Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:41 am Post subject:
Original site design:
- Muldrake
Adaptations to the original design and code:
- Banshee
Forum Interaction:
We are using PHPBB Fetch All script to make the forum interaction. Other than that, Banshee has lightly modified the original script to attend all the needs of the site. Some other PHP scripts were made or modified by Banshee based on the scripts from the phpBB fetch all mod.
- Muldrake
- Muldrake
Other graphics:
- Tapek, Muldrake, Banshee, Mice16 and Tesla7zap.
News Posters:
- Banshee
- Muldrake
- Aro
- Morpher
- Dutchygamer
- m7
- and all project leaders.
Section Builders:
- Banshee
Forum Icons:
- Westwood/EA Pacific/EALA/Blizzard and whoever made the other games for the original icons.
- Carnotaurus for adapting the RA1 icon.
News Tracker
- Code by Banshee
- TS: Rewire and few other news fetched from ModDB - Game Development RSS feeds.
Alien Message:
- Alien Message??? Last edited by Banshee on Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:23 pm; edited 5 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:49 am Post subject:
This is the credits for the old PPM steel layout (from april 2003 to december 2006):
Site design:
- Banshee (colours based on ColdSteel theme for phpBB)
Forum Interaction:
We are using PHPBB Fetch All script that can be found in to make the forum interaction. Other than that, Banshee has lightly modified the original script to attend all the needs of the site. Some other PHP scripts were made or modified by Banshee based on the scripts from the phpBB fetch all mod.
- Tratos
- kopaka649
Other graphics:
- Tapek
News Posters:
- Banshee
- Kane
- TS
- Sk8erkid
- Carnotaurus
- Morpher
- and all project leaders.
Section Builders:
- Banshee
- Kane
- Sk8erkid
Forum Icons:
- Westwood/EA Pacific/EALA/Blizzard for the original icons.
- Carnotaurus for adapting the RA1 icon.
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:25 pm Post subject:
The main website has been fully recoded from scratch today. It doesn't look exactly how it looked with the previous code, but it is very close to that. What you see now is not exactly what Muldrake has conceived and probably many of the additions would look better if he was the one who made them. For this reason, I've changed the credits today, january 30th, 2014. QUICK_EDIT
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