"This unit is used for celebration and parades in Cuba. It is a unit primarily used as a prop for the people to boost morale.
Soldiers know that this unit isn't a proper tank so it does not help them.
After the war against the US from Russia broke out, this tank was not only abundant, but is expected by the people to go to the battlefield.
Equipped with proper armaments, but still keeping the janky design due to the people's familiarity.
This unit now goes through the battle being the "bravest tank of them all" due to fighting forward even though it's being torn apart piece by piece.
The soldiers operating inside already knew this vehicle weren't going to survive the beatings but they don't really have a choice
but to operate knowing it can't put as much power in the battlefield, thus pushing forward regardless"
"CreateUnit=" has a delay before spawning the unit. The unit is spawned using this:
[NONCBRSTFX2] ; AnimationType
CreateUnit=CBRSX2 ; TechnoType
CreateUnit.Owner=Victim ; Owner house kind, Invoker/Killer/Victim/Civilian/Special/Neutral/Random
CreateUnit.RemapAnim=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.Mission=Guard ; MissionType
CreateUnit.AIMission= ; MissionType
CreateUnit.Facing=0 ; Direction type (integers from 0-255)
CreateUnit.RandomFacing=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.InheritFacings=true ; boolean
CreateUnit.InheritTurretFacings=true ; boolean
CreateUnit.AlwaysSpawnOnGround=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.SpawnParachutedInAir=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.ConsiderPathfinding=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.SpawnAnim= ; Animation
CreareUnit.SpawnHeight=-1 ; integer, height in leptons
CreateUnit=CBRSX2 ; TechnoType
CreateUnit.Owner=Victim ; Owner house kind, Invoker/Killer/Victim/Civilian/Special/Neutral/Random
CreateUnit.RemapAnim=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.Mission=Guard ; MissionType
CreateUnit.AIMission= ; MissionType
CreateUnit.Facing=0 ; Direction type (integers from 0-255)
CreateUnit.RandomFacing=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.InheritFacings=true ; boolean
CreateUnit.InheritTurretFacings=true ; boolean
CreateUnit.AlwaysSpawnOnGround=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.SpawnParachutedInAir=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.ConsiderPathfinding=false ; boolean
CreateUnit.SpawnAnim= ; Animation
CreareUnit.SpawnHeight=-1 ; integer, height in leptons
Image=SMKPUFF was originally Image=NON. NON is a general shp that I use for every animation with effects.
I don't remember if it has 0 or 1 frame but whatever is the minimum frame for an anim, this has it.
The unit appears after 1 second (or longer? Main point is it's enough to be very noticible) and this isn't just the problem.
In the "DestroyAnim=", I wanted to use DestroyAnim=NONCBRSTFX2,SMKPUFF, but the problem with this is that it uses
SMKPUFF but it doesn't spawn the unit, presumably because NONCBRSTFX2 didn't play or was used.
"CreateUnit=" along with "DestroyAnim=" collects data of the old unit and transfer it to the new unit like Facings, etc.
I don't know if Ares/Phobos has a way to keep the unit being selected. I know "GroupAs=" is a thing and I am already using it,
but I wanted the unit to be more convinient to use as this is a "Monster Tank"/Tier 3 Unit.
This doesn't exist in Phobos but you get the idea. The unit has "Cost=1400".
Of course this unit can gain exp in the battlefield and possibly become elite and this promotion is kept up until the unit reaches it last "damaged state",
but considering that this unit gets destroyed then reappears again, I want to know your ideas on how to distribute/implement this unit
in a way that the unit and the enemy would have equivalent value for gaining/giving experience.
And I want to know If you guys know If someone is working on this or this idea was already told to the Phobos developers.
(On one note, also add the allowance for the VeterancyCap= to be changed higher and allow units to have their specific VeterancyCap=,
but this is beside the point already. And I know about Convert.Promotion= but that has it's own issues like having
more codes and the unit losing its script if the AI is using it and it gets promoted)
It would be more like this:
Experience.Gain=25% ;Calculated from Cost=
Experience.Give=25% ;Calculated from Cost=
Experience.Gain=25% ;Calculated from Cost=
Experience.Give=25% ;Calculated from Cost=
That is all. Please give me ideas on how to implement this if the current version of my unit is a bit unusable/irritating to play.
I am primarily working on campaigns and this unit would look good to use or fight against.