Wolverine replaces Pitbull and Titan replaces Predator in warfactory
Predator - removed from warfactory, added machinegun and Ap Ammo upgrade, now only accessable via new Warhound support power
Hover Mlrs - fires 2 strong missiles per salvo, maximum range 10% increased
Mammoth MKII - maximum range 15% increased, 20% more health, do not spawn husk after death (husk removed due balance issue), now is produced on Dropship Command as ordinary units in warfactory which makes computer Ai build this unit too so watch out!
Disc Thrower Squad - replaces Grenadiers, Discs do not scatter - significantly improves Disc Throwers effectiveness vs infantry
Rifle Soldier Squad - 25% more health, new model
Sniper - new model
Vulcan Tower - replaces Watch Tower
Warhounds - New support power, replaces Bloodhounds, Deploys three Veteran Predator Tanks
New upgrade AP Ammo - affects Wolverine, APC, Predator, Vulcan Tower
New units - Disruptor Sonic Tank, Medic
Militant Squad - 25% more health
Scarab APC - subterranean attack ability range doubled
Beam Cannon - charge defense ability bonus incresed by 50%
Reaper - do not spawn tiberium when dies (it distract harvesters too much and slow down income)
Add Ensnare ability to Reaper - slow down enemy units
Flame Tank - removed from warfactory
Avatar - 10% more firepower, 10% less health, do not commandeer technology, got two upgrade sets Purifier set and Sentinel set, Purifier add flamer and secondary laser, Sentinel add stelth generator, scaner and anti aircraft laser, you can buy only one of them at a time, you must chose if you want more firepower avatar or more flexible avatar, this make avatar not too expensive and also not too powerfull and you do not need shred your own units anymore
Tech Lab - new model (Resemble Nod Pyramid)
Secret Shirne - produces Cyborg Commando
New units - Devils tongue, Cyborg Commando
New upgrade Tiberium Core Missiles - affects Attack Bike, Reaper, Stealth tank
Support powers
Catalist missile - 50 % smaller blast radius, deals five time more damage to surrounded area which make it of some use even vs normal buildings and units
Manta - is no longer transport, deploy Ion Storm - need upgrade Ion storm Generator
Annihilator tripod - has conversion beam
Storm Rider - detect stealth
Planetary Assault Carrier - do not detect stealth anymore, ion storm ability requires upgrade - Ion storm Generator
New unit - Stalwart Squad
New upgrades
Tiberium Shards affect Seeker Tank and Gun Walker
Ion Storm Generator - unlocks Ion storms for Manta and Planetary Assault Carrier
New unit - Mutant Rocket squad
I wish say only good news but this time i fail in certain things.
Scrin got only one new unit. I have one more, but i realised i have to rebuild this unit because i dont feel is good enough to release so maybe in next version.
Free transports removed - it didn´t work right, some people were confused because they can carry only some vehicles and also becouse
call for transport ability which is better keep in game due campaign so i chose to remove them for now. I will try handle this issue
Cyborg Commando do not turn in to legless version when critically damaged, also i have to removed legless version from ordinary cyborgs becouse it did not work right, cyborgs fell out from squad and survive even when killed on destroyed bridge and inside killed transport, so i remove it for good. The reason for this solution is that it did not work right and i did not find other way to make it possible in CnC3. I will work on this even further but for now no legless cyborgs in Tiberium essence

Thanks and Credits:
Rimtech - Tiberian Essence Logo, Tiberian Essence propagation, Beta Test
DjKiller - Beta Test
White Wolf ( for help with text
Sedistix from project CnC3:Tactix for his help with ini files and some coding stuff
Dutchygamer from Project Perfect Mod forum for his help with code on explosive Blue tiberium
Olaf van Der Spec (XCC utility)
Jonathan "Jonwil" Wilson (SDK Extras/CnC3Tools)