Tiberian Sun and has the ability to upgrade its weapon to either a sonic turret or a rocket/missile turret. Its default weapon is the Vulcan Cannon from Tiberian Sun.

War Factory

The War Factory allows the production of vehicles. Units can be built from each additional War Factory just like in Generals.

Radar Center

The Radar Center allows you to see the mini-map with units and structures. Like Tiberian Dawn, it has the special ability of calling in air strikes. It can also trick the enemy’s radar.


The Airfield allows the production of aerial units such as the Orca and appears to be the replacement of the helipad from past games.

Technology Center

The Tech Center allows you to research and/or purchase upgrades for vehicles. Presumably it also opens up the production of higher tech level vehicles.


The Arsenal allows you to research and/or purchase upgrades for infantry and it can also heal infantry. Presumably it also opens up the production of higher tech level infantry.

Rocket Uplink

The Rocket Uplink allows you to launch rockets and transport Zone Troopers. The rockets are also meant for both tactical strikes on the map and for deploying spy satellites that reveal the entire map to the player.

Ion Cannon Uplink

The Ion Cannon allows the use of GDI's orbital satellite weapon system, the Ion Cannon. It can strike a giant green/blue beam on any target on the map. The laser can be moved while it is attacking, just like in Generals.

Note: This section was written and donated by Alex06, and it was oiginally written for C&C: Infiltration. Check the comments for further info on credits.

Last edited by Banshee on Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Here's the detailed information on the credits of this section:

(just posting this to avoid any trouble)

MSN log between Alex06 and Banshee wrote:
Alexander (Alex06) says:
If you can ever upload it somewhere, I'd be very thankful

Alexander (Alex06) says:

Banshee says:
Hmmm... I can upload it in PPM... or I can separate it in GDI Units, GDI Buildings, Nod Units and Nod Buildings and make a special section for C&C 3 at PPM... what do you think?

Alexander (Alex06) says:

Alexander (Alex06) says:
However, be sure to credit CNC-I;net

Alexander (Alex06) says:
CNC Infiltration

Alexander (Alex06) says:
because I was making it originally for them and I also got some info from them to

Alexander (Alex06) says:
And yeah, post this up on PPM!

Banshee says:
I'll do it

Alexander (Alex06) says:
alright, thanks

Also, some of the units seems to be a bit repetitive. I mean, look at the Watch Tower and Component Tower. Aren't them the same thing?

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