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Mod Help Week
Moderators: Generals Moderators, Global Moderators, OpenRA Moderators, Red Alert 2 Moderators, Tiberian Sun Moderators
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Joined: 31 May 2017

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 7:09 am    Post subject:  Mod Help Week
Subject description: Weekly announcements for project MHW
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Mod Help Week is a new event project where the entire c&c community is invited to help with 1 mod/project for a week (mostly yr/ts mods) We implemented a 'reward' system: help with the current mod to rack up rewards to register your mod for Mod Help Week, this way we motivate people to wanna help, because who doesnt want an entire team to help you with your project?

Here's a little teaser on how the reward system works:
Reward system
To qualify your mod, you have to gain > 5 < rewards. However, because this event just started, the first 4 entries are free (2 remaining) so hurry up and register by sending me your mod title.

You get rewards by helping:
- Every time you helped cross something of someone's list, you get 1 reward.
- For every 2 days that nobody has helped, rewards will increase with +1.
- Each Item you helped checked off in the 'Priority list' will give you 2 rewards.
- Any very large contribution (e.g making a 3d model from scratch, a detailed map from scratch, etc.) will be awarded 3, 4 or 5 rewards, depending on quality.
- Instead of contributing assets, you can also assist with teaching how to do something: for any tutorial posted in Mod Haven's or ppm's Tutorial forum regarding a listed item, will be given up to 5 rewards, depending on the tutorial's quality. Any other small or big assistance will be rewarded dependently.
(Everything needs proof)

Every task will be rewarded +50% to all rewards finished in the same week.

Every week's results will be announced in popular c&c servers and here on ppm, as well as the upcoming week and its list!

A template will be available to fill out at our modhaven forum topic. The mod owner will be given some rules to make this fun for all. For now all info and events will happen there. modhaven forum > Mod Help Week. All work must be posted there.
Join modhaven:[audio][/audio]

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Joined: 31 May 2017

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 7:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Scheduled for this week (week 27): Alex06

**This weeks mod/project:** Tiberian Zenith, a C&C 3 mod that adds CABAL as a faction, reworks the Scrin faction, and well as expands the game with neutral wildlife and neutral enemies, in addition to diversifying the gameplay mechanics and arsenal for GDI and Nod.

**Wanted skills:** texture artist, 3D artists & animation

?? **Detailed lists**
***Priority list:***
These 4 models:
- CABAL Swarmling
- GDI Hound/Wardog
- GDI "Titan UCP" mech (will have a different name)
- GDI Comm Array

***Help list: ***
- Unit models (with textures) for the Civilian, GDI, Nod, Scrin, and CABAL units listed here ->
- New CABAL faction/subfaction logo
- Lore & writing
- UI design and visuals
- Programming
- Design + general feedback

? **Project details**
Some of the work done for the mod so far

Join the Mod Haven to help. Results will be posted next week! Next upcoming mod will be announced next week as well!

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Joined: 31 May 2017

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


Not much activity for this first week, as expected. Alex06 gets a do-over

2nd week (starting upcoming sunday): Equestrian sun by Paladerp.

And here's an update on this project:

Ive decided to create a discord server. Since we have like a 100 mods and little collaboration, i had the idea of a system that will encourage people to help eachother.
Here's the introduction:

Introduction to c&c apprenticeship

- What is c&c apprenticeship? Our goal is mod collaboration. We found out a new interactive, educational, fun initiative for everyone to collaborate. With the use of:

-  **Point bank** - Earn points by: completing tasks, making courses, creating forum topics;  sell or buy your assets with points, You can even gamble your points! See <#1127235098853519380>  for all details

- **Courses** - Modders can teach their skills with the help of the forums, create  badges, and reward points for completing it.

- **Mod help week** - The Mhw event will highlight a mod for a week and multiply all rewards for this mod's task list.
it costs 1000 points to register to be modweek's leader. List out your to-do list and ask what you need help with. With the help of todo bot, you give each task your own point value.
The results of every modhelp week will be posted on every popular c&c website, discord, and c&c chat apps (optional).

The system is being build with the use of the 'custom commands' discord bot. We're building a solid economy system with features to create courses and tasks, a store and more to make it a really fun place.

With the use of a library forums of community tutorials, tools and links, sharing discord servers and using mentions, we optimize the use of courses and we'll have a system of collaboration in our community.

We are afiliated with Mod Haven, and link to its messages alot. You can even mention ModHaven's roles. It is recommended to join Mod Haven, so you can use all the links and have an optimal educational experience.

**You build a solid staircase for yourself when you leave steps behind you for others!**

Hell yeah! Lets go!

If interested in giving me more ideas or helping out, pm me I'll sent invite.

Here's a little pic made for course completion lmao!

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