Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:37 am Post subject:
Syringe + ExceptChecker2 - Public beta release!
Subject description: Want a first glimpse at my DLL system?
UPDATE (05/23/2008):
All known problems have been traced down and fixes are available!
I released the first public version of my DLL injection tool as well as the first DLL for Yuri's Revenge, the ExceptChecker 2.
The ExceptChecker replaces the Internal Error window by one that tells you why the game crashed, if that information could be retrieved.
It already detects a number of Internal Error reasons listed on the ModEnc.
I'd be happy if people tried it out.
Let me know whether it all works or not!
Important notice:
It will only work with Windows 2000 Professional or higher.
While I'm sorry for Windows 98 or ME users, I can't do anything about this, since it was Windows 2000 Professional that introduced the debugging API that I make use of.
It was tested successfully tested under Windows XP Professional (x86) and Windows Vista Ultimate (x64). Last edited by pd on Fri May 23, 2008 11:45 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Holy motherfuck! This is good news In theory this means I have to put up with Npatch less now, and whilst I still do this gives me a helping hand. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
I'll do it when I get home at 5 (GMT). Please post the Npatch working version, it'll help loads. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Thanks a bunch!
To everyone else: don't be surprised, your version will not generate a log file, I just created that one.
Still waiting for more input.
It looks like for some reason, skipping the launcher check will not work (ie you still can't run the game without ra2md.exe, which would be required).
I don't know yet why, because it works like a charm for me. QUICK_EDIT
Its a nice start pd but its just seems at moment to be a posh except checker.
Even though you said it yourself you've missed the point entirely.
It's a start, it proves it can and is being done and that RP 2 and thw DLL thing as a whole is moving along. On it's own it's quite useful, as an example of what PD's doing it means a lot more. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
YAY this will help greatly. now we can have less IE error topics. thanks pd _________________
Retired YR Player
Steam Account : MAS93
Xfire: msbiohazard QUICK_EDIT
First I want to solve the problem everybody has when trying this... the DLL functions don't get called because LoadLibrary fails.
The problem is not OS-related and I cannot recreate it. You'll have to wait till I have this sorted. >.< QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 01 Feb 2007 Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:51 pm Post subject:
oh man, this is going to be good thing for everyone. now i wont bother making topics and i wont annoy the people that reads them. but i so far cant figure out how to make this work >.< all you do is drag that gamemd.syr thingy ontop of the syringe.exe thing right? QUICK_EDIT
There seem to be major problems at the moment which were unforeseen, but thanks to the great help of DCoder, Marshall and IcySon55 I'm really closing in to an solution.
Joined: 16 Dec 2007 Location: Modding other games.
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:18 am Post subject:
I have the same problem as Tobiasboon46.
I did everything the instruction says at your site and still no luck.
I even drag the gamemd.syr to syringe.exe and nothing happened like it supposed to. I even run the exe as an admin and still have the same problem.
I normally don't ask for help. I'm just letting you know.
My OS is Vista 32bit.
22.86 KB
63328 Time(s)
Everybody knows a mod that doesn't update every ten seconds is dead.
Joined: 01 Feb 2007 Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:40 am Post subject:
same problems as above. reason why i asked if i did it right. dose not show any ingame text on the load screen indicating it working... and when i get IE... nothing happens O_O QUICK_EDIT
wardeathfun, running ra2md.exe won't help you, you have to start YR via Syringe to make it work after all.
there are two things preventing stuff to work.
It does not work by dragging and dropping the SYR on Syringe on Windows XP.
That's because if you do so, Windows XP sets Syringe's working directory to Documents and Settings\(Username), where it cannot find any DLLs.
Windows XP users should either
- Associate SYR files to syringe
- Create a .bat file with the content:
Syringe "gamemd.syr"
I found out that probably, the DLL requires the Visual C++ runtimes and that's the reason it doesn't run for most people.
I will look into fixing at as soon as possible. QUICK_EDIT
Stop being such an attention whore already, know-it-all. The only way you don't make mistakes at all is if you don't even try to do anything. QUICK_EDIT
epic lol to all those people that said it would be hassle free and bug free ..
It is, just as DCoder said...
This was an issue I could only find by doing a public release.
The system itself has had no problem on any computer so far (judging by the logs), it's just that the VC++ runtimes are missing for them and the DLLs cannot be loaded.
That problem isn't really my fault (IMO, it's Mircosoft's by not including the runtimes in Windows Update).
I will do another release in a short while.
Fixed versions and links to the VC++ runtime. Last edited by pd on Fri May 23, 2008 11:52 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
You all don't know how I hate Windows...tha bitch won't help me to run this...I need it, 'cause I have some units in my mod that crash and I don't know why...this could help... _________________
Err...the image above means no offence to the american people...It's a bit of what I feel about it's gov't >_> QUICK_EDIT
You all don't know how I hate Windows...tha bitch won't help me to run this...I need it, 'cause I have some units in my mod that crash and I don't know why...this could help...
Same problem as before?
As I stated, the drag & drop method will not work for Windows XP.
Double-click the gamemd.syr file, Windows will show you the "Open With..." dialog.
There you check "Select a program from a list of installed programs", click OK, then click on "Browse..." and go to your Yuri's Revenge directory where you hit Syringe.exe.
Be sure to check "Always use the selected program to open this kind of files", so next time you just have to double-click the SYR file. QUICK_EDIT
Meh seems like a lot of effort to run a except checker, you didn't do much internal testing beforehand if you somehow forget this microsoft crap and then rush out this fix, and its not gonna find every known bug, cos we all know YR engine is fail.
You could have waited and made something more user friendly or asked DCoder, Blade, Marshall to test instead of these lol users.
Also wasn't everyone complaining about lack of documentation in regards to the old exe hacks?
Finally when are we getting this epicness as shown by the pinned thread?
Joined: 01 Feb 2007 Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:06 pm Post subject:
*sigh* forget AG.
anyways. i thought you where suppose to move the "GAMEMD.SYR" or osmething... the one you gave us in package... right? i moved that file ontop of the syringe thing and it says yris revenge cant be run. the exact words are "Main Executable for yuris revenge stopped working a problem caused it to stop working" and bla bla bla. I am sorry in advance if im doing something so far off to what im suppose todo. QUICK_EDIT
Oh, yeah, nevermind AG.
Actually, he's been questioning me since day one (see old DeeZire thread).
wardeathfun wrote:
anyways. i thought you where suppose to move the "GAMEMD.SYR" or osmething... the one you gave us in package... right? i moved that file ontop of the syringe thing and it says yris revenge cant be run. the exact words are "Main Executable for yuris revenge stopped working a problem caused it to stop working" and bla bla bla. I am sorry in advance if im doing something so far off to what im suppose todo.
I (in my latest news) wrote:
Windows XP (or earlier) users:
Associate SYR files to Syringe and run gamemd.syr or create a BAT file containing
Syringe "gamemd.syr"
Windows Vista users:
Drag & Drop gamemd.syr into Syringe.exe or follow any of the steps for Windows XP users.
If you're on XP, drag & drop won't work.
I'll probably be able to fix it later, though. QUICK_EDIT
LOL, where's the point working on a RP2 DLL when I'm not sure yet that the DLLs work for people.
The intention of this isn't that people have an ExceptChecker (it's far from complete, just a tryout version).
The intention is to see how well the DLL system works out.
And now I got the confirmation that it runs.
I'll probably "be gone" for a while again until things are done. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Dec 2007 Location: Modding other games.
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 8:40 pm Post subject:
This error I made for a test gave me this
What I purposely did: just a small typo on the "Image=" tag
I did Image=GEPAR while the correct one is Image=GEPARD
and the except checker was unable to give me a direction of the were the error was made I know this is just a early beta. I'm just letting you know.
What I purposely did: just a small typo on the "Image=" tag
I did Image=GEPAR while the correct one is Image=GEPARD
and the except checker was unable to give me a direction of the were the error was made I know this is just a early beta. I'm just letting you know.
EDIT: except.txt is added.
Everything's working fine for you.
The reason that no description could be found is simply because the ExceptChecker doesn't recognize many error reasons yet.
It does work for you, though.
Thanks for the except and error description! That will help me to expand it. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Dec 2007 Location: Modding other games.
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:26 pm Post subject:
pd wrote:
Gamingroach wrote:
This error I made for a test gave me this
What I purposely did: just a small typo on the "Image=" tag
I did Image=GEPAR while the correct one is Image=GEPARD
and the except checker was unable to give me a direction of the were the error was made I know this is just a early beta. I'm just letting you know.
EDIT: except.txt is added.
Everything's working fine for you.
The reason that no description could be found is simply because the ExceptChecker doesn't recognize many error reasons yet.
It does work for you, though.
Thanks for the except and error description! That will help me to expand it.
Yes Pd, it works 100% fine with me, and you're welcome. I'll report more undefined errors with descriptive comments. It would be a good idea to make a bug tracker for the Except checker to keep track of undefined errors. _________________
Everybody knows a mod that doesn't update every ten seconds is dead.
Edit: Whoever has doubts about this being functional or not, I am literally five minutes away from compiling a test dll that should enable gap generation on all objects, not just buildings. How's that for "useless"? QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Dec 2007 Location: Modding other games.
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 10:02 am Post subject:
Well to make myself more clear I meant it to have its own bug tracking category like the Pr0g, Atrigan Tank Wars, and of course Rockpatch2.
so that way it would making things organized, As opposed to RP2 Wishlist
the Except Checker category is strictly about reporting new forms of Internal Errors, EIP and their description on what caused these Internal Errors. _________________
Everybody knows a mod that doesn't update every ten seconds is dead.
Whoever has doubts about this being functional or not, I am literally five minutes away from compiling a test dll that should enable gap generation on all objects, not just buildings. How's that for "useless"?
That's useless
Today is my personal opposite day. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Dec 2007 Location: Modding other games.
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 10:17 pm Post subject:
@ Wardeathfun: heres my solution: right click Syringe.exe and set it's privilege to Administrator. Second, right click Gamemd.syr and associate that file with Syringe.exe. and finally create a shortcut of Gamemd.syr and run it.
It worked for me. _________________
Everybody knows a mod that doesn't update every ten seconds is dead.
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