This was his suggestion:
ShDwBoRn wrote:
The forgotten could stage a quick in and out assault on a large NOD base to destroy their power plants so that they can get past a second smaller base (with lots of obelisks) somewhere else in the map in order to seize a convoy that has stopped to refuel. the could convoy could contain weapons or supplies
So what did I make out of that?

So it may seem a little confusing to you guys...but...just as long as I can gather what I want from it and understand it. lol My biggest problem though is that I kinda forgot to make it in the slanted view that TS is in. But hey...its only a concept.

I made this mainly because...well...I had an idea in my head on kinda how I wanted the map to be but I didn't want to actually start mapping it yet. So for the first time ever I opened MS Paint up to make a concept map.

**everything came from tibweb if you haven't figured that out already.**