Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:44 am Post subject:
Modenc not working
Subject description: Can anyone alert site admins?
I get this error in modenc:
Basically, it says their site only allows secure connections, and that either the site is misconfigured or my clock is wrong.
Since my clock is right to my time (GMT-3), the site is misconfigured.
Maybe someone here can contact the admins to tell them. At least, if they can't find the probloem, that they allow non-httpS connections. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
That happens because ModEnc's security certificate has run out / is out of date.
Just re-open with private browsing (or a browser where you don't auto sign-in to ModEnc) and you should be fine. _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:26 pm Post subject:
It has nothing to do with private browsing. Their SSL certificate has expired (or never existed in first place).
You should be able to browse it with other browsers like Opera, non-Chromium versions of Microsoft Edge or older versions of Firefox and Chrome. QUICK_EDIT
I will try that, then. Even so, it would be best to tell the site owners. That workaround costs time, RAM and disk space... not to mention woudn't you have to click to go to unsafe site every time on each link? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:43 am Post subject:
Nope. It costs money for them to solve the issue. They need to buy a SSL certificate and it isn't free of charge. I don't know if Renegade is still interested on it. QUICK_EDIT
They can just unencrypt the connection and then a certificate woudn't be needed.
What ultra mega secret is there in old TS/RA2 info?
I don't think any "man on the middle attack" is likely since peopke, dont download files from, or upload files to, cncnet. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
ModEnc uses Let's Encrypt's free domain-validated certificate in the first place, so the problem is not about having to pay for one. If I had to guess, there is either no automated system in place renewing the certificate, or it does not always work in a timely fashion. Not the first time this has happened. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Feb 2005 Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:52 am Post subject:
NimoStar wrote:
What ultra mega secret is there in old TS/RA2 info?
That's.... not how an SSL works. Like at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with "ultra secrets" and more to do about keeping your site secure and keeping it from being hacked and used to distribute malicious files.
Do you do ANY research on anything you say, or do you just have a mouth on your asshole and speak from there? Because you pull some of the most wild shit out of your ass when you speak, dude.
Quick Edit: also, if you run into security problems with sites, try removing the S from HTTPS://, sometimes users don't configure their SSL correctly and it creates a bad 301 redirect. It doesn't always fix it, but sometimes it'll allow a site to be view-able. _________________ "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young QUICK_EDIT
That's.... not how an SSL works. Like at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with "ultra secrets" and more to do about keeping your site secure and keeping it from being hacked and used to distribute malicious files.
Do you do ANY research on anything you say, or do you just have a mouth on your asshole and speak from there? Because you pull some of the most wild shit out of your ass when you speak, dude.
YOU have a mouth in your arsehole since literally the next thing I said is about exactly that:
I don't think any "man on the middle attack" is likely since peopke, dont download files from, or upload files to, cncnet.
You idiot.
And removing the S was literally tghe first thing I did, but modenc doesn't allow unencripted traffic.
No wonder the community is dead, all the regulars are trolls who just use this forum to vent the frustrations with their failure at life. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
No wonder the community is dead, all the regulars are trolls who just use this forum to vent the frustrations with their failure at life.
I think you need to take a few steps back and see who really is venting their frustrations on the forum. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
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