Here's a little teaser on how the reward system works:
Reward system
To qualify your mod, you have to gain > 5 < rewards. However, because this event just started, the first 4 entries are free (2 remaining) so hurry up and register by sending me your mod title.
You get rewards by helping:
- Every time you helped cross something of someone's list, you get 1 reward.
- For every 2 days that nobody has helped, rewards will increase with +1.
- Each Item you helped checked off in the 'Priority list' will give you 2 rewards.
- Any very large contribution (e.g making a 3d model from scratch, a detailed map from scratch, etc.) will be awarded 3, 4 or 5 rewards, depending on quality.
- Instead of contributing assets, you can also assist with teaching how to do something: for any tutorial posted in Mod Haven's or ppm's Tutorial forum regarding a listed item, will be given up to 5 rewards, depending on the tutorial's quality. Any other small or big assistance will be rewarded dependently.
(Everything needs proof)
Every task will be rewarded +50% to all rewards finished in the same week.
To qualify your mod, you have to gain > 5 < rewards. However, because this event just started, the first 4 entries are free (2 remaining) so hurry up and register by sending me your mod title.
You get rewards by helping:
- Every time you helped cross something of someone's list, you get 1 reward.
- For every 2 days that nobody has helped, rewards will increase with +1.
- Each Item you helped checked off in the 'Priority list' will give you 2 rewards.
- Any very large contribution (e.g making a 3d model from scratch, a detailed map from scratch, etc.) will be awarded 3, 4 or 5 rewards, depending on quality.
- Instead of contributing assets, you can also assist with teaching how to do something: for any tutorial posted in Mod Haven's or ppm's Tutorial forum regarding a listed item, will be given up to 5 rewards, depending on the tutorial's quality. Any other small or big assistance will be rewarded dependently.
(Everything needs proof)
Every task will be rewarded +50% to all rewards finished in the same week.
Every week's results will be announced in popular c&c servers and here on ppm, as well as the upcoming week and its list!
A template will be available to fill out at our modhaven forum topic. The mod owner will be given some rules to make this fun for all. For now all info and events will happen there. modhaven forum > Mod Help Week. All work must be posted there.
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