I have some post-war tanks & there are several interesting aircraft that I've posted on the wiki but haven't posted any formal news about tho.
Yep there are still more Japanese units, I'm starting to run out of them tho, soon I've will have made every pre 1970 Japanese AFV. I have also made all their defensive buildings & made several attempts at making their base buildings, I'm undecided on which style to use tho.
Most of the Chinese ground units are done, the unit list is still a work in progress tho & will probably change.
The unit list of the site is out of date & should be ignored
I've made a good start on the Polish units, about half of their units are done, the more unusual prototypes are still left to do tho.
The unit list of the site is out of date & should be ignored
A few of their units are done, mainly the ones that are also used by other sides.
I bet you weren't expecting that! I've added some Czech units based on the post-war TVP project.
So any preference? I would take some time to put the articles together for any of them, some might need to be split up into multiple news posts. Or maybe I should just ignore all this & go back to making new stuff, I'll just post news about them when they are all done