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Fen's (Growing) PC Game Collection [Very Image Heavy]
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Also Known As: Fen
Joined: 24 Jul 2010

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:29 am    Post subject:  Fen's (Growing) PC Game Collection [Very Image Heavy] Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yep, I've got a growing PC game collection. When I say collection, I really mean that. Multiple copies of the same games and all that, but that's because I'm a nut for certain franchises.

Anyhow, I recently started making some purchases for a franchise I've enjoyed for quite a long time. While Command & Conquer is a great guess, that's not the right answer. If you managed to guess SimCity, you'd be right. I went on a buying spree with the Christmas money I got. And I was able to get quite a bit all things considered.

Before I go any further, I apologize for the quality of the pictures if any are really awful. I am not a professional photographer, but they should at least get the message across.

However, we'll start at the beginning. I finally grabbed a copy of the original SimCity from 1989. It's the CD version; still trying to hunt down a good copy of the floppy version from the original release.

This disc itself is in immaculate condition and it works perfectly. Installed it onto my Windows XP machine without any problems. Runs great.

Now, here comes the one of which I have many copies and versions. And that's SimCity 2000. I have several versions of this game. However, to start, I have an original copy with the big box of the Mac edition of the game. And when I say original, I mean it's on floppy and not CD.

The box is in great condition all things considered. It's warped a bit but it's something to be expected for something this old.

Like I said, I have floppy disks and it's the Mac edition. Still looking to find a Windows floppy edition though.

The big box came with all of the original paperwork and manuals, which is pretty awesome honestly. It's a truly complete big box, which is something I really like.

Even came with a little Quick Start guide, which is kinda neat.

That's it for the Mac version I have, but that's all of the SimCity 2000 I have. I have the Special Edition on CD for DOS/Windows.

However, what made my day and made the purchase worth it was an addon I didn't even know existed. It's called Megametro, which is just a big city pack it looks like. Check the rear shot and scope those intense requirements.

That pack also came with the original SimCity 2000 User's Manual, the Urban Renewal Kit manual and the Quick Start guide for the Special Edition.

Even after all of that, I'm still not done with SimCity 2000. There's one more edition I have that I didn't know existed either, which is the SimCity 2000 Network Edition.

The case and disc are both in excellent condition. No cracks or scratches on anything really. It's a really nice addition to my collection.

That concludes SimCity 2000. At least for now, but I have more SimCity still to go. I have both editions of SimCity 3000, but don't have the big box to either sadly. I have the original release of SimCity 3000.

Nothing fancy to it, but it's in good condition.

Additionally, I have a copy of SimCity 3000 Unlimited, which is a really great version of the game. If you like SC3k, get this one.

And last, but not least, for SimCity is SimCity 4. I only have the Deluxe Edition of the game, but it's still a good addition to the series.

I still have the manuals that came with it and this copy came with a neat little hint card, which is really neat.

That concludes SimCity, but I'm not anywhere near done yet cause right now, it's time for Command & Conquer. I do admit, my collection here is a teeny bit sparse. I'm still building my collection up.

I'll start with the biggest part of my collection and the one that houses the original two entries in the series: Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. I have the big collection World Wide Warfare. Had this for a long, long time. I have the original cardboard holder the discs came in, but I lost the box and the manuals a while ago. Not sure where they went honestly.

The discs are a bit scratched up since my brother and I didn't exactly take the most immaculate care of them. They do, however, still work just fine. There's no warping or cracking either, which is nice.

And here we come to everyone's favorite in the series, Tiberian Sun. I have the original copy in the original case, but I don't have the box and the case is a bit dinged up. I think the cracks show in the picture, which is a shame really. However, the discs themselves are nearly perfect.

I even have original copy of FireStorm in its original case. Unfortunately, one of the tabs broke on the case and it's not in the greatest shape. The disc is in slightly better shape than my RA2 discs.

Oh yeah, I have Renegade too. The case is in much better shape than my Tiberian Sun case and the discs are in relatively good shape too.

Of course, you didn't think my collection lacked Red Alert 2, did you? You would have to be insane to think that. I even have two copies of the game with both discs each. Unfortunately, like Tib Sun, the case is cracked, but at least this one is complete. The other copy's case has the tabs broken off so it doesn't open right. The bottom side of the discs are in somewhat rough shape, but they still work fine.

And the crown jewel, and my favorite C&C expansion pack, Yuri's Revenge. I remember buying this one on release day. I still have the big box it came in but I lost the manuals. Like RA2, I have multiple copies and the data surface is really dinged up, but works just fine. And yeah, you can see the price sticker. I tried to remove it but it wasn't going to cooperate so I left it alone.

And here's the case, which isn't cracked for a change. I have no idea why my other cases have cracks in the plastic, but... what can you do?

No, my collection doesn't stop with Westwood. I have all of the EA offerings except for one, which you'll eventually figure out on your own. However, first is Generals, of which I have the Deluxe Edition.

For Tiberium Wars, I own the Kane Edition, which is awesome since I don't have to track one down. It's cute being individually numbered. That's how you know it's totes the legit.

Naturally, I have Kane's Wrath as well. I have the game as you'd expect, but I also have some preorder extra that came with it since I got it on preorder. I'm not sure how many of those exist though.

Here's the actual bonus extras. Surprisingly, it came in its own case rather than being stuffed into the KW case like they did with Tiberium Wars.

And last for the EA C&C games, that I own in a physical manner, is Red Alert 3. I'm not sure if every copy had a reversible cover or not, but if not, I have one of those. If they are, don't worry about it. xD

Additionally, I have a copy of The First Decade. Unfortunately, I have no idea where the game disc went. Embarrassing, eh?

While not Command & Conquer, Emperor: Battle for Dune is very Westwood and has a really C&C feel to it.

No, I'm still not done. Wouldn't be much of a collection if I quit now, now would it? #Tongue Anyhow, the next RTS franchise I dig as much as C&C is easily StarCraft. Not quite as many games, but still good to collect.

I don't have the original boxes for StarCraft or Brood War, but I do have the Battle Chest and everything that came with it. I didn't throw anything out and it's still in really good shape. No creases on the manuals or books and the discs are still in pretty good condition.

Now, like I said, the Battle Chest came with not only the manuals but the Prima strategy guides as well. I have those guides and they are in nearly perfect shape.

While not StarCraft, the Battle Chest came with a World of Warcraft trial disc. Like I said, I kept everything that came with the damn thing.

Of course, I have the sequels to the original StarCraft. I kept the original boxes for Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm. Yeah, I blocked out the game keys so you gits can't steal it. #Tongue

And, of course, we're finally moving away from simulation games and RTS games into another franchise. And it's everyone's favorite series to hate: Call of Duty! I have the entire series on Steam, but lack three games on disc.

Call of Duty 2 is the farthest back that I go in physical copies. As shown in the pictures, I have the Game of Year edition. Not very game of the year when it comes on six damn CDs. I merged them and burned a single DVD, but I have it on Steam so I'm not as worried about it now.

One Call of Duty I have that doesn't require Steam is Call of Duty 4. I still have the original box it came in with the manual and the CD jewel case.

And, of course, I own the two sequels to the first entry in the Modern Warfare series. Really stellar trilogy of games honestly.

And, of course, I have Treyarch's PC offerings. My copy of World At War isn't Steam locked, but I do have it on Steam as well. World At War brought us Zombies, which is friggin' awesome and well worth your purchase just for that.

I have the continuations, of sorts, to World At War: Black Ops and Black Ops 2. Both equally fun and Zombies is still very worth it.

Yes, I have a physical copy of Ghosts. I know everyone dislikes it, but I still enjoy it.

That concludes what I have for my physical copies of Call of Duty on PC. Just haven't got the original release with United Offensive, and Advanced Warfare is still a little too much for a disc copy.

That's about it for copious amounts of games for specific franchises. I have more games still yet and they'll go in no particular order.

I have a box version of GTA: San Andreas. It's the second edition with Hot Coffee stuff removed, which is kind of a shame. Maybe I'll run across an original release one of these days. Anyhow, with the box, it came with city map and a guidebook for the cities too.

And these things were entirely free. My brother got them when he worked at GameStop I'm pretty sure and they were promotional things. I'm still not sure what they were for and I haven't actually seen them again anywhere.

Borderlands is easily my favorite new franchise besides Call of Duty. I've logged so many hours in Borderlands than I can count. Borderlands feels like such a great addition to my PC collection.

Despite most people despising EA (for no good reason now), I still have several of their games on PC. Not the least of which is Bad Company 2. Love that game. So much.

I also have a box copy of the Battlefield 1942 collection, which also came with BF Vietnam.

I went ahead and got their 2010 reboot of Medal of Honor.

Like Battlefield 1942, I have the 10th Anniversary box collection of the Medal of Honor series.

And, of course, I have Titanfall as well.

I also have an affinity for over the top racing games so I have a copy of Blur. Interestingly, it has the distinction of being one of the few games removed from the Steam Storefront so I had to get a disc copy. However, it was worth it.

Last, but not least, is XIII. Such a great purchase for less than $1. Paid more in shipping, but... worth it still. The case is a bit scuffed, but still in good shape and it even came with the booklet.

And for now, that concludes my collection. I have some other games, but they're not quite as interesting, but I'll post them at another time.

Also. Should any of you gents have anything C&C related that you don't want, I will gladly take it off your hands. Just shoot me a PM about it. If not, s'cool. #Tongue

Discord: princess_marisa

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Joined: 14 Jul 2005
Location: Fineland

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

May I suggest you put the images in small thumbnails so it would be easier to see the big picture? E.g. via the following code:


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Defense Minister

Joined: 07 Apr 2005

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 12:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I have quite a few C&C stuff I want to get rid of, I just don't have the space any more...

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Also Known As: Fen
Joined: 24 Jul 2010

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Crimsonum wrote:
May I suggest you put the images in small thumbnails so it would be easier to see the big picture? E.g. via the following code:

These are resized. I didn't post the original size, which was gigantic.

CCHyper wrote:
I have quite a few C&C stuff I want to get rid of, I just don't have the space any more...

I'll gladly take it off your hands. #Tongue

Discord: princess_marisa

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Plasma Trooper

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Nice stuff, I also have a lot of physical PC games.

I have quite a few C&C stuff I want to get rid of, I just don't have the space any more...

If you got anything special I might be interested.


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Alcohol Fueled

Joined: 10 Sep 2006

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I enjoy how C&C4 isn't among your collection.

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