Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:04 am Post subject:
Subject description: Ground Attacker / Bomber
Strength: Weak
Armour: Weak
Speed: Very Fast
Cost: 1550
The Viper serves as the Brotherhoods ground attack jet. Although created near the end of the Second Tiberium War the Viper never saw actual battlefield use and remained a prototype, however it has now been intergrated into the Brotherhood airforce. The Viper is a very fast and agile aircraft which relies on its agility and speed to outmanoeuvre and outrun enemy defences, its laser guided Tiberium missiles are excellent for targeting structures and leave behind Tiberium mutagens as an after effect. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Looks nice. i love the shape. looks like it was inspired by the swift bird. so fitting for the brotherhood. _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
Hmm... looks like the UEF scout plane from Supreme Commander. (minus the wider wings; not to mention that that thing was probably based on something else). Looks very nice. _________________ Dawn of the Tiberium Age staff member QUICK_EDIT
It started off as a very basic looking jet back in the day, but slowly evolved into what we have here, originally it probably looked more like a weird F-16. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Sep 2006 Location: Teamblackistan Posts: Over 9000
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:17 pm Post subject:
Ackron did a lot of TO's old voxels, then SaneDisruption and I think even Dregan. I did a few too.
hmm I might even give a whack at improving the old Viper design _________________ The Fall of Hammerfest - Epic Tiberian chain story
Tiberian Odyssey mapping department. Discord The Team Black Index QUICK_EDIT
Just because it'd be a quick and easy edit. It's not a really big alteration - I'll just redo the wings in a spare moment and call it done again. (Or TB can make his own edits should he feel called to do so)
If it doesn't get done then it's no big problem, but if it does then all the better QUICK_EDIT
I'll get around to it... possibly once this headache has passed. As I said though, it's one of those little edits which will come at a point when someone decides "eh, I feel bored, lets open up the viper vxl and play with it a bit" and is probably less likely to occur than the real important stuff like maps and buildings and things. Last edited by Orac on Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:53 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Feb 2010 Location: Inside my temple in Cairo.
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:48 pm Post subject:
I made a small edit and what do you think of the viper now!?
656.41 KB
14189 Time(s)
_________________ If you are a member of the NSA and you are reading this, then you should know, that too much curiosity killed the cat!!!
Wenn Sie ein Mitarbeiter des BND sind und das hier lesen, sollten Sie wissen, dass zu viel Neugier der Katze Tod ist!!! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Feb 2010 Location: Inside my temple in Cairo.
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:51 pm Post subject:
More like this!?
962.64 KB
14129 Time(s)
_________________ If you are a member of the NSA and you are reading this, then you should know, that too much curiosity killed the cat!!!
Wenn Sie ein Mitarbeiter des BND sind und das hier lesen, sollten Sie wissen, dass zu viel Neugier der Katze Tod ist!!! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Feb 2010 Location: Inside my temple in Cairo.
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:45 am Post subject:
Thanks a lot!!!
Btw. here are the Ingames!
201.21 KB
14077 Time(s)
66.77 KB
14076 Time(s)
149.05 KB
14076 Time(s)
_________________ If you are a member of the NSA and you are reading this, then you should know, that too much curiosity killed the cat!!!
Wenn Sie ein Mitarbeiter des BND sind und das hier lesen, sollten Sie wissen, dass zu viel Neugier der Katze Tod ist!!! QUICK_EDIT
I somehow dislike the white front of the aircraft - it really stands out. I wonder why it should, anyway - having it in such a colour would make it an easy target ... ? IMO a dark greay could be more appropiated, but that's just my opinion ... _________________
So, yeah, I've created a new acc. 'cause no one could remember Ordosherrscher - and I didn't like that name anyway. QUICK_EDIT
i think wings need to be longer, both the front and main wings
It still has to fit onto a helipad - the previous version only just manages this, and Hassan's is pushing it even further. It wins badass points though, so I expect it to be included. (Unless Morpher hates it) QUICK_EDIT
It seems a bit fat personally, it it were to slim in towards the wing making a diamond shape it might look a bit more futuristic but the current ingame version should be fine. QUICK_EDIT
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