When that Odyssey drops, is the installer going to have an option that installs the skirmish and online/LAN multiplayer components only, sort of like Micro TS?
Garrisonable buildings?
Like if you put units in them some parts of the building turn the colour of your team.
Or is this insanely unbalanced / impossible to code or animate? QUICK_EDIT
When that Odyssey drops, is the installer going to have an option that installs the skirmish and online/LAN multiplayer components only, sort of like Micro TS?
Reprint from the other topic.
I'm not sure about that, but Morpher has put a great deal of effort into keeping the file size down, and in TO's current state the download is only 150 MB or so iirc (now, there aren't very many maps atm, so if they add a massive amounts then that'd up the overall filesize, but otherwise it'd stay somewhere reasonable). Just ignore the other menu buttons and it'll be fine QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 23 Mar 2009 Location: Italy,Sicily,Bagheria
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:22 am Post subject:
what about already garrisoned civilian building? a nod/GDI Flag on the roof and when have enemy in sight, infantry inside shot _________________
Team : Mentalmeister | Mapper for Mental Omega 3.0
Team : TO Project | Mapper for Tiberian Odyssey QUICK_EDIT
By no means is it unreasonable, but I don't see it being necessary. The differences in size will be so minor that I don't think it will matter for the vast, vast majority.
EDIT for Update: Weeeeeell, OK...
The actual size of my Tiberian Odyssey folder is 463.7 MB. Which, yeah, is fairly close to your assessment.
Because of this, I've just spent a while making an effort to cull out the un-needed things to the point that the size is down by about 100 MB - this meant removing various campaign related files, and removing the TO map editor, but has removed a fair few more bytes from the size. It is still by no means a 'Micro TS', but it's down to 357.3 MB, and I might be able to remove some more.
Also, it runs flawlessly from a flash drive. I just tested it, and it plays just fine. at 357 MB it's an appreciable amount of space, but not ridiculously large. QUICK_EDIT
I'll update PPM at some point, at the moment the most up to date images are on ModDB HERE. A lot of topics / threads here require a bit of an overhaul due to outdated everything at the moment. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
You make this old lurker happy, Morpher. Thanks for the screens.
I understand what it means to work an a relatively obscure project for years. It helps to have a few interested parties give a nudge every now and then.
Various ingames of balance testing on a new map.
Visible is the new Scarab Heavy Tank artwork, deploy artwork for the Shock Artillery, and deploy artwork for the Stealth Tank. And a few other fun little details you may not have been shown before.
Lots of things are in the process of being replaced (Shrine, Temple, War Factory).
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Last edited by Orac on Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:23 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
wow, beautiful Nod buildings. great job.
Also the civil and other doodad stuff is awesome. This is how TS should have been.
I also like the global consistent style of all the assets. It really gives this a nice clean well coordinated look.
My only complain are the small crates and barrels which look like they are 2d drawings in between all the nice rendered assets with the crisp and perfect shading/lighting.
Maybe it's the lack of dirt at the bases, but I feel the edge between those Nod buildings and the terrain is too sharp. It could also be that the ambient lighting makes them glow against the background. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Well the shrine is getting an EMP cannon, so that it's not just a building you build to advance your tech (also, I don't personally like the node on top of it).
The Temple is too small and looks a little odd.
And I just personally don't much like the current war-factory.
Here are the shots I was intending to use for a ModDB update which has yet to be actually made.
I think we already have plans to recycle the old temple into a splinter faction HQ (I'm angling for it to be the Hammer Scorpions, not sure where Morpher wants it to be put). Whatever we do with it, it'll be added to the lore. And if not then yes, I can see it being released perhaps. QUICK_EDIT
Yes, use it for another faction. It's cool when a mod has even such great assets for minor, less important things.
I'm not sure, but the new WF looks even more flat than the old one. Are you sure all units fit in it nicely? (one slightly higher unit like a mech would surely hit already the roof)
Other than that the new WF has a nice amount of detail and fits in nice. Good work.
The new temple looks a bit bland imo. More like a big bunker or reactor thingy. I think the old one had a nice new/unique design and just needed to be a bit bigger to be more impressive. Especially those small sidearms of the old temple were a nice design element. On a bigger temple they could be like roofs reaching far into adjacent cells without making the foundation bigger. Then you could place nicely some defending units under them and hide these from the first glance at it (which would be gameplay and mission design wise also a nice little feature). _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
I'm not sure, but the new WF looks even more flat than the old one. Are you sure all units fit in it nicely? (one slightly higher unit like a mech would surely hit already the roof)
Other than that the new WF has a nice amount of detail and fits in nice. Good work.
i always hates this stupid argument, the new one is great, it's really the better choice and regarding the "flatness" it's what was intended from the get go of the concept. Bulky warfactories for nod look shit, thats why the old WF looks out of place.
1. the unit production is underground
2. nod has no bulky units, nor mech units that need a big gate.
the TO nod designs aren't meant to look "epicly big" or "impressive" they're more on the streamlined, aerodynamic side of look and design.
Oh and orac, i'm impressed, the new designs really step it up, i love the new warfactory _________________ Hydraw Art on Facebook QUICK_EDIT
@blubb: i was only curious/afraid that it might cause trouble later. If all units fit in/out nice, then it's great. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Well I liked the two big pipes sticking out from the back of the war factory.
I'm extremely hoping they will make a re-appearance in some shape or form in this version as I'd love to have them vent out some fumes when a unit is created. I also think they'd help show a slight bit of depth, at current it could probably use to be a bit larger looking if it's possible to keep this profile, I'm quite sure the current Shock Artillery will not fit. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Well I liked the two big pipes sticking out from the back of the war factory.
I'm extremely hoping they will make a re-appearance in some shape or form in this version as I'd love to have them vent out some fumes when a unit is created. I also think they'd help show a slight bit of depth, at current it could probably use to be a bit larger looking if it's possible to keep this profile, I'm quite sure the current Shock Artillery will not fit.
hate to sy it but the shock arty itself looks weird _________________ Hydraw Art on Facebook QUICK_EDIT
hate to sy it but the shock arty itself looks weird #Tongue
After 10+ remakes I'm glad the worst that can be said is weird . Even a redesigned one most likely will not fit out at current height though. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I will indeed be attempting to put the big smokestacks back, but they have the issue of clipping into the 'construction bay' of the WF and looking weird if they're visible. On the other hand, their size makes it odd if they aren't visible. I will investigate the possibility of angling them more vertically, or replacing them with some other kind of ventilation system. QUICK_EDIT
hate to sy it but the shock arty itself looks weird #Tongue
After 10+ remakes I'm glad the worst that can be said is weird . Even a redesigned one most likely will not fit out at current height though.
the whole reason the WF was conceptual this flat was because i thought it should've work like this:
and if that doesn't work with the gate size, instread of making the WF higher,
just make a bit of the ground part of the door anim to fit allround size and give the optical illusion of a "ramp".
If there was a way to make it so units looked as though they were on a slope just before exiting the factory that would actually look really good. Either way I've always liked the concepts you initially did for this and the idea of more subterra manufacturing, at the same time we need to strike a balance of what looks good ingame and keeps the original concept alive. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
If there was a way to make it so units looked as though they were on a slope just before exiting the factory that would actually look really good. Either way I've always liked the concepts you initially did for this and the idea of more subterra manufacturing, at the same time we need to strike a balance of what looks good ingame and keeps the original concept alive.
no problemo, just use the advice, if the exit door is too small for your units, make the ground a part of the door, just a slight re-edit to keep the sleek aerodynamicness, finally, to give the correct impression, finally move the exit coordinates a bit down, if done right, it can look good, even without a slope. _________________ Hydraw Art on Facebook QUICK_EDIT
exit coord can't be changed unfortunately. You have to move the building instead and this will surely end up being non-aligned to the grid and non-centered anymore.
I'm not sure, but if parts of the ground are in the dooranim too, it would look strange. Because the door always covers the exiting unit, you only have the bottom of the unit cut off, but not the wanted visual effect of a ramp. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
But I dislike it and have the power to change it, so why shouldn't I aim for better? I agree that it's personal opinion, but since I'm in the 'fix-nod-structures' neighbourhood I thought I'd stop by the WF? QUICK_EDIT
Jesus... the war factory looks fine. This mod has been in dev for ages, do you really need to fix an already completed asset over work on new things or get it out the door? It isn't fair to the people who've been waiting for ages to re-do already done (and NICE) assets. _________________ Victory! QUICK_EDIT
If I have a choice between remaking the WF and having to work through the rest of the snow theatre.. I will always pick the not TMPs option.
(Also, some of the structures that I've been remaking were incomplete. Donut left the CnC community before doing the buildup for the Shrine or the Temple, for instance. The remake is necessary because I simply don't have Donut's files to work from) QUICK_EDIT
If I have a choice between remaking the WF and having to work through the rest of the snow theatre.. I will always pick the not TMPs option.
(Also, some of the structures that I've been remaking were incomplete. Donut left the CnC community before doing the buildup for the Shrine or the Temple, for instance. The remake is necessary because I simply don't have Donut's files to work from)
Oh, I was talking about not redoing anything after this current set. The War Factory you put up there with the new Temple and Shrine is fine. The edit from the Input thread is fine, too. But don't go about redesigning it completely yet again, it looks seriously fine now. QUICK_EDIT
All three structures look great. I did think the old WF was a little too grey to fit with the current structure set.
If that is the Scarab tank, then I look forward to steamrolling GDI with it. The shock atry is an interesting design, not bad, just different, and would make sense if there was some kind of energy projectile. QUICK_EDIT
The old War Factory will be most likely colour adjusted for more fitting grey and a bit more remap and used as a Campaign based faction War Factory for some variation. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
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