--- New units
- AVEN "Paladin": L2 Amphibious Heavy Support Robot
- SPHERE "Excisor": L2 Amphibious Shielded Fire Support Robot
--- Balance / Mechanics
- CLAW "Avenger" cloaks immediately when built and has a 1000H damage death blast
- Attack subs now default to "Hold Position"
- Enabled Quad-Tree path-finding system
- Ground units are now less likely to slide across the ground and fall through when moving along cliff edges
- AVEN, GEAR, and SPHERE L1 bomber aircraft reverted to hold fire by default and shoot a higher damage bomb with a longer reload time
(they also get about 30% cheaper)
- SPHERE "Tuber" gets reduced HP and a tracking anti-armor bomb with a slightly higher range but gets 25% more expensive
- SPHERE "Rock" aim rate significantly increased
- SPHERE "Hanz" and "Chub" are now amphibious
--- UI / Visual
- Slight adjustments to a few models
- Some unit parts are now glowy
- Improved construction-related "nano" particles
- Added Ingame Faction Selector
- AVEN "Paladin": L2 Amphibious Heavy Support Robot
- SPHERE "Excisor": L2 Amphibious Shielded Fire Support Robot
--- Balance / Mechanics
- CLAW "Avenger" cloaks immediately when built and has a 1000H damage death blast
- Attack subs now default to "Hold Position"
- Enabled Quad-Tree path-finding system
- Ground units are now less likely to slide across the ground and fall through when moving along cliff edges
- AVEN, GEAR, and SPHERE L1 bomber aircraft reverted to hold fire by default and shoot a higher damage bomb with a longer reload time
(they also get about 30% cheaper)
- SPHERE "Tuber" gets reduced HP and a tracking anti-armor bomb with a slightly higher range but gets 25% more expensive
- SPHERE "Rock" aim rate significantly increased
- SPHERE "Hanz" and "Chub" are now amphibious
--- UI / Visual
- Slight adjustments to a few models
- Some unit parts are now glowy
- Improved construction-related "nano" particles
- Added Ingame Faction Selector
You can find more information about Metal Factions by visiting the Official Website, Forums, and Discord Channel. Metal Factions is available for download Here. And this is all for today! Enjoy Metal Factions and provide your feedback about it so it can get better.