I've recently started this project from the desire to play with another faction in the playerbase community. The idea of this project is to have custom ts factions available for public use, everyone can work on, use in their own mod, rip assets out of, and to have something ready for project vinifera.
Since Nod and GDI's balance is so sensitive, we are gonna leave Nod and GDI completely alone, with the idea to keep the vet-patch optional. But because Vet-patch basically also makes sure that units that are considerd useless, are no longer useless, i think its best to balance the new factions with vet-patch enabled, so we don't need to make a vet patch for the new factions, and vet patch enabled will be the preferred norm.
This project is based on multiplayer gameplay and not the tiberian sun story, this way i believe we have more opportunity to come across good custom playable factions. Their ai.ini entries are easily written, and custom campaigns are always possible, we can even revive campaigns from dead mods too, in the future if we want.
Since there already are pretty cool custom factions out there, and because I have no design-skills whatsoever, i decided to look around for public assets and existing custom TS factions. I've asked around if we can use them for public use and so far these guys have responded with approval:
Superjoe - Tiberian Sun Reform
Astor - Old Crystalized Doom (ts engine) + 2 buildings from his current CD version on openra , and some sidebars
Holy_Master - reign of steel (all faction assets. Ra2 mod)
Mortecha's- Dusk (awesome naval sub-factions)
I wanted to wait with announcing this project untill the screenshots would look good enough for each faction, but since i just discovered that the YR factions take a little bit more time to transfer to TS (the sound voice entries), im just gonna do it now. I'm halfway with the last faction so i don't have a screenshot for it yet.
Consortium from Reign of Steel:

This is imo the ROS faction with best TS style. just the ref, and towers needs resizing, many units need to be fixed too.. its a big work in progress lol, but i did all of this relatively quickly, but if you want this faction in your mod, i could use some help.
Steel Talons from Reign of Steel:

Orginally this is GDI from ROS. But i guess i can be part of a cool TS mod.
Also still lots of work to do,resizing, recoloring, fixing animations, etc,
Marked of Kane:

Orginally this is Nod from ROS, i just added those grey squares on my phone real quick to see if those public assets would fit the faction lol. Still need to convert all the resized frames to shp files and add the faction in the client
Superjoe's Forgotten (TS Reform)

with sidebar:

Cabal from public assets: LKO,McPwny,DaFool, 2 from Astor, some assets from Cabal's legacy, which are just a placeholder for now because i have no response from mod owner yet:

Still need to resize and recolor some buildings, but im glad i finally found a group of matching buidings, it took me forever to find good stuff.
Naval from TS Dusk:

Faction Philosophy:
The philosophy for TS Factions i use is in their logo: The logo represents the game mechanics that this faction uses for its main strength and abilities.
GDI - the eagle. The eagle is an incredibly strong bird that can lift their pray.
- Strength and airlift is indeed this factions main power
NOD - the worm. Worms have an incredible armor, can dig and thus be stealthy. They can live in environments that kills most other living things (veins)
- this explains Nod by itself.
These logo's are very well thought through.
To make it more simple, each faction relies on a single unique game mechanic:
For gdi its Carryall
for Nod its Subs
So to make another faction in TS, we need to bring a new game mechanic/feature. What better time to start now with the rise of project Vinifera.
For Forgotten i would think that ra2's radiation would be fitting very well. Its not an animal, but together with mutation they will fit rather well together.
for Cabal, or any other robot-style faction, i think cloning and/or chrono would be great. Possibly chrono, cloning would be a scrin-ish or some futuristic faction.
These ra2 features are still far down the line for vinifera, but at least we can get the factions ready, there are also a few already completed new features we can use. But for now we'll have to wait for the ts-client to be switched with vinifera to try out these features
Scouting for factions in other mods:
Which was at the time an awesome mod: True power. Which cabal and forg are ok-ish, its scrin faction is very unique. But its unfortunately a conversion of a different copyrighted game so i don't wanna show any pictures or say the name here. I did however extracted the faction from the mod and added it in an alpha version. Let me know if you want it. I have some trouble letting it go because i was so hyped about playing this online, and bk57 made a template for it, it looked legitly really cool and was already a completed faction ready to polish like superjoe's forgotten. Ah i guess 1 screenie won't hurt so yall know my pain:
Spoiler (click here to read it):

Image will be deleted in 2 weeks

i know some of yall think its ugly, but i don't lol
cuz the fact that its copyrighted plus the mod owner game_master is unheard-of, its just best to not use this faction, but use it as placeholder for a potential different scrin instead. I did however get in contact with the twilio_stark, who revived the mod True Power. I decided to revive the entire mod again. Join the Public factions discord if u want it. Its kinda fun to revive dead mods with this new ts-client which is custom faction friendly.
Join the discord if you want to stay up to date, or want to help or give any feedback. https://discord.gg/rYgM6M5Wpv
Two other factions that are low priority at the moment, are just fun idea's atm:
Militia, and a city faction.
It shouldn't be that hard to create a militia faction out of public assets.
For a city faction, i was thinking to make all city-buildings buildable, each building gives freeunit civilian (cuz of max sidebar items is 75 atm), and a pre-trigger will make your mcv go to the middle of the map and deploy, so you're forced to play in the middle. Thought this wld be a fun idea to be a sim-city in between player's battle. Its definitly more fun then spectating games lol.
And last but not least:
Each faction can easily have a naval sub-faction, since it only consists of a shipyard and 3 boats. Additional stuff (askhati's naval work) can be worked on too, as just a mod or if we potentially ever can get sub-techlevels. Perhaps Additional checkbox: Enable Naval, or perhaps as an optional mod insert.
I also dont mind to turn this entire project into just my own personal mod, if it happends that this project gets no support. that's fine. I just want to play online with new factions, thats all this really is about. We do need a client to test it ofcourse. I prefer to name it 'TS Public Faction'. All factions (except MOK) is playable already, so come join. (I gotta make an alpha/beta version to share,.. right now its a mess, gotta clean up the folders this week and ill share a download.
Here is our discord server: https://discord.gg/rYgM6M5Wpv
Other then that, i found out someone attempted a Faction expension too, recently: WillyDingus I contacted him and we've been supporting each other. He's got very interesting ideas and made sub-factions from gdi and nod. Also worth to check it out: Tiberian sun Faction mod :https://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberian-sun-factions
Besides using superjoe's forgotten, Askhati has excellent skills in making voxels, and forgotten assets as well. Some of reform's Forg also has some of his old work, just mentioning. he's mostly active on Mod Haven Discord (click) , or his page (click)
There's always more stuff to consider ofcourse. I've been realizing more and more how awesome the modding community is. All of creations so far is a result of amazing teamwork of all the dev's and modders. Now with project Vinifera on the rise, TS appears to make a huge come back, so it just makes sense to polish (a) custom faction(s).
Please if you think any of this is something cool to work on or try out, please join the discord. https://discord.gg/rYgM6M5Wpv
Sorry for the clutter of text!!
The main thing now is just, lets have many battles the way westwood did it to make their small adjustments (click here to see article) lets give normal ts players the download and make them try it and note their feedback.
I wrote all of this on my phone when i was bored, need some major editing lol.