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Invasion Confirmed
Invasion Confirmed is an funny mod for C&C Generals which aims at making a lighthearted cartoon styled mod based on the Red Alert universe.
Moderators: DaFool, Dutchygamer
Sub-forums: Ideas, Images, Research
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The Chrono Tank
Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:12 am

Star Strike
Star Strike is a mod that pits the modernistic Earth Defense Force (EDF) and advanced, yet mysterious Star Strike Interplanetary Army (SSIA) against a powerful and even more enigmatic invasion force- one perhaps from another world, possibly another time. [View Site]
Moderators: EVA-251
Sub-forums: News, Factions, Miscellaneous, Feedback
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712 |
'Resilient' Class Batt...
Wed May 05, 2021 5:51 am

Return of the Dawn (TS to TD Total Conversion)
Never played the original C&C that started it all? Or ever wanted to play it with better graphics, Skirmish mode and other improvements? Then this is what you've been searching for.
Moderators: Reaperrr, red_rebel
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ROTD 2.8.x Discussions
Fri May 08, 2020 8:12 am

NCM Revolution
Forum for Triforce's NCM Revolution Mod. Pictures and information are posted inside. [Site soon].
Moderators: Triforce
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Attention C&C First De...
Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:01 am

Tiberian Sun Retro
Discuss everything about SMIFFGIG's Tiberian Sun Retro modding here from .ini editing, graphics to gameplay and news.
Moderators: SMIFFGIG
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Tiberian Sun Retro 1.2...
Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:11 am

Tiberian Sun: Total War
This is the TS:TW forum. Read news, view pictures, and discuss everything about this new TS mod.
Moderators: The DvD
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Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:47 pm
Bittah Commander

Tiberian Sun Dusk
A mod enhancing Tiberian Sun gameplay and adding several all-new modes of play.
Moderators: Judeau, Mortecha, Rico
Sub-forums: News, Story
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TSD Download Topic
Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:57 am

Tiberium Future: A Dying World
Tiberium has mutated far beyond what was previously even considered. Soon, the atmosphere may be that of a changed world. GDI rallies to create residence capable of supporting earthly elements. Nod believes in endorsing the power of tiberium & continues its constant power struggles with GDI. The future looks grim.
Moderators: j4m3sb0nd
Sub-forums: Current Screenshots, Archived Screenshots, Storyline, Players Forum, Archived Posts
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Storyline: The Afterma...
Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:30 am

Project: New Tiberia Age
Set before the Tiberian Sun war. New Tiberia Age takes place on the Tiberium homeplanet, where the last shreads of civilization rage war on eachover in the bid to become the dominant force on the dying planet.
Moderators: Dragon Stein Cole
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Project NTA 1.3 For Do...
Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:59 am

Tiberian Sun XTX (eXtreme Terrain eXpansion)
Based on the previous work of Gangster, TS XTX expands the TS enviroment and is even better and more widened than before. Adding a huge quantity of new innovations like: new roads, new buildings, new tilesets, new LAT's, ect; will make TS XTX the biggest thing to hit mapping since the release of TS:TX Beta 0.9! It will set a new standard for the civilian life of Tiberian Sun.
Moderators: daTS, Gangster, Team Black
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Finishing the tall ver...
Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:29 am
Team Black

Tiberian Sun Mk. II
A mod that shows how tiberian sun should really be, with new graphics, missions and units.
Moderators: Stingerr
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Beta 1
Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:12 am

Tiberian Sun ²
Re-establishing battlef....ALL SCREWED UP THINGS to perfection.
Moderators: blubb
Sub-forums: Archive
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TS² Pure 2012
Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:35 pm

Tiberian Sun: World of Insanity
The battle continues! See it all here!
Moderators: Joshy
Sub-forums: News, Info, Screenshots, Maps
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Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:03 am

C&C Mech Wars
C&C Mech Wars is a total conversion turning Tiberian Sun into a BattleMech-slugfest. Take part in the battle between the Kell Hound mercenaries and Clan Smoke Jaguar marauders!
Moderators: Reaperrr
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Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:51 pm

Wintermaul Wars X
A map of the type Tower Wars, based on Wintermaul TD characters made for Frozen Throne (include AI for solo and multiplayer games). Discuss it, download it and check it out here.
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Any updates?
Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:15 pm

Beowulf's Rules
The classic mod for Red Alert. Also for Yuri's Revenge.
Moderators: FurryQueen
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Hay Guyz
Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:49 am
Scorched Earth

C&C: The Second Tiberium War
C&C: The Second Tiberium War is a gameplay modification focused on action and utility, aimed to create a more enjoyable experience within Tiberian Sun.
Moderators: Aydra, Ever_Valiant
Sub-forums: Updates, GDI, Nod, Screenshots, Maps
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242 |
How to enable an ogl s...
Sat May 28, 2022 6:22 pm

Tiberium Essence
This modification is dedicated to bring back some essential things and features from previous cnc games to CnC3. But it's not only that, there are many minor visual, sound and balance changes which should further improve the game play. [ModDB Profile]
Moderators: Carnius
Sub-forums: Tiberium Essence News, Images, Your Input
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1574 |
2024 News - some chang...
Wed Dec 25, 2024 11:26 pm

Reign of Steel
Reign of Steel is Total Conversion ,where the GDI and Nod battle together again but ROS storyline does not stick with original tiberian universe. That means that you will meet a new side that you have never seen in C&C before! [ModDB Profile]
Moderators: Holy_Master
Sub-forums: G.D.I., Nod, Consortium
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Empress Station
Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:15 pm
Graion Dilach

The War Factory
The War Factory is a mod for modders. Providing more units, buildings, and textures than you can shake a Tesla coil at. [ModDB Profile]
Moderators: Zengar_Zombolt
Sub-forums: Single/Pack Releases, News and Mod Releases, Ideas and Suggestions, Project Scorpion
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49 |
Operation Scoripn Over...
Wed May 14, 2014 5:04 pm

This Yuri's Revenge modification features all missions from RA1 to YR, lots of balance changes and new campaigns with new sides. [ModDB Profile]
Moderators: MustaphaTR
Sub-forums: World Socialist Alliance, The Allies, Yuri's Army, Global Liberation Army, Order of the Pets, Unplayable Factions, Tech Structures
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CnCD2K 2.9.3 is released
Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:04 am

EASB Hour is a total conversion inspired by the C&C:Generals style, but it has its own units and designs.
Moderators: kenosis
Sub-forums: USA, China, Russia
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(almost) functional RA...
Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:53 pm

Shattered Paradise
A Tiberian Sun expansion made on OpenRA, it aims to (im)balance the game by adding extra factions like the Forgotten, CABAL and the Scrin, while also reworking the original sides.
Moderators: Nolt
Sub-forums: Announcements & Updates, Feedback
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Recruitment Thread
Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:32 pm

CnC: Final War
CnC: Final War is a redesign of RA2: Yuri's Revenge, rebuilding the armies and atmosphere. The visuals have been tightly tuned and enhanced, giving the mod a grim feel. The armies have been redesigned, and given complete makeovers and balance updates. There is one Final War between the Allies, the Soviets, and Yuri for dominance of the planet. Who will prevail?
Moderators: m7, OmegaBolt
Sub-forums: Mod News
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Display thread
Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:42 pm

TS Public Factions
This is a public project providing additional factions with new features & new theaters for TS, mostly converted from available YR mods (like ROS and Rewire) and public assets; all available maps co-op/mp/campaign/minigames, and other mods.
Moderators: Holland
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Rewire Terrain convert...
Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:08 pm
