What I mean is that current if one unit is behind another, the unit in front can block out the unit behind's star.
See the ships in this image. The one in the front is fine...

Here I circled them, the two further back (circled in red) are partially obscured by the ships in front

Often, when units are moving or turning the star gets hidden behind the unit it's attached to, too.
The code that attaches it to the unit in the rulesmd.ini is
And the art code for that is
Yes the animation is added under [Animations] in the rules too.
I tried adding Layer=top to it but all that did is make them visible through the fog

Notice the stars are still being obscured by the units there lol
ZAdjust made no difference either.
Not sure what else to try. How can I make them permanently visible on top of units? Similar to how you always see the promotion insignias on top of units.