(FSP.dll source code)
Changes (2024-04-27):
- Adds configurable palette filenames in FSData.ini.
Changes (2024-04-25):
- Adds OverrideMixes and IncludeMixes sections to FSData.ini.
Changes (2024-03-23):
- Mix loading updated.
- Palette loading updated.
Changes (2024-02-22):
- Aqrit's DDraw wrapper placed in main folder to be used by default (From ForWindows10 folder).
- Included MapResize tool updated to latest version.
- Crashing clone buttons disabled.
- Few units sidebar listing corrected.
FSP DLL details:
Spoiler (click here to read it):
FSP DLL is a port of FA2sp DLL made for FinalAlert2 by Secsome to FinalSun.
It uses Syringe to inject code into the FinalSun at runtime.
FSP (Old) - https://github.com/E1Elite/FSP
FA2sp - https://github.com/secsome/FA2sp
Launcher - https://github.com/E1Elite/FinalSun
Syringe.exe (Ares 3.0 for YR) - https://launchpad.net/ares/+download
Changes (2022-12-29):
- Support 702 waypoints.
Changes (2022-01-05):
- Allow max map size support like 256x256.
- Override game content using <FinalSun>\MIX\extraXX.mix
files where XX can be 00-99.
Changes (2021-09-21):
- More mappings from FA2sp to FSP dll.
- Version info added.
FSP changes (2021-07-29):
- Change owner on left panel/sidebar uses FSData.ini section MPChangeOwners for override in MP maps in case there are no Houses in the map.
- MPChangeOwners section with empty key/value like just = in a line would leave the change owner list empty.
- In case MPChangeOwners section doesn't exists in FSData.ini, change owner list defaults to rules houses.
- [ExtConfigs] UseMPSpawnHouses=yes to support spawn houses provided by ts-patches for MP maps.
- [ExtConfigs] MPSpawnStartIndex=50 for spawn house index used in trigger's event and action as well as in script action.
- House dropdown in trigger action, event parameters and script action parameters is now implements based on SP and MP maps.
- [ExtConfigs] SPChangeOwnerUseRulesAlso=yes option allows to merge houses list from rules to map houses for change owner in SP maps. By default only map houses are used.
- [ExtConfigs] SPChangeOwnerExcludeStartWith options allows to exclude dummy house names starting with like Spawn.
- Weapons section for dropdown of trigger action 42 Do explosion at, is now fetched from rules.
- Radar event dropdown is implemented for triggers.
- FSP.log file is opened in shared mode to allow multiple instances of FinalSun. File is cleaned when larger than 200kb.
- House without a color will use White by default.
- Fixed non-reading of sound01.ini through [Filenames] section in FSData.ini with Sound and SoundFS keys.
- Theater name hardcoding removed from Tile Manager
FSP features (2021-07-16):
Extended config [ExtConfigs] in FSData.ini:
- BrowserRedraw=yes to activate left panel object browser changes.
- BrowserRedraw.GuessMode (0/1), currently it uses Owner based sorting only, most of FA2sp for RA2/YR based processing is disabled.
- BrowserRedraw.CleanUp=yes to clear empty groupings.
- SortByTriggerName=yes to sort the triggers dropdown by their name instead of ID.
- CopySelectionBound.Color to change color for drag selection for copying cells.
- CursorSelectionBound.Color to change color for current cell boundary under mouse cursor.
- CursorSelectionBound.HeightIndicatorColor to change color for vertical dashed line when the current cell under mouse cursor is at a height.
- Waypoint.Background=yes to draw a background rectangle for waypoints, defaults to false which is transparent.
- Waypoint.Background.Color to apply a custom waypoint number text background color.
- Waypoint.Color to change the waypoint number text color.
- AdjustDropdownWidth (with .Factor and .Max) to set values for parameter combobox size.
Left panel object browser display is taken over and rewritten, needs setting [ExtConfigs] BrowserRedraw=yes in FSData.ini.
- Ground list names are fetched from FSLanguage.ini based on theater (first 3 chars of [Map] Theater= based names in language file) instead of Ground1/2/3.
- Infantry, units, aircrafts and buildings can be grouped into sub-catogories which is defined in FSData.ini under section [Sides]. Every technotype can be given its grouping index number in [ForceSides] section. Others category is used for value -1 or undefined IDs.
- Technitypes also are appended with its IDs to its name for clarity like Civilian (CIV1).
- IDs on the left panel which are not to be shown can be defined in [Ignore] section and theater based ingnoe sections (first 3 chars of [Map] Theater= is used) of [IgnoreSNO] and [IgnoreTEM]. [IgnoreRA2] section is not used.
- Player location is shown in MP maps only. The name Player can now be translated to other languages as it is now picked up from FSLanguage.ini.
Note: Currently left panel is initialized only on map load/create. It doesn't update on add/delete house or changes done through INI Editing. For those changes to appear, map should be saved and reloaded.
Script actions are now configurable through FSData.ini.
- [ScriptParams] section defines set of parameter dropdown label text and populates the corresponding dropdown content.
- Waypoint is now shown with cell coordinates.
- Jump to script line is populated with script actions present for that script
- GlobalVariables and LocalVariables and parsed from rules and map to populate dropdown
- Scripts and teams list are populated for switch script actions
- Adds [DialogList] section reading for the hardcoded speeches list in TS with transcription.
- Adds [SoundList] section for sounds dropdown in FSData.ini.
- Movies and Themes are fetched from INI files and dropdown populated.
- Facing dropdown is populated with direction info.
- Animations and BuildingTypes list are also fetched from files to populate the dropdowns.
- TalkBubble dropdown shows vanilla game values.
- Attack targettype script value text correction.
- New mission script shows corrected dropdown entries.
- Camera speed dropdown is populated with game values.
Trigger parameters for dropdowns used in action and events
- Theme dropdown implemented
- Sounds enabled through [SoundList] section in FSData.ini
- Speeches enabled through [DialogList] section in FSData.ini
- Weapons list enabled through [Weapons] section in FSData.ini
- Voxel Anim dropdown is populated from rules
- Tags dropdown now fetches IDs from [Tags] section in map
- Spotlight behavior, meteor shower size, camera speed are implemented
- Waypoint as 2nd parameter now shows coordinates too
- Crate types and talk bubble are also imlemented but are not usable.
Tile Manager
- Groups tilesets together based on keywords in SetName of theater INI file for quick access.
Clone buttons
- Clone current entries with name appended with Clone for Scripttype and Teamtype windows.
Other features
- Remap colors are recalculated and are shown for additional houses as well.
- Overlay dropdown shows index followed by name/description (gets sorted by index) and skips overlay index over 254 if given in rules INI preventing crash.
- Any overlay of wall type will autoconnect.
- For most dialogs, the content will only be updated while losing focus.
- Easy encrypted mix files will be correctly read.
- Translation support through FSLanguage.ini (check FAA2spReadme)
- Read from Finalsun.ini instead of registry.
- Easy/beginners mode disabled at first run.
- Undo/Redo extended to 127 steps.
It uses Syringe to inject code into the FinalSun at runtime.
FSP (Old) - https://github.com/E1Elite/FSP
FA2sp - https://github.com/secsome/FA2sp
Launcher - https://github.com/E1Elite/FinalSun
Syringe.exe (Ares 3.0 for YR) - https://launchpad.net/ares/+download
Changes (2022-12-29):
- Support 702 waypoints.
Changes (2022-01-05):
- Allow max map size support like 256x256.
- Override game content using <FinalSun>\MIX\extraXX.mix
files where XX can be 00-99.
Changes (2021-09-21):
- More mappings from FA2sp to FSP dll.
- Version info added.
FSP changes (2021-07-29):
- Change owner on left panel/sidebar uses FSData.ini section MPChangeOwners for override in MP maps in case there are no Houses in the map.
- MPChangeOwners section with empty key/value like just = in a line would leave the change owner list empty.
- In case MPChangeOwners section doesn't exists in FSData.ini, change owner list defaults to rules houses.
- [ExtConfigs] UseMPSpawnHouses=yes to support spawn houses provided by ts-patches for MP maps.
- [ExtConfigs] MPSpawnStartIndex=50 for spawn house index used in trigger's event and action as well as in script action.
- House dropdown in trigger action, event parameters and script action parameters is now implements based on SP and MP maps.
- [ExtConfigs] SPChangeOwnerUseRulesAlso=yes option allows to merge houses list from rules to map houses for change owner in SP maps. By default only map houses are used.
- [ExtConfigs] SPChangeOwnerExcludeStartWith options allows to exclude dummy house names starting with like Spawn.
- Weapons section for dropdown of trigger action 42 Do explosion at, is now fetched from rules.
- Radar event dropdown is implemented for triggers.
- FSP.log file is opened in shared mode to allow multiple instances of FinalSun. File is cleaned when larger than 200kb.
- House without a color will use White by default.
- Fixed non-reading of sound01.ini through [Filenames] section in FSData.ini with Sound and SoundFS keys.
- Theater name hardcoding removed from Tile Manager
FSP features (2021-07-16):
Extended config [ExtConfigs] in FSData.ini:
- BrowserRedraw=yes to activate left panel object browser changes.
- BrowserRedraw.GuessMode (0/1), currently it uses Owner based sorting only, most of FA2sp for RA2/YR based processing is disabled.
- BrowserRedraw.CleanUp=yes to clear empty groupings.
- SortByTriggerName=yes to sort the triggers dropdown by their name instead of ID.
- CopySelectionBound.Color to change color for drag selection for copying cells.
- CursorSelectionBound.Color to change color for current cell boundary under mouse cursor.
- CursorSelectionBound.HeightIndicatorColor to change color for vertical dashed line when the current cell under mouse cursor is at a height.
- Waypoint.Background=yes to draw a background rectangle for waypoints, defaults to false which is transparent.
- Waypoint.Background.Color to apply a custom waypoint number text background color.
- Waypoint.Color to change the waypoint number text color.
- AdjustDropdownWidth (with .Factor and .Max) to set values for parameter combobox size.
Left panel object browser display is taken over and rewritten, needs setting [ExtConfigs] BrowserRedraw=yes in FSData.ini.
- Ground list names are fetched from FSLanguage.ini based on theater (first 3 chars of [Map] Theater= based names in language file) instead of Ground1/2/3.
- Infantry, units, aircrafts and buildings can be grouped into sub-catogories which is defined in FSData.ini under section [Sides]. Every technotype can be given its grouping index number in [ForceSides] section. Others category is used for value -1 or undefined IDs.
- Technitypes also are appended with its IDs to its name for clarity like Civilian (CIV1).
- IDs on the left panel which are not to be shown can be defined in [Ignore] section and theater based ingnoe sections (first 3 chars of [Map] Theater= is used) of [IgnoreSNO] and [IgnoreTEM]. [IgnoreRA2] section is not used.
- Player location is shown in MP maps only. The name Player can now be translated to other languages as it is now picked up from FSLanguage.ini.
Note: Currently left panel is initialized only on map load/create. It doesn't update on add/delete house or changes done through INI Editing. For those changes to appear, map should be saved and reloaded.
Script actions are now configurable through FSData.ini.
- [ScriptParams] section defines set of parameter dropdown label text and populates the corresponding dropdown content.
- Waypoint is now shown with cell coordinates.
- Jump to script line is populated with script actions present for that script
- GlobalVariables and LocalVariables and parsed from rules and map to populate dropdown
- Scripts and teams list are populated for switch script actions
- Adds [DialogList] section reading for the hardcoded speeches list in TS with transcription.
- Adds [SoundList] section for sounds dropdown in FSData.ini.
- Movies and Themes are fetched from INI files and dropdown populated.
- Facing dropdown is populated with direction info.
- Animations and BuildingTypes list are also fetched from files to populate the dropdowns.
- TalkBubble dropdown shows vanilla game values.
- Attack targettype script value text correction.
- New mission script shows corrected dropdown entries.
- Camera speed dropdown is populated with game values.
Trigger parameters for dropdowns used in action and events
- Theme dropdown implemented
- Sounds enabled through [SoundList] section in FSData.ini
- Speeches enabled through [DialogList] section in FSData.ini
- Weapons list enabled through [Weapons] section in FSData.ini
- Voxel Anim dropdown is populated from rules
- Tags dropdown now fetches IDs from [Tags] section in map
- Spotlight behavior, meteor shower size, camera speed are implemented
- Waypoint as 2nd parameter now shows coordinates too
- Crate types and talk bubble are also imlemented but are not usable.
Tile Manager
- Groups tilesets together based on keywords in SetName of theater INI file for quick access.
Clone buttons
- Clone current entries with name appended with Clone for Scripttype and Teamtype windows.
Other features
- Remap colors are recalculated and are shown for additional houses as well.
- Overlay dropdown shows index followed by name/description (gets sorted by index) and skips overlay index over 254 if given in rules INI preventing crash.
- Any overlay of wall type will autoconnect.
- For most dialogs, the content will only be updated while losing focus.
- Easy encrypted mix files will be correctly read.
- Translation support through FSLanguage.ini (check FAA2spReadme)
- Read from Finalsun.ini instead of registry.
- Easy/beginners mode disabled at first run.
- Undo/Redo extended to 127 steps.
Older changes:
Spoiler (click here to read it):
Changes (2022-12-29):
- Support 702 waypoints.
Changes (2022-01-22):
- Map size limit UI description changed.
- Graphics overrides of low bridge overlay, tibtree, fona and others (Credits: Bittah Commander)
- FSP DLL support for max map size and mix override through \MIX\extra(00-99).mix files.
Changes (2021-07-29):
- Rules.ini updated with Weapons section, removed from FSData.ini
- Removal of sorting in dropdowns like house list in aircraft/unit/infantry/building options
windows in FinalSun.exe.
- Launcher renamed to FinalSun.exe for existing shortcut compatibility, FinalSun.exe
is renamed to FinalSun.dat.
- Trigger action, event and script action house dropdown, radar event dropdown implementation.
- Fixes for crash on house not having color and not reading sound01.ini.
- FSData.ini changes
-- UseMPSpawnHouses, MPSpawnStartIndex options in ExtConfigs section for
spawn house support provided by ts-patches
-- SPChangeOwnerUseRulesAlso and SPChangeOwnerExcludeStartWith options
SP map Change owner list on left panel
-- MPChangeOwners section for overriding left panel change owner for MP maps
in case of no Houses section is present in the map.
Changes (2021-07-16):
- Support for FSP DLL (port of FA2sp by Secsome)
- UI changes with Tile Manager button and Clone buttons.
- Dialog resources made compatible to be used as .rc file, which includes
removal of special characters like quotes, making strings larger than 256 chars
into additional labels.
- UI change for tool scripts window and hotkey for its menu item.
- Buttonbar tooltips changed with hotkey info.
- Package now comes with FSLaunch.exe to run FSP DLL with syringe.
- Package includes Aqrit's ddraw wrapper to run on latest Windows 10 update (use
this only if there is problem running FinalSun without it).
- FSData.ini changes to make use of new features provided by FSP DLL
-- ExtConfig section with preset values and commented entries
-- Sides and ForceSides section for left panel grouping
-- Ignore and IgnoreXXX theater based sections to leave out entries in left panel
-- Script details and its parameter section changes
-- Modified trigger parameter section and changes to affected events and actions
-- SoundList, DialogList and Weapons section for dropdown usage for vanilla TS
- Readme files moved to ReadmeDocs folder.
- Removed FSExt DLL
Changes (2021-02-16):
- Standalone package
- Trigger action and event parameter dropdowns are now wider.
- Script action description box size increased.
- Includes MapResize tool, an alternative to FinalSun's resize feature.
- Includes FSExt.dll with syringe.exe, run with RunFSExt.bat. Features:
-- Script types dropdown and description are updated with latest available information.
Changes (2020-09-05):
- Map event description changes in FSData.ini.
Changes (2020-09-04):
- Ease of use UI changes like dropdown size increase, consecutive window's button location sync.
- Included Ambient calc tool for map action 71 and 72.
- Map action 88 now shows ParticleSystems list in the dropdown instead of Particles.
- FSData.ini changes
-- Parameter type corrections and changes
-- Additional info and corrections for few events
-- Corrections/changes for actions 4, 8, 11, 18, 19, 21, 25-29, 32, 36, 40-43, 48, 52, 56-59,
63-66, 71, 72, 82-84, 88, 89, 94, 96 and 101-105.
-- Patch actions 106 to 110 added
Changes (2020-05-31):
- ActsLike set to 0 for all houses on new SP map creation when using prepare standard houses.
Changes (2020-05-10):
- Dropdown heights increased so as to minimize the use of scrollbars.
- Search waypoints window improved.
- Veteran status text appended with (0-200) for pre-placed units in FSLanguage.ini.
- Tab stop orders changed for most of the windows.
Changes (2020-05-04):
- Sounds on/off option in menu.
- AI Trigger window improved. Unused Base Defense value is unchecked by default when creating new trigger.
- Tab stop orders changed in a few windows.
Changes (2020-04-03):
- Hotkeys for menu items.
Changes (2019-12-26):
- Second row in toolbar is removed and buttons from it merged to first row.
- Default global AI Trigger enable checkbox is set as unchecked in new map creation window.
- Disabled Beginner mode by default on first run.
- Unit window text changed from Follows ID to Follower's ID in FSLanguage.ini.
Changes (2019-08-31):
- New map default size set to 80x80 (was 50x50).
- New TeamType default value for Full and Autocreate checkboxes set to no (was yes).
Changes (2019-08-30 Patch2):
- Added map size limits message for the tool to Map resize UI and script.
Changes (2019-08-30 Patch1):
- Low volume sound.
- New map creation window limit of 200 size for width/height extended with instructions.
- FSLanguage.ini is modified for high bridge frame's usage. Changes are done for English only.
- Status bar coordinates are shown as X / Y - H (was Y / X - H).
- Edit menu items re-ordered and Edit menu popup windows now open centered by default.
- Teams window: Resized and checkbox options are given some space.
- AI Trigger Types window: Side dropdown entry changed from 0 None to 0 All,
renamed Multi-Side to Side, Weight to InitialWeight and Unittype to TechnoType.
- Infantry, Unit and Aircraft windows: Resized and arranged components, changed Recruitable to
AutocreateNo Recruitable and AI Recruitable to AutocreateYes Recruitable in FSLanguage.ini for English.
- On new map creation, default LocalSize (visible area) is now set to 3,5,Width-6,Height-11 (was 2,4,Width-4,Height-6).
This is to compensate for in-game blackening of the top row, bottom rows cuttoff and make it a cell wider.
- New map creation minimum WidthxHeight is now set to 20x20 (was 16x16). Warning message on map creation
are set for less than 20 (was 16) and greater than 511 (was 200). Warning message for Width+Height being greater
than 256 is extended to 512.
- Map resize through Map popup window upper limit raised from 200 to 511.
- Map resize through tool script restriction raised from 200 to 511.
- Resize script added to the Scripts folder.
- Descriptions changed in Tags, ScriptType, TaskForce etc. windows and other UI changes.
- Trigger Editor window: Size of description box for action and event tabs is increased so that the descriptions
can be viewed without scrolling.
Note: Latest TSClient version of FinalSun already has - more undo/redo, ignore registry and Tag/Trigger window
dropdown changes.
- Support 702 waypoints.
Changes (2022-01-22):
- Map size limit UI description changed.
- Graphics overrides of low bridge overlay, tibtree, fona and others (Credits: Bittah Commander)
- FSP DLL support for max map size and mix override through \MIX\extra(00-99).mix files.
Changes (2021-07-29):
- Rules.ini updated with Weapons section, removed from FSData.ini
- Removal of sorting in dropdowns like house list in aircraft/unit/infantry/building options
windows in FinalSun.exe.
- Launcher renamed to FinalSun.exe for existing shortcut compatibility, FinalSun.exe
is renamed to FinalSun.dat.
- Trigger action, event and script action house dropdown, radar event dropdown implementation.
- Fixes for crash on house not having color and not reading sound01.ini.
- FSData.ini changes
-- UseMPSpawnHouses, MPSpawnStartIndex options in ExtConfigs section for
spawn house support provided by ts-patches
-- SPChangeOwnerUseRulesAlso and SPChangeOwnerExcludeStartWith options
SP map Change owner list on left panel
-- MPChangeOwners section for overriding left panel change owner for MP maps
in case of no Houses section is present in the map.
Changes (2021-07-16):
- Support for FSP DLL (port of FA2sp by Secsome)
- UI changes with Tile Manager button and Clone buttons.
- Dialog resources made compatible to be used as .rc file, which includes
removal of special characters like quotes, making strings larger than 256 chars
into additional labels.
- UI change for tool scripts window and hotkey for its menu item.
- Buttonbar tooltips changed with hotkey info.
- Package now comes with FSLaunch.exe to run FSP DLL with syringe.
- Package includes Aqrit's ddraw wrapper to run on latest Windows 10 update (use
this only if there is problem running FinalSun without it).
- FSData.ini changes to make use of new features provided by FSP DLL
-- ExtConfig section with preset values and commented entries
-- Sides and ForceSides section for left panel grouping
-- Ignore and IgnoreXXX theater based sections to leave out entries in left panel
-- Script details and its parameter section changes
-- Modified trigger parameter section and changes to affected events and actions
-- SoundList, DialogList and Weapons section for dropdown usage for vanilla TS
- Readme files moved to ReadmeDocs folder.
- Removed FSExt DLL
Changes (2021-02-16):
- Standalone package
- Trigger action and event parameter dropdowns are now wider.
- Script action description box size increased.
- Includes MapResize tool, an alternative to FinalSun's resize feature.
- Includes FSExt.dll with syringe.exe, run with RunFSExt.bat. Features:
-- Script types dropdown and description are updated with latest available information.
Changes (2020-09-05):
- Map event description changes in FSData.ini.
Changes (2020-09-04):
- Ease of use UI changes like dropdown size increase, consecutive window's button location sync.
- Included Ambient calc tool for map action 71 and 72.
- Map action 88 now shows ParticleSystems list in the dropdown instead of Particles.
- FSData.ini changes
-- Parameter type corrections and changes
-- Additional info and corrections for few events
-- Corrections/changes for actions 4, 8, 11, 18, 19, 21, 25-29, 32, 36, 40-43, 48, 52, 56-59,
63-66, 71, 72, 82-84, 88, 89, 94, 96 and 101-105.
-- Patch actions 106 to 110 added
Changes (2020-05-31):
- ActsLike set to 0 for all houses on new SP map creation when using prepare standard houses.
Changes (2020-05-10):
- Dropdown heights increased so as to minimize the use of scrollbars.
- Search waypoints window improved.
- Veteran status text appended with (0-200) for pre-placed units in FSLanguage.ini.
- Tab stop orders changed for most of the windows.
Changes (2020-05-04):
- Sounds on/off option in menu.
- AI Trigger window improved. Unused Base Defense value is unchecked by default when creating new trigger.
- Tab stop orders changed in a few windows.
Changes (2020-04-03):
- Hotkeys for menu items.
Changes (2019-12-26):
- Second row in toolbar is removed and buttons from it merged to first row.
- Default global AI Trigger enable checkbox is set as unchecked in new map creation window.
- Disabled Beginner mode by default on first run.
- Unit window text changed from Follows ID to Follower's ID in FSLanguage.ini.
Changes (2019-08-31):
- New map default size set to 80x80 (was 50x50).
- New TeamType default value for Full and Autocreate checkboxes set to no (was yes).
Changes (2019-08-30 Patch2):
- Added map size limits message for the tool to Map resize UI and script.
Changes (2019-08-30 Patch1):
- Low volume sound.
- New map creation window limit of 200 size for width/height extended with instructions.
- FSLanguage.ini is modified for high bridge frame's usage. Changes are done for English only.
- Status bar coordinates are shown as X / Y - H (was Y / X - H).
- Edit menu items re-ordered and Edit menu popup windows now open centered by default.
- Teams window: Resized and checkbox options are given some space.
- AI Trigger Types window: Side dropdown entry changed from 0 None to 0 All,
renamed Multi-Side to Side, Weight to InitialWeight and Unittype to TechnoType.
- Infantry, Unit and Aircraft windows: Resized and arranged components, changed Recruitable to
AutocreateNo Recruitable and AI Recruitable to AutocreateYes Recruitable in FSLanguage.ini for English.
- On new map creation, default LocalSize (visible area) is now set to 3,5,Width-6,Height-11 (was 2,4,Width-4,Height-6).
This is to compensate for in-game blackening of the top row, bottom rows cuttoff and make it a cell wider.
- New map creation minimum WidthxHeight is now set to 20x20 (was 16x16). Warning message on map creation
are set for less than 20 (was 16) and greater than 511 (was 200). Warning message for Width+Height being greater
than 256 is extended to 512.
- Map resize through Map popup window upper limit raised from 200 to 511.
- Map resize through tool script restriction raised from 200 to 511.
- Resize script added to the Scripts folder.
- Descriptions changed in Tags, ScriptType, TaskForce etc. windows and other UI changes.
- Trigger Editor window: Size of description box for action and event tabs is increased so that the descriptions
can be viewed without scrolling.
Note: Latest TSClient version of FinalSun already has - more undo/redo, ignore registry and Tag/Trigger window
dropdown changes.