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Lt Albrecht
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Joined: 25 Jul 2007
Location: Hampshire, England. Creating RA2: Moscow's vengeance

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 5:28 pm    Post subject:  Ideas
Subject description: I know you have 'em, so hand them over
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I'm trying to avoid the whole "build building X, wait time Y and blow up enemy base Z" thing, TBH I dislike the "super" part of the superweapons, a special power gained by having a building? That I like. The ability to flatten a base by waiting then clicking? That is what I dislike.

As such neither side will have a "Superweapon" in the power sense, there will be no "weather control" or "Nuke silo" equivalents. As such I'm looking to impliment a number of smaller weapons, a cruise missile launch here, an airstrike there and maybe a sattelite based HE missile system. but nothing like the Nuke silo or Weather controller. Remember the Ion cannon in TD? Either something that poerful, or something more so that can be countered, like a Badger with a nuclear bomb that can be shot down.

do any of you have any ideas or things you would particulsarly like to see.

Please be sensible, no triple launch nukes or 100 MiG airstrikes or Nuclear multimissiles. A single MiG with a tactical nuke? ok. Twenty Bear Ds with six each? No way.

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PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Alright, I'm with the Rebels!

1) 3 buildings with the same images and names, same HP, Cost, Power usage, 'cept different cameos and buildlimit of 1, means 3 nuke silos with the explosion-radiation radius of a Iron Curtain/Chronosphere, a tactical nuke silo? #Tongue

Okok, I'll play properly.

2) Soviet subs that have both torps and IC- cruise missiles. If I base it off the Typhoon, it'll fire torps at ships, then surface to fire at ground installations. Cost? Probably a 1500. Cruise Missiles cannot be too powerful damage-wise, nor too weak damage-wise. Let it burn as scrap metal after 3 "Patriot" hits.

3) "AEGIS" type cruiser...maybe the WW one but with an ammo pip of 10 or 30. Throw in a single cruise missile that does moderate damage against ships and ground installations, but may take some time to kill a NYard or CYard.

4) Allies with subs...? Fires 1 torp, but has a higher ROF than the sov's "Typhoon". Maybe fires 1 Cruise Missile with a 1-3 second delay, moderate damage.

5) Forgive me, I don't know anything for the Aircraft Carrier.

6) Allied counterpart to the Mammoth, maybe the MBT. Slightly weaker, single-barreled, med-high ROF. 1 can drop a Mammy to low-yellow, 2 can finish it off?

7) Maybe give tanks MGs, I don't enjoy losing expensive tanks to cannon-fodder infantry that can deal out quite a lot of damage.

Cool Use that workaround for the flamethrowers to work... #Tongue

9) Sov snipers, lower range, perhaps Inaccurate=yes, but has higher ROF than the Allied sniper.

10) Dedicated Allied Anti-Aircraft infantry with ability to deploy and has higher ROF/damage etc. etc.

I've handed them over, spare my life, ples!

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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 5:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Might Tank

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Lt Albrecht
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Joined: 25 Jul 2007
Location: Hampshire, England. Creating RA2: Moscow's vengeance

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

hmmm what about something like 2 GI with 1 antitank gun. of course they must deply before to shoot

I'm crapping that, he hasn't got a clue what's happening, and I'm crapping Dafool's post because he's posting a spelling error he made and I used as the opportunity for a joke.

EDIT Bah! Which one's the crap button? I couldn't find it so I deleted them EDIT

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Joined: 02 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Crapping = move? Crapping is also a delayed way to delete posts, which in turn causes delayed pain. #Tongue

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Lt Albrecht
Defense Minister

Joined: 25 Jul 2007
Location: Hampshire, England. Creating RA2: Moscow's vengeance

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Bah, one was a newb. The other was a fool, guess who's who Laughing

Anyways, I was thinking of having a list like this for allied Naval units:
Destroyer: cannon and AA missiles
Frigate: ASW missile launcher and uses deployfire to utilise it's active sonar and "ping" for enemy subs.
Cruiser: A pair of bigger artillery guns on a big armoured hull, need I say more?
Carrier: A more accurate bombardment unit also very good against ships.
Amphibious assault ship: A large ship for carrying landing craft. I sheavier armoured and faster, but only one target. This means less area to defend for escorts.
Hover transport: A small, weak hovercraft capable of carrying an MBT or 6 men. Useful because a few ambhibs loaded with them means a small swarm coming ashore, these would be harder to sink as the firepower of the difenders will be split up by multiple targets.

AA cruiser: a large, moden fighting ship with the most advanced AA systems to date, carries 50 missiles but must reload at a naval yard when they are expended.

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Joined: 02 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Well, why don't you make a thread and post it then, Comrade?

Technically a cruiser won't fit very much, give it the good ol' Battleship/Battlecruiser.

Sovs with the Helicarrier, 'nuff said.

The's codeable?!

"Ping" = Mobile Sensor Array-like?

AA Cruiser - Uses ammo pip system to prevent OP...I dunno 'bout ManualReload=yes, it'll be micro-intensive. Best left as it is.

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Lt Albrecht
Defense Minister

Joined: 25 Jul 2007
Location: Hampshire, England. Creating RA2: Moscow's vengeance

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

[quote]Well, why don't you make a thread and post it then, Comrade?

Technically a cruiser won't fit very much, give it the good ol' Battleship/Battlecruiser.

Sovs with the Helicarrier, 'nuff said.

The's codeable?!

"Ping" = Mobile Sensor Array-like?

AA Cruiser - Uses ammo pip system to prevent OP...I dunno 'bout ManualReload=yes, it'll be micro-intensive. Best left as it is.[quote]

1) Hmm, yes. A battleship is a logical step up from a cruiser.
2) I'm thinking the Kiev launching Hinds for that maybe.
3)give the Hovers "size=10" and the aphib ship "Passengers=50" "Sizelimit=10" I don't see why it shouldn't work.
4) Deployfire, fireonce, cellspread=5-10 weapon that does 1 damage and has a warhead with 0% for everything except subs and 5% for them. Does no damage but makes them surface.
5) Hmm, I was trying to make it so it can't just sit there and autopwns, I guess I could have a "Supply ship" That deploys into a navl building that replnishes it's ammo and can repair other ships when undeployed. Or would that be too much micro still?

Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten.

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