*Credits to Quiet for GFX
Squid Locus
Affiliation: Syndicate
Role: Naval Defense
Primary: Tentacles
Hitpoints: 600
Strong: Naval Units
Weak: Ground & Air Units
Cost: 1000
Power: -50
Armor: Steel
Requirements: Syndicate Construction Yard, Radar Spire, Syndicate Naval Docks
Additional Info:
- Has increased build range adjacency.
- Sensor Range: 8
- Attacks disable enemy unit movement.
The Syndicate build these bizarre structures in the waters as their choice for defense against naval threats. So called ‘Squid Locus’ for their uncanny ability to call in squids from the depths to attack those who dare enter into Yuri’s Waters presumably from the Syndicate’s countless breeding farms for their Squids. The attacks performed by the tentacles are able to hold enemies in place for additional attack or for more tactical use such as mind control.