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Mechanical Dawn Story
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Stealth Laser Trooper

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:14 am    Post subject:  Mechanical Dawn Story Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

:::::The Rise and Fall of Communism:::::
In the year 2084 Europe, Asia, and Africa fell victim to the Communist rule. Soon the Americas followed suit as the Confederation of Multiple Masters and Yearlings (Commy's) expanded its boreders over 3/4 of the worlds land. 36 years after the entire world became communism the former Great Britian & United States of America revolted and became free. Then the ripple effect started and the world plunged into a fourth world war. After the war millions of lives had be taken and entire porvinces and countries had been enighlated. The Free countries comming out on top pulled together and tried to repair the damage comminist rule had done. Years of research,technological break throughs, and history was lost for ever. The world was back at 20th century tech and needed to start all over again. A race of machines was hiddend in a top secret bunker, so the leaders of man decided to get them up and running. They used them for military uses and civilian jobs. A few years later they were granted land for thier own city, and they named it 01 for the first machine city.Then thats when things got really bad.  
-Moving on-
:::::Mechanical Dawn:::::
In the year 2130 just 20 years after the forming of 01, the machines rebelled against humanity in a Holy War. Humans being thier creators use the thought of "its only AI" and "we created it" as a source of morale is little considring the ruthlessness of the machines.


Their weapons use pulse lasers and plasma technology. Nuclear Radiation appears to have little affect on them and lacking the human emotion of fear and mercy thier armies prevail against the humans with ease. They use the nuclear missile to thier advantage by making it into a grenade form, but only thier commandos use these beefed up weapons


Ah the trusty human, still lacking in higher technology they have still managed to steal pulse laser technology from the machines and use it for base defense and it proves VERY affective. EMP's are an awsome weapon againts the machines and the newest bomb codenamed "Devil's Breath" literally makes the machines into scrap metal. The technology the humans have is still pretty good considering how much was lost.

-About the Machines-

Most of the machines are androids and resemble humans, all though the military for the machines requires no human look-alikes. The Evon Mk III (basic machine) is programed to have freewill and is capable of learning, applying, inventing, and planning. They can show anger but not fear, they dream and remember. They need energy, but sleep is an option.
The machines believe that they are the chosen ones. their religion is based on the extermination of mankind. They believe that after they have completed their holy mission that the gods will give them all their glory. Their government is a theocratic state. The prophet being their mortal ruler. A program installed into these machines enables them to have fanatic beliefs, wich in turn spawned the "kolbarian" religion. its quite intresting that all the machines believe in the same religion and not several different ones like their creators.

-what are the machines going to do with humanity?-

it is speculated that since the machines require extreme amounts of energy to run yearly that the machines will construct a prison like power plant that will harvest the bio-energy from the sentient host. there are rumors of such a facility being constructed in the machine city of 01 (Araibian Desert). such a power plant is thought to hold 22 milion "inmates" and produce 177,000 gigawatts each month.

------------MACHINE CASTE SYSTEM----------------

Prohpets (Theocratic Leaders)
    *Prophet (supream leader)
    *revelator (secondary leader)
    *seer (police)
Arbiters (military)
Nobles (civilians)
Heretics (human sympathizers)

Last edited by red_rebel on Fri May 13, 2005 11:51 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Joined: 23 Nov 2002

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

human, still lacking in higher technology they have still managed to steal pulse laser technology
I can't believe that in 2131 year humanity could lack high technology including those lasers. They have created those machines after all.

in 2009 to Florence. Viva Italia!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

machines cant think creatively and are efficent. things that demoralise humans and kill them effectively would be used rather than lasers that drain electrical power and arent as scary as the DAKA DAKA DAKA of machine guns would probably be used instead of lasers as the ammo weight wouldnt be a problem. they would also make use of neutron weapons that kill organic life but not machines. but they would probably use laser AA defense as lasers travel at the speed of light and are perfect for targeting fast moving aircraft


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Stealth Laser Trooper

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

ackron the mighty wrote:
machines cant think creatively and are efficent. things that demoralise humans and kill them effectively would be used rather than lasers that drain electrical power and arent as scary as the DAKA DAKA DAKA of machine guns would probably be used instead of lasers as the ammo weight wouldnt be a problem. they would also make use of neutron weapons that kill organic life but not machines. but they would probably use laser AA defense as lasers travel at the speed of light and are perfect for targeting fast moving aircraft

yes the laser AA is an awsome use for them, the thing that really scares the humans is the burning of the plasma weapons, entire cities have been burned to the ground just by a few of thier infantry with plasma rifiles. keep in mind that it dose take about 4 humans to take down one machine (infantry). but the human tactics are expected to increase.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

but plasma is a inpractical and inefficent weapon to use against infantry. especialy since a powerful magnetic feild is required in a plasma weapon for both containment and locomotion of the plasma projectile. this would mean the robot would require extra magnetic sheilding and then there are the issues with coolent use and the massive amounts of heat that would probably fuse the firing mechanism. plasma as a infantry weapon isnt practical. unless said plasma is contained within a projectile that maintains a magnetic feild until the projectile impacts splashing the target with superheated 4th state matter. such a projectile would be incredibly expensive to produce so would only be sensible for a side that dosent use money but i suppose if that method is used you are right otherwise youre not imo


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Joined: 09 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

surley money would be no object to the machines?Since their trying to wipe out the humans they wouldnt want to trade with the human economy

That acting was so bad I think you gave me Cancer...


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

thats the point im making robots dont care about money but seeing as these ones care about religion they just might


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Joined: 09 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


That acting was so bad I think you gave me Cancer...


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Stealth Laser Trooper

Joined: 06 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

WP wrote:
surley money would be no object to the machines?Since their trying to wipe out the humans they wouldnt want to trade with the human economy

yes! the machines are programmed to think in the ways that humans do...the machines are just a million times better at it. money they use indeed. keep in mind that the machines have thier own country in the Araibian desert so yeah they need money to buy things.

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Stealth Laser Trooper

Joined: 06 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

ackron the mighty wrote:
but plasma is a inpractical and inefficent weapon to use against infantry. especialy since a powerful magnetic feild is required in a plasma weapon for both containment and locomotion of the plasma projectile. this would mean the robot would require extra magnetic sheilding and then there are the issues with coolent use and the massive amounts of heat that would probably fuse the firing mechanism. plasma as a infantry weapon isnt practical. unless said plasma is contained within a projectile that maintains a magnetic feild until the projectile impacts splashing the target with superheated 4th state matter. such a projectile would be incredibly expensive to produce so would only be sensible for a side that dosent use money but i suppose if that method is used you are right otherwise youre not imo

Thnx Ackron, well said.

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