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Recruitment Thread
Moderators: Nolt
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Cyborg Firebomber

Joined: 25 Apr 2012
Location: Chile

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:30 pm    Post subject:  Recruitment Thread Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

First, the mision of the mod, to improve TS gameplay and to make it more varied. How do we achieve this? with lots of care, balance, and new graphics, while graphics are important to make a game enjoyable, it is not a priority for us to make it look as good as other mods like TO, TI, GC, etc. I don't have the time, I'm not a perfeccionist, and I don't like working on one thing for more time that I need to. Therefore our real focus is balance, if you agree with me, and have interest on helping, keep reading.

At the moment we need:

Game Testers - Need some heavy feedback about how imalanced the game is right now.
Mappers - High priority as the TS original maps are a very imbalanced in some cases.
Voxelers - Not a very high priority, since there isn't much need for voxels, but help is always welcome.
Coder - Someone who can handle ORA traits, I think we already have all the help on this topic to work on our own but still, more help is always welcome.

And that is about it, we use a discord server to chat about the mod and other stuff, if you are interested, say it here or through a PM, and we will give you an invitation.


Creator of Shattered Paradise .
ORA Discord , SP Discord

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Cyborg Soldier

Joined: 26 Feb 2007

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I can help alittle. I already have a few ideas on how to make the gameplay more balanced.

First one. the Nod Howitzer I forgot it's exact name the stealth one should like hit harder but have a slower rate of fire and the shell should accelerate as it travels to the enemy target. If you want you can post up the code and I can edit it for you to do so.

Next one the GDI Juggernaut, it should be slightly less accurate in where his three bursts hit, he should also be given a deploy feature like old times and when deployed his shots should be much more accurate and closer together. and it should deploy and undeploy lightning fast like with the Allied Gis.

Okay I also feel you should give Nod the rocket troop and gdi the weird guy who runs and shoots that back mounted rocket at the aircraft. In other words swap the nod and the gdi anti aircraft infantry.

I'm not sure if I like the Skirmisher to be honest. seems like a long range 50 cal under arm lmg man would be better. something that resembles a guardian gi but as a mutant. He has the same range as a skirmisher except he uses an slow firing but hard hitting lmg. it does less damage to heavy armor than the motar skirmisher did however more to standing up non prone infantry, including cyborgs. Oh and it should also be able to hit aircraft. the bullets should be a bit inaccurate against them but it if it hits it should be able to do decent damage. oh and make him a bit slow moving and to make up for his lack of ability to shoot over cliffs Make him heal quicker in Tiberian then the standard mutant.

Okay next the tiberian fiend. you should remove it's ability to hit aircraft complete. and give it the ability to detect cloaked units and anything that disguises as trees or your own infantry. these last two you seem to not have anything like that in the game.  and also give him a bomb he detonates when destroyed that unleashes radiation that doesn't effect mutants but does massive damage to non robotic and non mutant infantry and a tiny bit to buildings but like none to anything that's a tank. a buggy or battlebus like vehicle should have trouble with the death bombs exposure however. and maybe he should have the dog jump but for it to work the enemy unit needs to be within like 1 range of it and in the likely hood the enemy is not near it when it dies then the bomb won't go off. so it's like when it's about to die it jumps at the enemy then self destructs.

What happened to the emp cannon? that was a very useful late game non super weapon to have. Please add that in.

There's a few other things I may be able to think of later. if you have trouble post those units code and I'll mod them to do what I said for you even.

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