Instead of doing a full-fledged mod, I decided to release it as an idea of a rebalanced YR mod with as few gameplay changes as possible. Basically, only one unit has been added (Yuri's Gattling Sub).
Most the units are intact, but some of them were re-done.
Most of the voxels have been changed to be aesthetically more pleasing.
Each faction has just one subfaction right now.
The full changelog here:
***General features***
DDD -Add country inf/tanks
DDD -Tech Lab will grant you a special Demo Truck
DDD -Engineer fix
DDD -Loading screens
DDD -3 factions
DDD -x3.5 Construction Yard health
DDD -Hide Campaign menu
DDD -Move hover transports to WF
DDD -Make barracks first
DDD -Remove loading screen texts
DDD -Add maps
DDD -CY doubles as Radar
DDD -Fix MCV health
DDD -Tripled Labs' health
DDD -fix building position Yuri
DDD -MCVs removed from crate goodies
DDD -add RA2 music
DDD -Replace Repair Depots with Repair circles around WFs (Yuri doesn't get one)
DDD -Give spy/thief speed boost
DDD -New Sidebars for Yuri and Soviets
DDD -A big bunch of assets were recolored
I'm a code monkey with the IQ of an ant: -add AI improvements
DDD -Rocketeer weaker armor (125 to 100)
DDD -Chrono Legionnaire weaker armor (125 to 100)
DDD -Removed Sapper bomb from SEAL
DDD -Black Eagle weaker armor, better building attack
DDD -Fixed Battle Fortress
DDD -Prism Tank is no longer a retarded potato.
DDD -Removed Tank Destroyer, Robot Tank is now slightly more powerful
DDD -Remove Grand Cannon
DDD -Remove Robot Control
DDD -Limit Gap Gen to 3
DDD -Reduce powerplant cost (800 to 500),
DDD -New Pillbox artwork
DDD -Terrorist->Thief
DDD -Remove Demolition truck
DDD -x1.25 Nuclear Reactor armor
DDD -Remove Radar
DDD -Added Doggo
DDD -Yuri Prime has more strength
DDD -Cheap, no weapon miner.
DDD -Limit Mastermind to 4 slots and no overpowering. Cost decrease.
DDD -Boomer balance (weaker armour (1200->500), balanced cost)
DDD -Extended Magnetron beam range
DDD -Add GattSub
DDD -Removed Cloning Vats
DDD -Synapse ( as Pillbox/Sentry Gun alternative)
DDD -Psychic Tower has a build limit of 4, and is post-Lab
DDD -Mobile Refinery-> Normal Refinery
DDD -Grinder -> reverse engineering building
-NASAM SHP and cameo
-Sea Scorpion
-Mirage Tank
-Black Eagle
-Prism Tank
Shepherd Moons
-Soviet MCV
-Yuri MCV
-Floating Disk
-Robot Tank
-Gattling Sub
-A shitton of maps
-V3 remake
(I hope I haven't missed anyone on the list.)
Download here!
I'll try fixing bugs whenever I can.
Most of the assets are public, some I've recolored.
I might update this mod at times, but for the moment, I just want to release it.