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PPM Chainstory: Comments!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:15 am    Post subject:  PPM Chainstory: Comments! Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Please post only chapters in the PPM Story thread, any comments you might have about it should be posted in this thread.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Comment by Sk8erkid: (Moved from mainthread)

ooo.. missing 4 chapters then reading them all at once gice sk8erkid a headache.. me go sleep now.. AND BTW, MY CHAPTER WASNT THAT CRAZY! all it did was bring in GWredwall and crackmine (from the first froums) and my new hologram tech, and if tapek can have some evil plot to kill us all, how come i cant someohow find out and take him out (nonlethally) #Tongue ... and the zombies were realistic, member LC wanted to give them to soviets?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Comment by Banshee: (Moved from mainthread)

Sometimes you make some non-sense chapters... but this time you've exagerated a bit, dont you think?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

sk8erkid, yea, I knew you were talking about Crackmine. He was in PPM for a while but left on the change from Coolboard to EZboard, if I remember right. Then chitzkoi was lost on the change from EZboard to VBulletin.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I would love to write a chapter but I just couldnt pull one off in time before the release of a new chapter by someone else. Also I ddnt really se much of a prob from sk8terkids but I dont remember much of it.


All hail me

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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:32 am    Post subject: Somethings need explanation in the recent chapters (32->3 Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ok, here we go with the list of the doubts and unexplained facts of the newer chapters. Just for noting you guys, if you see no point in my chapters as well, complain, please.

Chapter 32: I am the chapter name

First of all, non-sense chapter name, but ignoring that, here we go:

Suddenly, he passed over a small Orc outpost, which was no more than a few towers and a barracks.

- Where? Huh? How? Ok, I know how as he was driving an F-14, but, where was that? Was that near kirkland or in the south of UK? Wasn't there any anti-air before Kane reachs it? In the chain story, Orcs are allied and majorly commanded by Tapek, how come the orcs had a base there if Tapek hadnt approached that area? (He was in a war, wasn't him and his was wasnt over). Lack of details here confused me as well.

He frowned, thinking it odd that there weren't in any other buildings, and pulled up in a loop to gain altitude and survey the area. Once he was at 5000 feet, he looked out the cockpit and saw that the base was in fact guarding a number of Empire Earth mines.

- Orc base guarding Empire Earth mines? Why? How come anyone from Empire Earth appeared there to put mines in an enemy orc base if the Empire Earth characters had their ships near the PPM Alliance base to defend them? Why orcs would have a base to guard mines (unless it was a gold mine, which doesnt seems to be the case)?

"Me likey!" Kane said, glancing at the smouldering Orc encampment below him. He launched a couple missiles at the remaining Barracks and then launched missiles at the remaining Orcs that had escaped the barracks in time, watching with glee as they splattered. He checked his fuel and saw he needed to return to the 'Carrier, so he set the F-14 into autopilot and waited as it returned to the aircraft carrier.
"Time to go get those civvies," Kane thought.

- Whatever I wrote before, this makes the base become irrevelant for next chapters.

Evilkane problems:

Evil Kane walked through his base, shooting random minions as they crossed his path.
"Sire!" one of the minions said. "The PPM Alliance has landed in Kirkland! They're building a base!"
"Thank you for informing me," Kane said, then he shot the minion in the kneecap. "Hmmm, so they're going to attack LC... Excelleenntt... Two birds with one stone. MwaahahahahahahahahahahahahahAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" his maniacal laughter continued for a good 12 minutes before he finally broke down in a fit of maniacal caughing.

That wouldn't be a problem if... lets see the last participation from Evil Kane before it in Chapter 26 (written by Kane itself):

Banshee was going over some maps of the second Nod base with Tratos when Kane, Yoshi, OOAK, and Threepwood arrived at the base.
Banshee looked at Good Kane, then looked at the dead Evil Kane, then looked back at Good Kane again. "What the ztype?"
"This is good Kane," OOAK said. "That one's evil Kane."
"I'm confused," Tratos said. "I thought he was good Kane," he pointed at the dead Kane. "And aren't you supposed to be dead, Yoshi? And who are they?" He said, gesturing at Threepwood and his pirates.
"I'M the good Kane," Kane said. "The dead one was the evil Kane. Yoshi never died. This is Guybrush Threepwood, pirate captain, and the guys behind him are his crew. Tapek is the evil one, and he created the clone of me. He tried to kill us, and thought he succeeded, and that's why he said Yoshi was dead," Kane summarized.
"How do we know what Kane you are?" Banshee asked.
"Look at the ears," Kane said, pointing to the clone. "He's human, I'm an elf. NWN Kane is an elf."
"Ookkkaaayyyy," Banshee said.

- Now, this got really serious, as the evil Kane was DEAD. Is his base in UK or still in his abandoned fortress of doom? basically, no sense at all...

He watched a Capitol go up, then a Barracks, Tank Factory, Airfield, Hospital, Siege Workshop, Dock, Naval Yard, and then walls and towers. Then the civilians went to work immediately, transporting the supplies from the transport to the Capitol and mining from the resources near the base.

- Where was this capitol if the Empire Earth crew were only naval? Did they built a capitol in a ship? Oh man... that's definitelly new for me...

While he was walking through the Command Center, he heard a beeping sound and turned to a nearby monitor.

- Ok, this one I admit: My mistake. In Generals, USA already starts with radar and China develops it in the Command Center, but GLA build a radar van. So, to see the beeping sound, he should have gone to the van. However, when he was writing it, he asked me "which place was the radar in Generals" and I answered him that it was Command Center... my bad, man, my bad.

Final Note: Evil Kane appears several times after that appearance and it's even captured... the dead attacks, well.. next chapter will be named "Resident Evil"...

Chapter 33: Enter Arsenal Gear

I have no much complaints of this chapter. I think it's good but somethings.... let's get more details:

They went to the helipad, where there was already a chinook waiting for them.

- Helipad was something from the old CnC games (TS or older) from GDI or Nod. PPM had a GLA base and GLA have no air force. Chinook is an american unit, not GLA and no, they hadn't captured any American base.

Now, here comes the problem here. Let's get a fast briefing at the MG Rays again:

One of a Kind, at the beggining of the chapter 33, wrote:
The Metal Gear as its known is a series of nuclear equipped bipedal robots that have gone through various models throughout the Metal Gear game series.

So, each ray brings nuclear material in it. When one of them explode, it liberates nuclear material in the environment as well. Ok, let's press the "play" again ( I mean, continue reading the chapter):

"Get those rocket launchers ready." said OOAK, his face set. A huge metallic roar came from behind them and they turned. All twenty five Metal Gear Rays were crossing the water and heading towards them, and their weapons were all armed. OOAK turned to the group and spoke urgently, "OK here's the plan, Ray has one weak spot and one way to exploit it. First aim at the knee, if you do hit it right Ray will turn its head towards you and open its mouth, aim for the mouth when it does this. You'll have to do it a couple of times to damage it enough, the good news is that all of the rays will stay around the perimeter........." They heard a huge crash and saw a huge Metal Gear Ray standing over them "....... except one! Scatter!" shouted OOAK.

They began to run around the huge platform, OOAK concentrated on the central Ray while the others took out the ones around the side. OOAK deliberately preserved the central Ray for a while so as to prevent any others from taking its place. Tratos shouted over to him.....

"I'm running out of ammo!"

"Here use this!" OOAK tossed him his own launcher and turned back towards the Ray unit. He pulled out his FAMAS and ran at it. 'This had better work!' he thought to himself and he jumped, much higher than he was supposed to, and landed on the Ray's head. He aimed the FAMAS at the unit's eye socket and emptied an entire clip into its enternal circuitry, he jumped clear as it collapsed to the floor...... destroyed.

He looked round and saw that the rest of the team had taken out all but two of the Rays, but were running out of ammo. 'Here we go again.' he thought to himself as he ran at the two Rays........

- Wouldn't that cause a multiples nukes? The place would be completely infested and all warriors would suffer and probably OOAK would die, since he was over one of them.

Finding the self-destruct for Arsenal proved to be something of an anti-climax after the tremendous fight with the Rays, but it was found and triggered, followed by a mad dash by all concerned until they all made it a safe distance and were picked up by chinook. They saw the explosion as they were being taken back to base and needless to say it made all the effort seem worthwhile.

- That would be the final nuke, but this chinook again? Uh oh...

"Well LC has twenty six less major weapons in his arsenal, I'd say we did good!" said Tratos as he proceeded to fall unconcious from exhaustion. OOAK looked out of the hatch at the rising sun, content with what they had accomplished when suddenly they were rocked by an explosion. "We're taking SAM fire! We're going down!" Shouted Banshee...........

- If when they were coming there, no one attacked them, while they would attack in the return?

Chapter 34: Can't anyone die in these days?

The chapter itself wasn't bad until...

The crazy laughter brought Yoshi down into the interrogation room, snarling angrily.


"Yeah right kane" said yoshi, rolling his eyes. This kane is good, he doesn't want to hang out with a loser like you." Yoshi started up the stairs. "Coming, kane?"

- And again... Yoshi wasn't with Kane...

My comments for Chapter 35 and 36 will be up later, because these comments took me half an hour and if I loose them because of an "esc" or an internet explorer short cut of refreshing (again), I'll destroy this keyboard.

Last edited by Banshee on Sat Mar 08, 2003 3:31 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Kane's replies (it helps to sort most of things, but somethings are still incomplete:

Banshee diz:
Kane, please reply there:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Banshee diz:
the main problem was really evil kane appearing from nothing...
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Appearing from nothing?
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
He and his army attacked
Banshee diz:
he was dead, pratically
Banshee diz:
look at chapter 26
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Meh, you can't kill evil peeps
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Besides, it was Tapek that made EvilKane come back
Banshee diz:
Banshee diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I'll show you
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I asked CC, and he confirmed it, or else I wouldn't have used Evilkane
Banshee diz:
the last mention was in chapter 26
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Where? Huh? How? Ok, I know how as he was driving an F-14, but, where was that? Was that near kirkland or in the south of UK? Wasn't there any anti-air before Kane reachs it? In the chain story, Orcs are allied and majorly commanded by Tapek, how come the orcs had a base there if Tapek hadnt approached that area? (He was in a war, wasn't him and his was wasnt over). Lack of details here confused me as well.

Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Okay, for one thing, we don't need detail for that. It's just an orc encampment. It's assumed it's just there guarding the mines. And, if I didn't mention Anti-air, it never happened
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
And also, I didn't need to say WHERE the base was, because in the long term, it doesn't matter
Banshee diz:
reply that in your post as welll
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Tapek opened his eyes slowly and wished he hadn't. Every bit of his body ached like crazy. But despite the pain his eyes opened even wider at what he saw.
"Thought you could kill me eh?"
"You... it's impossible!"
The maniacal laughter chilled Tapek to the bone as he recieved a vicious kick to the head, and he lapsed back into unconsciousness.

From in CC's story
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Why post it?
Banshee diz:
yea, I saw that, but I was confused as well
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I'm telling you on MSN
Banshee diz:
how did he revived evil kane or found him out?
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
CC's chapter didn't mention that
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
And I didn't either. I didn't think of any reason to
Banshee diz:
because it's confusing...
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Banshee diz:
in chapter 26, evil kane was near his fortress in canada. in chapter 30, CC was in uk
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
In chapter 26, he was "killed"
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
In CC's chapter it turned out he WASN'T killed
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Tapek had THOUGHT he killed EvilKane
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
But he hadn't
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
And EvilKane probably flew to the U.K. or something
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
And he obviously had a plan already if he had a Lair of DOOOOM
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
(Which CC filled in)
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
- Orc base guarding Empire Earth mines? Why? How come anyone from Empire Earth appeared there to put mines in an enemy orc base if the Empire Earth characters had their ships near the PPM Alliance base to defend them? Why orcs would have a base to guard mines (unless it was a gold mine, which doesnt seems to be the case)?
Banshee diz:
( I still couldnt get that lair of doom...)
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
It's a lair
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane's Lair
Banshee diz:
and how one of them teleported to each other if scroll of town portal only allows you to teleport to nearest town? Evil Kane wasnt in any town
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
He just used a teleport spell
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I assume
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
He might have gone over on a ship or something
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Or maybe he grabbed a flight on the Concord
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Or maybe he flapped his wings and flew over
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Does it matter?
Banshee diz:
sorry, but still no sense at all
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I can understand you not knowing what the EE mines were. In Empire Earth, all the mines aren't buildings, they're, like, exposed minerals laying on the ground. Ore, Gold, Stone... Surely Orcs can find a use for those minerals. That's why they had a little outpost there to guard them. They probably didn't know what to do with Tapek captured...
Banshee diz:
erm... ok, that part is explained, but Evil kane's part has no sense
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I still don't get why you don't understand. Evil Kane somehow got to the U.K.
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
It doesn't matter how, he just did
Banshee diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Then he, somehow, captured Tapek
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
It might be explained in the future
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
That's what usually happens
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Everything falls together at the end of the story
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
It's also what makes the chainstory fun, because, like, if someone wanted to, they could explain how EvilKane got to the U.K. by saying he came across on a Lapris (A water transport pokemon)
Banshee diz:
it will be SOMEHOW explained as well.. somehow....
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Banshee diz:
too much somehow... where, somehow, confuses me
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Are the explanations really that necessary? I mean, if everything is explained, isn't that boring? We know exactly what's going to happen!
Banshee diz:
it doesnt need excessive explanations, but things should at least make sense, Kane...
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
*shrug* Me and CC thought it made sense
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
He watched a Capitol go up, then a Barracks, Tank Factory, Airfield, Hospital, Siege Workshop, Dock, Naval Yard, and then walls and towers. Then the civilians went to work immediately, transporting the supplies from the transport to the Capitol and mining from the resources near the base.

- Where was this capitol if the Empire Earth crew were only naval? Did they built a capitol in a ship? Oh man... that's definitelly new for me...
Banshee diz:
yea, another weird thing...
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Well, on the Transport Ship, there were a bunch of civvies. I mentioned it in the previous chapter somewhere
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
"Just in case anyone wants to know, or wants to use this info in subsequent chapters, all those ships are from Empire Earth. If you want to make the transport ship have a bunch of civvies that build a base in the U.K., then I should let you know that the ships work like this:
Frigate: Attacks other ships and submarines (Depth charges and a 105mm cannon)
Cruiser: Attacks aircraft (SAM missiles or AA guns)"
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
"I wonder who brought the Empire Earth stuff in? He thought to himself.
Suddenly, he got an idea and walked over to the transport ship, noticing that it was the Atomic Age -- Modern version, and looked in, seeing a number of civilians milling around in the cargo hold,"
Banshee diz:
now, getting into my chapter... hold on..
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Banshee diz:
Transport Captain: We gonna head to Kirkland and from there, you prepare your forces to kick LC's ass.
Cole: Ok, but we gonna need some support from you after we land, so I can build this GLA base that I'm architeting safer.
Transport Captain: Yes, sir.

Banshee diz:
They are supposed to stand near PPM's base to protect them from incoming attacks or become an air support....
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Civilians? Civilians couldn't kill a RAT. They barely have weapons
Banshee diz:
the ships are supposed
Banshee diz:
not the civilians
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Well, the ships did. The transport has no weapons, so it unloading the Civilians and leaving shouldn't cause a problem.
Banshee diz:

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Well, how about a hand for the PPM Chainstory which lasted for 40 chapters before becoming completely insane! Very Happy It was fun and cool, and now we must vote for the best chapter written in it.

Remember... free car! You can choose from the Minivan, green thing, and red thing! If you win, of course. Check out the thread in the Announcements forum!

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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

There are 3 chapters I like... the 5 scuds (pomelic chapter 40), water war (also written by me) and one from One Of A Kind... I think it's chapter 16: An Important Decision

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One Of A Kind
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

One by me? Wow I'm impressed Very Happy !!!!

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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Instead of being impressed, you should vote!

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